Chapter 25:

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Jaguar was on the phone with a particularly talkative hyena. "Don't worry, things are going just as I planned... Yes of course I have a backup plan, I'm not that cocky." He said. "Just make sure Pheonix calls us if you need us. We will be over within the day." Zane's voice replied, a thick Nigerian accent coming through.
"Of course. Now, speaking of that backup plan, I have to make some... final preparations on it." Jaguar said before hanging up on the older hyena. He was in a very dark hallway, the phone light illuminating his face. See, he was underneath the Laboratory. He made this room in case he trusty needed it. Not even Pheonix knew of it. And it seemed that it was coming to use for his new project.
He hid the syringes in his hand behind his back as he walked into the room. It was a large grey room, papera and half-hazard lab equipment strewn across black granite counters. A test tube stood in the corner, a hefty work of machinery used to keep someone alive... it was empty, for now. A singular scientist was inside, going through unopened boxes.
When Jaguar opened the door, the scientist looked up. It was one of his best and most successful scientists, which is why he was down here; Dr. Apollo was his name, a tall, skinny dove with thick-rimmed glasses on his beak. Jaguar gave a wave with his free hand, and the startled bird relaxed a bit.
He closed the door behind him. It clicked shut, having a code to open and close the heavy metal. He walked up to the counter beside of the Doctor. "Thank you for taking this opening... I need the commitment for this project." He said. "Of course, sir." Said the pigeon, putting down the vials in his hand.
Jaguar tilted his head. "Though, I do need one thing to guarantee your commitment..." He said. "Would you be willing to provide it?" Dr. Apollo looked at him nervously. "O-of course sir, whatever you need- I'll sign whatever you nee-" Jaguar cut him off, shoving the needle into his carotid artery, injecting the crimson serum inside.
The Doctor's eyes went side. "S-sir! What was that?" He asked. Jaguar unscrewed the needle from the seeing's, throwing it in a biohazard bucket as the pigeon started to hold his head in pain. "The serum I used on the subjects. It is only a precaution... to make sure you are working exactly as I need you to, as well as to make sure you don't try running. I need this project to go perfectly, as I may only get one chance at it." Jaguar replied calmly.
"Sir, I s-swear I won't try anything- I will get started now, even." The doctor said. Jaguar glanced him over. "Be good... I'll be watching." He said. The pigeon's irises flashed crimson for a moment, a second of Jaguar's control. "Yes sir, I won't let you down." They said, obviously terrified. "Good." Jaguar said, unlocking the door before leaving, tail flicking behind him.


Star was down in the kitchen, looking for where she had hid her cereal from Trippze. She enjoyed being able to eat whenever she felt like it. This house was the polar opposite of the lab, and she planned to enjoy it while she could.
Her ears flicked back as she heard Gluzze talking to Firetail. "Did Star show you the article?" The dragon asked. "Nope." Firetail replied. Star found the stashed cereal. "Well apparently, Jaguar is the one responsible for Galaxy's death." Gluzze said, barley able to control a snarl. Star's ears perked, she wondered how Firetail would react.
"Oh God," Firetail said, his eyes widened. "What the hell is he doing murdering people outside of the Laboratory?" He asked a question they couldn't answer. Star walked into the living room with the box, sitting beside Firetail. "I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm going to take his head." Gluzze said.
"I will make sure we get to do that." Firetail said, reaching over to steal some of Star's cereal. Star growled and swatted away his hand. "Don't you dare hit your father." Firetail said, still managing to steal some. Star rolled her eyes. "Oh, and you're so hurt, dad." She replied sarcastically. Firetail chuckled.
Star stuck her tongue out and pulled up an article, reading through it. Firetail glanced over. "Whatcha reading?" He asked. Star glanced up at him. "It's an article on all the new research that has been done on natural powers... about 95% of it has been done the Laboratory scientists. The research shows their names." She said.
"Huh," Firetail said, scratching his chin. "They are probably saying how great people they are, aren't they?" He said, his eyes hooded in annoyance. "Yeah, right. I hope not." Star replied as she continued reading. She hadn't seen Jaguar's name anywhere.
"Well, it will be a surprise when everyone knows. The only other person who saw it was Echo." Gluzze said. After she said that, a portal open up in the wall and Azreal walked through. "Hey, is Cass back yet?" He asked, moving away from the portal.
"No idea," Gluzze replied, and Firetail gave a wave. "Hmm, okay." He replied as Trippze came through the portal. "Milkshake here I come." He said, walking to the kitchen and grabbed a blender and got some milk along with some ice cream "This is gonna be awesome." He said.
Star rolled her eyes. "Trippze, can you go five minutes without a milkshake?" Gluzze asked, annoyed. Star figured she was still upset about Galaxy and she didn't like his chipper attitude, especially since she chose to despise the dragon.
"No I cannot." Trippze replied with a chuckle. "How the fuck do you not have diabetes?" Firetail asked. Star nodded. "Yeah, just because you run a bit doesn't make up for all those milkshakes." She commented. "I have no idea." Trippze said, scrolling though his phone after putting the ambrosia up. Gluzze rolled her eyes and turned back to the TV as Azreal sat next to her.
Star watched ataTrippze give a grin, muttering to himself. She didn't really care and went back to reading. After a bit, Gluzze stood. "I might fix dinner, but would that make it dimmer-" She gave a confused look, unsure of what she just said. Firetail looked over. "What, you a poet now?" He asked with a chuckle at her rhyme.
Trippze started laughing as he made the milkshake. "I'm confused, my voice is being used." Gluzze said, a scared expression crossing her face. Star saw Azreal's eyes widen and he stood, looking at Trippze. "You brought whatever's gonna happen on yourself." He said. "Ehh, it's worth it." Trippze replied.
Echo and Cassiel came down the stairs, talking before pausing when they realized something was going on. "Come with me!" Azreal whisper-yelled at them, and Cassiel followed. Echo hesitated before following, and the three left the house.
"What do you mean?" Firetail asked Gluzze, confused. Gluzze turned to Trippze. "What do you mean, is not worth being seen-" she asked. Star decided that it was time to figure out what was going on. She unclipped her earring, reading Trippze's thoughts.
Should I tell her I hexed her? Nah, I'll let her figure it out. Trippze thought before speaking. "Oh, it's just about something I did in Asgard. I went around cursing a lot of gods, nothing else." Trippze said, taking a sip of his milkshake. Gluzze furrowed her brows, not responding.
"Seriously? More witch stuff?" Star said, standing. "You think after Echo we'd be done with it." She accused Trippze. He in turn held his hands up. "What, a lot of that stuff is really interesting, and I still want to enchant my sword." He replied.


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