Chapter 43: The Last Fight

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-Sunday Morning-

Trippze woke up and yawned, walking into the kitchen grabbing something to eat. I hope Az is doing okay. I wish we didn't have to wait the night. He thought. Blacklight and Star came down with Gluzze, and he saw that a few pairs of night-vision goggles were on the kitchen table. He sat at the table and ate before they had to leave. He didn't speak to anyone, anxious.
Gluzze yawned and looked at Star. "Why do we have to be up so early?" She asked. "We don't know when they're going to leave." Star replied. "We would've left last night, but we needed the sleep." She added. Echo was coming up from the basement, looking a bit tired, but ready. He yawned and leaned against the couch.
Echo grabbed some of the food that everyone had dragged out. "You guys ready to end this?" He asked, trying to get their hopes up a bit. "Yep." Trippze said. "I guess." Gluzze mumbled. Echo rolled his eyes at the unenthusiasm, but understood. He finished the food and then waited on the others. Trippze finished next and went outside to wait. Blacklight picked up Gluzze and walked out. Star and Echo quickly followed, and Nova and Frost had already been outside.
Trippze looked around. "So, everybody ready?" He asked. "Yep." Blacklight said. "Ready as I'll ever be." Star shrugged, and Nova nodded. "We're gonna have to steal another car. It's a few hours away by car, and we're not walking." She stated. Trippze nodded. "So who do we steal from?" He asked. "A jackass who collected military equipment." Blacklight said cryptically.
"Who?" Nova asked, confused as Trippze looked over at her. Blacklight sighed. "Alexander's dad." Was all she said. Star raised a brow. "We're gonna steal his car? He near here?" She asked, not rejecting the idea. "Yeah, I'm going to kill him first though." She said. "Alrighty then." Star shrugged, staying out of it. Trippze nodded. "So what's this guys address?" He asked.
"Eh, it's just a few blocks away, I'll show you." She said. "Okay." Star said, spinning around to face Blacklight whilst also walking backwards, tilting her head a bit to the side. The others followed. Blacklight kept walking, rolling her eyes at Star.


When they got there Star stayed back, looking up at the house, examining it curiously. There were a few vehicles in the drive way. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go grab the keys." She said as she started to walk up to the front door. "Okay." Star said, sitting down on the pavement where they where out of view of the house. She yawned. "It's still to early." She muttered. Trippze nodded and sat down.
Blacklight went to the door and knocked on it. An older fox answered the door. He was short yet fit, wearing a grey T shirt and jeans. "Hello- you, WHAT THE HELL ARE Y-" he started, but was cut off due to Blacklight wrapping a string around his neck and dragging him into the house, closing the door behind them.
Star glanced up but figured Blacklight would be fine, just turning to see when she would come out. Trippze looked over and started laughing, walking over to see what was going on. Through a window they could be seen, Blacklight had gotten the string tied around his neck and held him against the ground as he suffocated.
Star grimaced and glanced away, ears flicking back. Trippze watched closely. "Kill him, kill him, kill him..." He chanted. After about a minute he went limp. Blacklight stood up and found a rope and attempted to make it look like a suicide as she found some keys and walked out.
Star stood and waited for her to unlock the doors before claiming the passenger seat and then locking that door back. "Welp, he's done with now." Blacklight said, seeming to reminisce about past events as she started to drive. "Y'all remember directions?" She asked.
Nova poked her head inbetween the driver and passenger seats. "Of course!" She said. Frost just looked out the window without saying anything. Trippze gave Blacklight the map. "Sweet, you're going from advanced robot to GPS." She said jokingly as she took the map. "How dare you. I'm so much more than a GPS." Nova replied, then muttered, "but it is in my systems...." under her breath as she sat back.
Blacklight just chuckled as she started to follow the route. Nova watched the road as she folded her wings. Star smirked and looked out the window, watching the landscape go by. Trippze sat back and closed his eyes, still anxious.

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