Chapter 27:

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After Trippze spoke with Jaguar, he went to the cafeteria to grab a milkshake. He text Firetail. 'Soo, how's everybody doing? How's Gluzze's wing?' He sent. 'Fuck off.' Was the reply he got. 'You don't have to be so mean.' Trippze replied, standing to go into town. He had liked that katana, now he wanted one of his own.
'That's a lot coming from a traitor.' Firetail sent. Trippze walked up to the roof of the lab, unfurling his wings. 'Traitor? Whatever do you mean?"' He replied, smiling as he fell off the roof, snapping his wings open to catch a draft. Firetail replied with a middle finger emoji.
Trippze laughed, putting his phone in his pocket as he flew into town. Eventually he landed outside of a pawn shop. He walked in, looking around before approaching the shop keeper behind the counter. "Hey, I'm looking for a sword. A katana would be preferable, but anything can do." He said.
The shop keeper nodded "I think we might have one or two katanas in the back. I'll go check real quick," he said, going to the back and coming out with a black katana. "If you want this it'll be about $150."
Trippze nodded and paid for it, flying back to the lab with a lot on his mind. I'll finally be able to use that spell. He thought, landing outside. He walked to the security room then spoke over the speakers. "All available personnel, please report to the cafeteria, and bring one of the subjects from the first floor cell block." He said before headed over to the cafeteria.
The scientists and guards were confused, but most available went, bringing a subject. When everyone got there, Trippze stood in front of them. "Some of you may recognize me, I used to be a guard- well, captain of the guard. And, well, you all don't stand a chance against the escaped subjects without magic. Now, a show of hands you prepubescent idiots, who believes in magic?" He asked, hands on his waist.
They glanced at each other, a low murmuring going through the crowd. He couldn't be serious, right? Only a few hesitantly raised their hands, but most thought it was a trick question. Trippze sighed "Only so few?" He said. "Well, you all are about to." He said, bringing the subject up front.
A few of the people gathered thought this guy had to be loony, and had just gotten to the speaker, and where glancing at the doors. Trippze smiled. "Finally, I get to turn someone inside out," he said as he started to recite the spell. At first the the subject looked confused, but started to shake as they screamed it pain. They fell to their hands and knees and started to throw up, but after a minute more than just puke started to come up. Their body was slowly was starting to throw up their insides as they let out muffled sreams of pain. The process continued for multiple minutes until eventually they were fully turned inside out.
Some of the personnel gasped, some turned away sickly, and others simply nodded in amazement. They looked at Trippze in bewilderment. Trippze looked at the guards and scientists. "Now, who wants to learn how to do that and tons more? Plus, get their weapons enchanted?" He asked. A few yelled out their agreeal while the rest nodded in a mutual agreement.
Trippze smiled and handed his phone to a scientist. "Print off copies of these spells and spread them throughout the lab for everyone to use." He said. "Sure." The scientist replied, glancing down at it before going to a printer in a separate room. "This is gonna be fun." Trippze said to himself.


Damien looked over to Star as she spoke. "Ugh, Dad's taking f o r e v e r. I should've gone with him." She said. "What did you expect? He has a lot to shop for." He said. "I suppose I will accept the role of Mom." He muttered the last part. "Haha, Mom." Star chuckled, and Cliff was confused but shrugged it off.
Echo was upstairs with Gluzze, and Cassiel and Azreal where talking in the kitchen. Pheonix was outside doing who-knows what. He shook his head.
"Hey Cliff, want to go train?" He asked. Cliff shrugged. "Don't have anything better to do." He replied, standing. Damien nodded and went towards the basement, opening the door. "Ladies first." He said with a smile.
Cliff paused. "Oh, that's right, I almost forgot, Mom." He replied. Damien sighed, looking at Star. "Imma beat the crap outta your 'boyfriend', Star." He said gesturing, for Cliff to go down. "Well, what a shame." Star said, not really paying attention.
"Woah, we're not dating, I've only known her for a week." Cliff said, heading down. "Mhm," Damien said, following behind him and shutting the door. Cliff rolled his eyes. Damien smiled. "What do you want to try first?" He asked. Cliff shrugged and glanced around. "Probably just use the range..." he replied, glancing at the wide variety of guns.
"Well if you have a gun of choice, it's probably up there." Damien said, grabbing a random bolt action rifle then proceeded to fire down the range. Cliff hummed and walked up to the wall to do like waist.

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