Chapter 37:

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Frostbite ran up to the burning, crumbling building, making sure her face was covered. Her white and blue fur was already getting sooty from the ash and smoke. She didn't hesitate before running into the fire. It didn't seem to bother her. She looked around for a familiar canine-avian shape, until she found Azreal. He was out cold, underneath some rubble from the wall behind him. Blood coated his head and neck from his broken horn, and a little leaked from his nose, no doubt from unseen internal injuries.
Frostbite dug him out of the hot rubble and hefted him over her shoulder. "Damn you Nova, making me do the dirty work." She rolled her eyes, running to the entrance, or what remained of it. Unlike Supernova, Frostbite didn't have wings. She took to the streets. "Madara, have you found them?" She asked over the radio. There was a crackle before a voice reponded. "Yeah, they're moving. You get that god to a safe spot, and we'll try to divert the power source once I get back." She replied.
Frostbite hummed a response and glanced around. She hopped a fence and opened the doors to an old wooden shed. She cleared a spot of the cement from the garden tools inside and sat Azreal down. "Hey, wake up." She kneeled down and tapped his face. Her hand was as cold as ice. Azreal jolted awake, gasping. "Where am I?" He asked, vision focusing and he looked up at her. "And who are you?"
Frostbite shook her head. "Irrelevant. Just sit up and stay awake." She told him. Azreal coughed. "I make no promises, stranger." He said, sitting up and glancing around. He felt for his phone. It was gone. "Fuck, hey did you see a phone anywhere?" He asked, looking back up, but Frostbite was already outside and wasn't paying attention to him. "Rude." He muttered. He was starting to think his entire back was bruised.


Madara was atop a roof, glaring down at the van in which her enemies were in. She had tracked down Zane, whom her father had worked for. He had made her life miserable, and had killed so many innocents across many countries. It was time for his reign to end.
She glanced around, searching for the twins to no avail. She had met the two after the lab had burnt down. They had made quick friends, as they wanted Jaguar dead, and Zane was basically Jaguar's father in law. Their needs aligned, and they worked with each other. Her gaze wondered towards the smoke billowing in the sky from the explosions. Her scarf carried in the wind as it blew the smoke eastward.
She took in a deep breath, putting her hands around the necklace that laid across her chest. She muttered chants under her breath and started up her powers. Her necklace glinted with a soft glow, one out of the three beads she would use. There where four, but the fourth was only for emergencies.
The van didn't move, it's last member still clambering into the side. Now was time to make her move. As she jumped from the side of the building, drawing the moisture straight from the surrounding air and ground, Zane finally noticed her. Through the window, she saw his eyes widen. "Joka ametufuata!" He exclaimed, flooring it as the last door was closed.
Madara jumped down on top the the van. It swerved, trying to throw her off. She held fast onto the bars up top. She was concentrating on the water surrounding her, on driving it to where she wanted it for a perfect opportunity.
Phoenix looked up. "Babi. Who is that?" She asked. Zane grit his teeth. "A pesky, yet powerful rebellion leader back home. She's trying to finish us off before we cause too much damage." He replied quickly. Nova eventually caught up with the Madara, soaring alongside her on her bat-like wings.
"Summon her! Summon her!" She chanted. Madara shook her head. "I'm not summoning Dapple for this foolishness." She said, glancing down. "Swerve up." She said, right as a fire-hydrant burst ahead of them. She formed it into sharp ice, blocking the vehicle's way. The van stopped. "Admit defeat! Wave your flag now, and this won't have to be painful." She yelled. Phoenix growled, fur flickering.
Nova swerved backwards in the sky and landed, folding her wings. She went up to the driver's door and knocked. "Just get out for we can get this over with, you crazy son of a gun." She said. Madara glared at her, as well as Zane. He seemed to be thinking, biting into his thumb. He didn't move. His other hand itched towards the gear shift. Nova noted that and got impatient, ripping open the side door and dragging out a creature at random- Victoria- and stepping back with her, a gun pointed to her head.
"Come on out or your daughter will be the first to die." She warned. "Nova, what are doing?" Madara asked through gritted teeth. Phoenix looked at the both of them, then to Zane. "What do you want us to do?" She whispered. "We're going to daze them, you all get Victoria and make sure her friend doesn't interfere. I'm going after Madara." He replied, just as quiet. He started muttering a spell under his breath, the blood from his thumb now creating an intricate symbol on the back of the door.
Madara took a step forward, seeing he wasn't going to cooperate. "Go ahead, Nov-" she started, but a sudden intense flash of white blinded her and made her ears ring. She instinctively covered her face, and was knocked off her feet. The light burned her fur and her eyes watered.
Victoria rammed her elbow into Nova's gut, but it didn't loosen her grip. Nova pulled the trigger of the gun, adding to the ringing in all their ears. Madara's eyes narrowed before the whites went black. Zane punched her across the face before she could retaliate. And again, and again. His fur was bristling with rage. Nova growled and the people around swarming her. "You have three seconds to get out of my way before you get incinerated." Pheonix laughed. "No, you." She said, her fur catching flame. Nova laughed. "That doesn't scare me, sweetheart." She retorted.
Soon Madara was unconscious. Zane started to strangle her, he wanted her dead. A red haze filled his vision. They had just murdered his daughter. Nova dropped the cold protecting the outside world from her internal heat. The creatures besides Phoenix screamed in pain, severely burnt and dropping to the ground. Nova cooled down and grabbed Phoenix, throwing her into the van, making a dent in its side. "Stay down!" She yelled, running over to the boss. Her eyes where now a bright yellow rather than the glowey orange flame.
Feechi was still in the van. "Oo, tough luck." She said, getting out and looking down at Phoenix. She was trying to get air in her lungs from it being knocked out. "What- is your problem?!?" Phoenix growled, standing to face her. Feechi shook her head. "That's just it- it's not my problem. I was dragged into this feud unwillingly, I'm not sticking around to die." She said, walking around to the driver's door. "I don't care if you come with me or not. I'd say ditch Zane while he's blinded." She opened it. Phoenix glared at her, but looked at what was going on. It was only her and Feechi now, with Zane being approached by those two. "No, I can't leave him." She decided, running after Nova.
Frostbite finally got to the scene. "Supernova! Get your ass over there now!" She yelled, still not close enough. "I'm drained! Your turn!" Nova replied as she knocked Zane off of Madara and flew up with him. "Make the spikes, Frosty!" She shouted, going higher. Frostbite skidded to a stop and started creating large ice spikes on the road under them. Zane looked up at Nova. "You wouldn't." He growled.
Nova smirked. "Oh, I would. And I will. But quick question; Where did you get the information to pull off those spells?" she asked. Zane saw this as an intimidation factor. She wanted information. He would live longer if he gave a little bit of information at a time, make her take the bait. "Can't say. Maybe from those little villages- or did your friend ever tell you about that? Or where to too busy being experimented for her to care to tell?" He adverted the topic.
Nova narrowed her eyes. "Fine, but don't think just because I'm not dropping you to your impending doom doesn't mean you're off the hook." She said, bringing her elbow down over his head and knocking him out. She landed again. "Go get the boss-" she said, but was cut off by Phoenix running into her. She was off balance by Zane's dead weight, and hit the ground. "Ugh- hey, didn't I tell you to stay the fuck down?!" She was starting to get pissed.
Frostbite ran and scooped the unconscious Madara up before running at the van. It started and took off, obviously faster than her. She cursed and stopped, glancing around. Phoenix looked up as Nova grabbed her arm. "Don't kill me." She whispered. Nova smirked. "Oh, I wasn't going to. There are others with a worse fate in mind for you." She said, grabbing her throat and lifting her up. "Next time.... stay down." She held her there until she slumped, dead weight. She was able to carry both Zane and Phoenix just fine. She looked back to her twin.
"Hey Frostbite, where did you put the god?" She asked. "I left him in a shed and told him to stay. Doubt he'll listen though." She admitted. "I think the boss needs help. She looks pretty beat up." She said, worry clear on her face. "Okay, one problem at a time though. Let's just see if he's still there, then I think I can do some convincing to get us a place to stay." She said. "With the twins? Or Alex?" Frostbite asked. Nova shook her head. "I don't want them to be endangered. I think I can make an exchange with someone else, though." She replied, looking down at Pheonix.
Frostbite smiled. "You better pray they don't wake up by the time you're gone with your little internal bucket list, then." She said. "Also we better not walk by the police with bodies in our arms." She pointed out. "Right." Nova noted, embarrassed she hadn't thought of that before.
Eventually they made it back around the burning building. Frostbite put Madara down and hopped the fence. "Be right back." She said, walking over to the shed. She opened it, seeing it was empty. She ran back, sighing. "We can track him down, it just makes our job a lot harder." She told her. Nova tilted her head. "Lead the way. I wanna talk to this terminal patient, I bet he's going to be super paranoid, knowing that death is coming. Probably didn't ever consider it a possibility." She laughed. "Should I be concerned about your sense of humor?" Frostbite asked, raising a brow as they started to track Azreal by a trail of tattered, burnt feathers that he had left behind whilst walking.
Nova eventually spotted him after they turned a corner. "That looks like a canine with wings to me." She said. "YO DEATH, WHATS UP?!" She yelled.
Azreal looked up, seeing the person from earlier as well as a new one. They seemed to be carrying bodies. He booked it away from them, knowing they couldn't run as fast with that weight. Frostbite glared at her. "What, I'm sorry everyone thinks I'm out to murder them." She shrugged.

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