Chapter 18:

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  Trippze sheathed his sword and walked upstairs. "Imma go steal a car." Trippze yelled, headed for the door. "The fuck you are," Damien said, coming down the stairs. Gluzze came down after. "This should be interesting to watch." She said.
  Azreal poked his head down the stairs. "He can't possibly want other shake." He said. Trippze looked at Damien. "I'm going to steal one because I'm tired of flying everywhere and I want a shake." He said.
   Damien shook his head. "You aren't stealing a damned car, just go use the van in the driveway." He said. "Milkshakes are worth it." Trippze argued, turning back towards the door. "Milkshakes aren't that important. Mint is the worst too." Damien said.
  Trippze froze. Gluzze chuckled. "You're kidding, he can't love them that much." She said. Azreal shrugged. "You have no idea." He said.  Trippze turned around, looking Damien head on, narrowing his eyes as he drew the katana. He took a fighting stance. "Anata wa bakageta tawagoto o nan to iimashita ka." He said. "Cool the testosterone!" Azreal pitched in.
  Damien held up a hand. "Do not intervene. It's not like the weakling could reach me." He said. "You have insulted my honor, and for that you must die." Trippze said, drawing his sword while his phone played anime fight music.
  He ran at Damien, jumping with the sword above his head before bringing it down. Damien side-stepped out of the way and sent a shock through Trippze's side.
Trippze jumped back. "Ah, I see you dabble in the dark arts, witch." He said. Damien chuckled. "Why yes, of course." He replied. Trippze suddenly rushed at Damien, digging the tip of the sword into his throat. "Do you yield?" He asked.
  "Yeah, I yield." Damien sighed. "Just take the damn van." Trippze sheathed the sword. "Fine, I'll take the van." He said as Damien handed him keys. "I call shotgun!" Azreal said, following Trippze out the door and to the vehicle.
  Trippze got into the driver's side. "Milkshakes here I come." He said, starting the car. Azreal tilted his head, buckling the seatbelt. "You think milkshakes will ever get old? I mean, you can only have the same thing on a daily basis for so long." He asked.
  "Nope, they will never get tiring." Trippze said, pulling out of the driveway. Soon they were pulling into a driveway. "You want anything?" He asked. Azreal shook his head. "No thanks." He said, looking at the new marking in his palm.
  "Okay." He said, getting a mint shake. As they got out of the drive through Trippze looked at him again. "Anywhere you wanna go before we head back to the house?" He asked. Azreal took a few seconds of deliberation. "Are there any museums around here? I'd like to search for something." He asked.
  "There should be a museum. What are you looking for?" He asked. "An old book, it should have old runes on it. I know that it exists but haven't seen it in person. I wanna see what all the mortals have accumulated about us." Azreal said, embarrassed.
  "Hmm, well you could always go online you can find almost anything on there, but If you want to we can go to the museum." Trippze said turning around to head towards the museum. Azreal nodded. "I'd rather go in person." He said, seeming to start thinking about something. His demeanor was easy to read in those moments. It went from worried to suddenly bright.
  "Hey, would you say that it's about to rain soon?" He asked, looking out of the window. "Uh, I'm not sure, I could check the weather forecast." Trippze said, confused. Azreal rolled his eyes. "Well, just look. Hm, what do mortals call the Bifrost...? The, uhh, oh yeah, the rainbow? I know someone who lives on the rainbow." He smiled, knowing he sounded insane.
  "You mean a leprechaun." Trippze said. "What? No, not the little green guys. Also, those are dwarfs. But I'm taking about a god, Heimdall. He used to let people travel on the bridge, but now he just melts their brains." He said with a smile. Then he remembered something. "Actually, I hope there's no rainbow. I don't need him finding Cass or I. Especially Cass, he's not supposed to be here right now." He said.
  Trippze tilted his head. "Why does he melt brains, and why isn't Cassiel supposed to be here?" He asked, pulling into the museum parking lot. "One, because he doesn't want mortals getting into Asgard, and two because until we solve the power mishap no god is technically allowed to travel back and forth between realms. Did Cass tell you why I was banished? Well, I mean you probably have guessed by now." He asked.
  Trippze shook his head as they got out. "Nope, not at all." He said. "Oh, well after Gabriel went missing there was a lot of tension, and apparently I 'stopped doing my job,'" he said with air-quotes. "Really, I had just took a short break and re-organized my Valkyries to be able to search for Gabriel too. Michael decided to fight me over it. Literally, he attacked me. So I may or may not have sliced him in two with Trivia." He said, scratching the back of his neck.
  "But he was a bigger ass than Gabriel, though. He had it coming for a long time." He finished. "Hmm, Gabriel is a pretty big ass." Trippze said doubtfully. Azreal laughed. "Yeah, he and Micheal were two peas in a pod. Power can mess people up." He said as he opened the door.
   He held it for the dragon before a wallet was summoned into his hand. He looked inside of it. "Oh shit, I may have the wrong currency." He said, pulling out the euros in his wallet. He had gotten them last time he had entered this realm from the Ether.
  Trippze shook his head. "Don't worry about, I got it." He said, walking towards the entrance. Once they were actually in, he looked at Azreal. "So you said the book had runes on it?" He asked. Azreal nodded. "Probably in the mythology or Norse section." He replied.
Trippze nodded and approached an employee. "Hey, we're looking for anything you may have on Norse mythology. Do you know if there's anything like that in here?" He asked. The employee nodded. "We have a section on it, there's a hall for the ancient mythologies down that hall. It's right past the bathrooms." They pointed to a hall lit by orange lights. "The Vikings should definitely indicate the Norse section." They said.
Azreal nodded. "Thanks." He said, turning to go down the hall. Trippze nodded and followed him. Az pushed the set of double doors open. He saw large sections on both sides of the hall indicating different eras and mythologies, such as more common ones such as Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu, etc. Most depicted different celestial beings in one form or another.
"Hmm, this is pretty nice." Trippze noted, seeing how intricately laid out the items and decorations were. Azreal nodded in agreeal, picking his way through the hallway until he found the Norse section. In the large glass case containing many items was an open book. It was written in ancient Scandinavian, the book had a bunch of writing based around a few drawings. The drawings on the open pages depicted a god, probably Odin, as well as what they thought Yggdrasil looked like along with the 'nine' realms and the Bifrost.
"Pretty cool." Trippze said, leaning down to peer at it next to him. Azreal nodded. "Look at this; They got the Yggdrasil all wrong! Hah, and they think the souls are in the city." He was amused by the misconceptions. "I kinda remember those days. Not exactly though, cause I was Hel back then. Loki was my favorite." He smiled, remembering how Odin decided to keep Valhalla and Asgard because he liked it that much.
"Why's Loki your favorite?" He asked curiously. "Because he used to mess around with the other gods with little to no conscience. But after he killed Balder... you know, actually, I think he's still chained up under a rock somewhere with snake venom dripping on his face." His eyebrows raised and he decided to change the subject. "Anyways, I'm taking this book." He said, breaking through the glass and grabbing it. With the other hand he summoned Trivia.
  Trippze unsheathed his sword as the alarm started blaring. "There's gonna be cops all over us now!" He said. "If they can catch the culprits!" Azreal said cheerfully, making a rift through the ground and jumping through it. It was to the Ether, where everything looked the same but it was more like the spirit realm. They could simply walk back through the halls without even being seen. The air was grayer there than real life, muted, if you will.
Trippze jumped through after him. "I was kind hoping to decapitate people." He said, sheathing the sword and following him. "Death is completely natural, it'll reach them eventually." Azreal said, spinning Trivia with one hand while they walked back out of the museum. "Have you ever been to the Ether? I've heard most duchies live here instead of Terra." He asked.
"Not really, I prefer to be with other living beings just to piss them off." Trippze replied. "Interesting." Azreal said, hearing police sirens in the distance. He was thinking of the weirdest way he could get Trippze through a portal without him questioning it. Everyone needed comedy in their life.
"To jump back into Terra we have to go up, so I'll have to make the rift above the van and we can jump into it." Azreal said, running over to it. "Okay, we just need to get it back in one piece or Damien's gonna be pissed." Trippze said. Azreal laughed and climbed onto the top of the van, making the portal and jumping back into Terra. Trippze followed him, both hopping into the van.
Trippze peeled off and once they were a good distance away Azreal started flicking through the book. He glanced over. "Anything interesting in it?" He asked. "Well I don't know, I just started it like two seconds ago." Azreal replied snarkily.
"Woah, no need to be rude." He said. Azreal glanced up at him. "I was just joking, don't take me seriously." He apologized, ears flicking back. They both went silent. Az rubbed his eyes, shutting the book. "Sorry, I didn't realize." He said.
Trippze shrugged and glanced out of the window. He noticed that Azreal had fallen asleep a bit later. As he continued to drive, he noticed Azreal starting to twitch in his sleep.
"P-put me down." He heard Azreal say very quietly. He glanced over. "Hey you okay?" He asked. Azreal was still asleep, his eyes closed tight. "Don't do this..." It was still very hard to hear. Trippze reached over and shook his shoulder. "Hey man, everything's fine." He said, keeping an eye on the road.
  Azreal just growled in his sleep at his touch. Trippze pulled into an alley and watched him, worried. "Don't..." he muttered, shrinking into himself. Trippze just sighed and decided to let the nightmare run it's course.
  The only thing he heard clearly was, "I hate you." It made him flinch, glancing the other way. "W- not again-" Azreal muttered, tears forming in his eyes before he jolted awake, immediately grabbing the door handle and jumping out, holding his chest with both arms. He was shaking.
Trippze got out, looking him over. "Are you okay?" He asked. Azreal glanced up at him, taking a deep breath. "Why are we parked? What did I do?" He asked, forcing himself to stand straight. "You were having a nightmare, I couldn't wake you up so I parked to let it pass." Trippze replied.
Azreal glanced down. "Sorry... that happened sometimes. Let's just get back." He apologized, his hands still trembling. Trippze nodded, not prying as he got into the van. Once Az was in he started heading back to the house.

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