Chapter 21

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Trippze and Firetail were still in the basement, Trippze practicing more with the katana and Fire firing different weapons down the range. "I wonder where Damien's family managed to get all of this... I don't think some of these are even legal." Firetail asked.
  "Uhh, probably from contacts in Russia." Trippze guessed, coming over to see what gun Fire had. He took it to inspect it closer. "I swear I've seen this gun somewhere before..." He muttered. "What's up with it, just looks like a fancy desert eagle to me." Firetail asked, raising a brow.
  Trippze realized something and flipped the gun to the other side, smiling yet pissed. "I'd never though I'd see this gun again... I'm so pissed, they must've dug it from his grave." He said, thinking of his ex-fiancé, Jason.
   "Who?" Firetail prodded curiously. "Just someone I knew while I was an assassin." He said, putting the gun in his holster. "Damn." Firetail remarked, turning back to loading a different gun. He noted out of the side of his eye that Damien had come down and entered a side room, one of the insulated white ones, his fingertips prickling with electricity.
  Trippze sheathed his sword. "I'm hungry so I'm gonna go grab a perso— I mean burger to eat." He announced. "I swear to God if you murder anyone-" Firetail started before being cut off. "Already have, hell I murdered a whole restaurant full of people yesterday.... They didn't give me my milkshake." He said.
  "We are trying to lay low—" Firetail started again. "Welp I'm hungry, soooo," he left the basement. When he got up he saw Azreal and Gluzze had just left the house on foot. Cassiel was presumably gone too. He spread his wings and took off.
  He flew up an above the town, looking down upon all the civilians. "Hmm, which one of you am I going to eat?" He muttered, looking over everyone. Eventually he spotted someone in the business suit. "Ah, hello dinner." He smiled, landing a bit behind them and trialing them.
    Eventually they turned into an alley. He quickly caught up, drawing the sword. He plunged it straight through their throat. Blood sputtered out, but he quickly died. "Ok, now time to eat." He said cheerfully to himself.


Gluzze heard her phone ring. She didn't reach for it at first, but saw that it was the police station and picked it up. "Hello?" She asked with no emotion in her voice or on her face. "Hello- we have news of your... friend." The same operator from earlier said. They didn't wait for a response. "We think it was done very quickly. We can't identify any kind of weapon exactly, but there was an unidentifiable venom in the wound, but it was unlike any barb we've ever seen." They paused. "We had a linguistic working on the symbols, but they seemed to heal right before our eyes. That's it." They finished.
"Okay," Gluzze said, waiting to see if they would ask her to do anything. "We need you to come in for questioning." They said. "When and where?" Gluzze muttered. "Gorgan Heights Police Department, 6:00?" The operator offered.
"Okay. Is that all?" Gluzze inquired. "Yes, have a good day." The operator said before hanging up. Gluzze groaned and forced herself up, going downstairs. Azreal was watching a movie on the TV. He glanced up at her. "Morning." He tried to joke, he knew it was 5:30ish.
"Hey," she greeted him, heading for the door. "Where are you off to on this lovely evening?" He asked. "Police station, they want to question me." She replied tiredly. "Oh," he said, pausing the movie. "Do you want me to tag along?" He offered.
"I don't care." Gluzze said. "Alright." Azreal said, hopping up to follow her. She crossed her arms and started to walk towards the station. She knew where it was from flying around a bit. Az just hummed to himself as they walked.
Gluzze started to tremble a bit. Azreal tilted his head in worry and out a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I know it's still too soon to talk, but... it'll be over soon. Time keeps going on, things never fail to dull with time." He said.
She shook her head. "It'll be over soon, but she will still be gone." She said. "And she didn't turn into ash or and egg... she should be still alive. I don't understand." She muttered. "Oh, I was wondering why you didn't bring it with you... that's strange." Azreal muttered, just as baffled.
"Yeah, all D.A.D.s are supposed to come back, I've never heard of something like this." Gluzze said. Azreal shrugged as they turned the corner and the police station came into sight. She heard him take a deep breath.
She glanced over at him. She didn't want to have him wait for her to get done. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to." She told him as she opened the door. "Oh, I'll wait until you go back before I leave." He said, going to get a seat while she went up to the receptionist.
She looked up at the receptionist. "I'm here for a questioning scheduled for 6:00." She said. "It shouldn't have a name." The receptionist nodded. "You're a bit early, you can take a seat for a moment while I go fetch the interrogator." She said.
  Gluzze nodded and sat down next to Azreal. It was silent for a few minutes before he spoke. "I can see the souls of the dead." He said out fo the blue. "Okay?" Gluzze said, confused. "I can see them without having to physically cross over into the Ether." He continued, glancing to a corner of the room. There was nothing there.
  Gluzze was silent, having trouble keeping up. "I don't see her. Where did you find her?" Azreal asked. "What?" Gluzze asked. She struggled to put the pieces together, her brain fuzzy. "Galaxy. Where did you find her?" He asked.
"I found her in an alley across town." Az nodded and stood. "I'm going to go look for her soul." He said as Gluzze was called back. She nodded and headed to an interrogation room. She was sat down in the room across from a detective.

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