Chaper 7: Memories

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Star woke with the sun. She smiled as she grabbed Damien's old pack and claimed down the tree. She and Firetail still hadn't found the dragon, despite their searching. The two had decided she would meet up with Fire at the school, and see what to do from there. She was excited. She had always heard about school through the minds of others in the lab, and she wanted to see what it was all about.
She arrived at the school and saw Fire was walking into the building. She glanced at a digital clock through the window. "6:27... I'm way to early." She muttered, shrugging before headed out to the track to walk around it a bit until school started.


Once the doors opened, she started to see kids arrive, so she followed suit and entered the school though the main doors, following people to the gym. Once she entered the gym, she saw how big it was a noped out, heading to the office she was in the other day.
She saw Fire enter the cafeteria as she was walking and waved before entering the office. The guidance counselor she had talked to before was there, and she nervously sat down as they started to talk back and fourth.
After a few minutes, the counselor had gathered a bunch of supplies for her, assigned her a locker, and gave her a schedule. She would be in her Softmore year, or her tenth. She was told to go get some breakfast, and that she would be under a free meal plan with the school.
Star now carried her stuff to her locker, trying to figure out how it worked, when someone approached her from behind. "I was told I'd have a locker-mate." A male voice said. Star spun around, seeing a tall grey and blue elk behind her. He was dressed in a pale green shirt and blue jeans with a grey flannel tied around his waist.
"O-oh. Yes?" She admitted defeat to the locker. "Sorry, I've been homeschooled before this." The elk nodded quietly and put in the code, showing her how many times to spin the dial before opening it. "I'm pretty sure they want me to show you around. We have the same schedule." The elk said. "I'm Cliff." He introduced himself.
"T-thank you, I'm Star." She said, putting her backpack into the locker. It was small, but both bags fit. He nodded his head. "We can sit in the cafeteria until the bell rings." He said, walking down the hall back towards the aforementioned cafeteria, handing her a peppermint.


Damien woke up in the cell, sore. Okay, time for escape plans..... If I could find a power source I could transform into a bolt of electricity and escape through the mainframe into the power lines, but I'd have to find a way to one. He thought.
Right after he thought that, he saw guards approaching his cell, one of the scientists handing a guard a weak sedative. As they opened the cell door Damien started jumping around the room to make himself harder to catch. "Stay back." He growled.
The guards looked at each other. "The fuck is he doing?" One said. "I dunno just pin him down or something." Another replied. Damien shot both of them with electricity and grabbed their tranq guns, firing at the guards outside his cell.
The guards yelled out in surprise, pointing their weapons at him and firing, going to hit him quickly. "Power suppressants!" One yelled. Damien rolled out of the way, though feeling one or two of the suppressant darts hit his neck, firing back as he ran towards the place Pheonix had led him to last time he escaped.
The guards started radioing in for backup to cut Damien off. As he ran past the security room he reached inside and grabbed a M4a1 then continued shooting anyone who came near him. The alarms to the lab went off once again.
Soon he reached the tunnel and continued through it, hearing it shut behind him as the lab locked up. Once he reached the end of the tunnel he took his wing bindings off and flew to the abandoned building, still holding the gun.
He landed on the roof of the building and went inside, looking for Firetail. Where is he? He thought before remembering that he had gotten a job at the school. He put the gun down before taking off again towards the school.

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