Chapter 39:

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Star was watching the end of a movie while on the couch. She had long since put her homework down due to procrastination. "Hey, is anyone gonna cook dinner?" She asked suddenly. Trippze shrugged. "I can't cook." He said. "I'm only, like, three days old." Blacklight hummed. "I say take out." She said. "Yeah, what do y'all want?" Star asked, seeing Echo perk up at the mention of food.
"Fried orphan flesh." Trippze said casually. "Chinese take out." Blacklight said at the same time. "I like the second option." Star said. Madara's eyes lit up. "Sushi though.~~" She said, her scleras turning a pitch black and her pupils slitting. Trippze looked around. "Seriously, no one else wants fried orphan? You all are weird." He said.
"I think I know a place." Blacklight said. "That's creepy." Star said to Madara. "How'd you do it?" She looked up, confused, her eyes going back to normal. "Powers; they're weird." She said, hiding her necklace. Nova held up a hand. "Burnt orphan is better, the sorrows from life really show in the black crispiness of their flesh." She said.
"Indeed, especially if you slow roast them over an open flame adding lemon juice plus some seasoning." Trippze said as if speaking from experience. "Stop, you two." Blacklight warned them. Nova shrugged. "Yes ma'am." She said, crossing her legs. She was one for darker humor but knew when to stop. Sometimes. Well, actually, very few times, but that wasn't her point. Star rolled her eyes and glanced down at her phone, texting Cliff.
"I'm serious, person tastes better than other food. You all forget I'm a cannibal." Trippze said. "I give up." Blacklight sighed. "How could we ever forget, Trippze." Star said, shaking her head in disapproval. "You shouldn't, after all I slaughtered a entire restuarant full of people over a milkshake and ate some of them." Trippze said.
"Yeah......anyways, what we getting?" Blacklight asked, pulling up a menu. Star just wanted chicken and rice, the twins didn't eat, Madara wanted a specific sushi, and Echo asked Az what he wanted and he just shrugged so he told her some chow mein and some chicken.
"Hey, is Fire still downstairs?" Star asked, wanting to know what he wanted. "I guess, maybe he's cleaning stuff or torturing them." Trippze offered. "Go see what he wants." Blacklight said, writing everything down. "Okay~" Star said, jumping up and heading down to the basement. She poked around, calling his name a few time before she found him. "Fire- dad, what-?" She asked, kneeling down and tapping his shoulder. She looked at what he had in his arm in confusion.
Firetail started to wake up. "W-what?" He muttered. "Why is there a needle in my arm...?" He sat up and removed the needle. "That's what I was wondering." Star said. "Uh oh, dear old 'dad' got into the drugs..." Zane called from inside the cell. "The fuck you mean?" He asked before wincing. "Ah- why does my head hurt so much?" He muttered.
She shook her head. "Just ignore him, come upstairs, we're ordering food." She said, holding out her arm to help him back up. "Okay." He said, getting up and leaning on her a bit. Star opened the door again and sat down the the couch. She didn't ask Fire what happened, not wanting to know if Zane was right or not.
"So Firetail, what do you want to eat?" Trippze asked. Star had forgotten to ask him. "I don't know, what ever is cheapest." He replied. Trippze shrugged. "Sushi it is." He said. Star yawned and went upstairs. "Gonna catch up on homework, I guess." She said with a light chuckle.
As she opened the door to her room, laying back onto her bed, she thought about how much her life had changed within the past few weeks. She had gone from a horrible environment with no hope for a real future or life to a nice home with close friends. They laughed, they fought, and some had even died. What was next? Would they continue to face one problem after another? When would they finally break? She sighed, refusing to think about the problems... problems such as what they were going to do with Zane and Pheonix, how long Madara and the twins were going to stay, how to fix Azreal's problem, and what happened to Firetail in the basement. The thinking gave her a headache. She just wanted some silence... she took a nap, shoving the homework aside.


Firetail continued to hold his head as Blacklight ordered the food. He felt overwhelmed, and with every heartbeat his head ached with a sharp pain. He was annoyed with everyone, but especially Frostbute and Madara. He wanted them out, they were practically strangers. Wait, why am I feeling this? I don't care about them needing a place to stay for a night or two- the thoughts were overridden by the ever-growing rage.
Trippze sighed. Just gotta find a way to get the boss and Phoenix out.... This'll be fun. He thought. Firetail eventually had to lean forward, his head just pounding on. He groaned in pain as he closed his eyes. "You okay?" Blacklight asked, concerned as she put the phone down. "I'm not sure." He muttered in response.
Echo glanced over, concerned. Trippze looked at Firetail. He might be having draw-backs from the injection... He thought. "Do we have any pain killers? I have an awful headache." Firetail asked. Echo shrugged. "I'll check the cabinet." He said, headed to the bathroom to search the first aid kit. They hadn't had time to gather items like that to store around the house.
"There might be some in the basement from my drugs." Trippze said, jumping up and heading down there. Gotta get Zane some. He thought. "Okay, thanks." Firetail said, running his hands through his hair. Zane heard small footsteps coming down and looked around the room, wondering if there was any symbol he missed. Echo poked around before shaking his head. "We're out of pain killers. I guess we're counting on Trippze then." He said.
Trippze went to a cabinet, grabbing some generic pain killers, then went to Zanes cell and gave him some then headed upstairs. Zane popped a couple tablets and dry swallowed them, waiting for the effects to kick in.
When Trippze got back upstairs, he tossed the painkillers to Firetail. "Thanks," the fox replied as he stood to down them with some water. The room was silent for a while until finally, there was a knock on the door. Azreal left Gluzze on the bed and went downstairs, smelling food. He seemed pretty hungry, but his movements where stiffer than usual. He just stole whatever seemed nice and his before anyone stopped him. Madara glared after him for taking some of her sushi and claimed the rest before anyone else stole any more. She also managed to convince Blacklight to let her pay for the food.
Trippze grabbed some at random food as Echo picked at what was left and sat on the couch with a bowl. When Az finished, he went back upstairs. He looked to be tired, which was reasonable, considering they had all been through quite a lot in the past few days.
Firetail got up and went to go lay down, trying to relieve his headache. The medications and food hadn't really helped. Trippze curled up on the couch and went to sleep.

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