The After Shock

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As Emily heads down the hallway to Reid's room she can feel her anger leaking out of her. She finds his door and pounds on it loudly.
"Come on Reid can we leave already? Why the fuck is everybody so damn slow and can't get the fucking clue?" Emily yells in frustration.
Reid opens the door and behind him, JJ and Rossi are starring at her.
"Umm...not a morning person?" Reid asks.
"Listen, just hurry the fuck up!" Emily yells with a tear running down her cheak.
She quickly wipes it away and storms down the hall immediately regretting lashing out at Reid.
JJ looks puzzled and runs after her while calling her name.
Emily turns around as soon as she notices JJ.
"JJ I'm really not in the mood."
"Are you ok?" JJ asks ignoring her comment.
"Yeah. I'm sorry. But I'm not going to sit here and explain myself. Okay? Just give me space."
JJ looks down and whips her blonde hair out of her face. "Okay, that I can give you. You will calm down,and when your ready, I'm always here."
On the plane, Emily sits in the far corner, trying her best at being invisible. The word has gone around to Garcia, Morgan, and of course Hotch that Emily had a complete breakdown in the morning. Emily looks down at her phone trying so hard to ignore the never ending stares shooting her way.
She starts to feel sick, a sort of nausea feeling. She looks back at her phone convincing herself that it was the breakfast Rossi gave her. Then the puke starts coming out. She quickly stumbles towards the small bathroom in the jet and lets the rest of the vomit spill into the toilet. Reid hurries and gets up to help hold her hair.
"Hey are you ok? You can tell me anything." Reid explains.
"Reid this isn't the best time."
She wipes her mouth with her sleeve and slowly gets up. Reid holds her upper body just in case she topples over.
"Oh, that's graphic." Garcia says from across the jet trying to avoid the puke.
"Emily? Are you ok?" JJ asks in a panic.
She replies in a short, low voice. "Yes."
When she looks over her shoulder, Reid is still there, making sure she is alright. Hotch pushes everyone aside, including Reid.
"What can I do to help?" He asks as he gently holds her arm.
Emily pushes him away and leans in close to his ear so nobody can hear and whispers in his ear; "You can at least try not to humiliate me."
Hotch straightens his tie switching back to professional mode.
After the commotion, everyone sits in their seats. Hotch keeps glancing at Emily thinking of how he feels bad about what he did. He does have feelings for her, but he made a mistake of sleeping with a co-worker.
After the long flight home, Emily still feels sick. Then it hits her; she didn't use a condom with Hotch and now she's throwing up. Oh my, can she be pregnant?
She sits on her desk and rubs her head that is pounding. She puts her hand on her stomach. Reid walks in slowly.
"Hey are you ok? I will say it again, you can tell me anything."
Emily started to remeber lashing out at him. "Hey kid, I'm sorry for yelling at you, you don't deserve that. Something else was going on and I shouldn't have lashed out on you." Emily says with regret in her eyes.
"It's ok I'm really not that sensitive. Whenever your ready to tell me what's going on, I'm here."
Emily thanks him and leaves to get a pregnancy test just to be sure.
When she arrives at the pharmacy she buys the most expensive one. She then finds a public bathroom. She does her buisness and waits the time it says. She's biting on her finger nails hoping she's not pregnant. As she looks down at the test, she sees the small words "pregnant" with two plus signs by it. She stares blankly at it. All her emotions let loose. She falls to her knees and sits on the bathroom floor crying, trying to figure out what this means, what will happen, and what she is going to do.

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