Telling the team

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Emily wakes up once again in the huge hotel room. She quickly saddens as she remembers she has to tell the team today. Oh how she loved when she was sleeping so she didn't have to think about these things. She heads for the bathroom without seeking Hotch first thing. The mirror is huge. Almost as big as the wall. She stares at her naked body and comes closer to the mirror. She then focuses on her stomach and whispers to the not yet born baby. "Mommy loves you sweetheart." She says with a smile.
Hotch enters the bathroom after her, sielent. His eyes are half their usual size and he struggle to keep his eyelids open due to the bright light above him. He manages, because he loves watching Emily caring for their baby before it's brought into the world.
"Good morning he finally says."
Emily finally notices he's in with her and removes her hands from her stomach.
"Goodmorning." She says back.
Hotch comes right next to her and places his hands on her stomach. He then rubs it gently and bends down so his face is in front of her stomach. "Hey." He says as he kisses her stomach where the baby is growing.
Emily giggles and reaches for Hotches head. She glides her fingers through his hair and slowly pulls his head up to hers. She ends it with a kiss.
Hotch smiles and takes her delicate hand.
"Are you ready to tell the team?"
"Is it's ok if I say no? But I'm still doing it. Reid already knows."
"What? How? We left right after you told me. Unless... you told him before me." Hotch let's go of her hand and looks at the floor intensely. Tears grow in his eyes.
"Babe. You pushed me away. I thought you hated me! I had nobody to turn to. When I found out, I bumped into Reid crying and then I told him."
"He probably told the team."
"No. He didnt. I know for sure."
"How? Because you trust him and not me?"
"Don't play that card! You said you didn't want to speak of it. I was about to abort this baby out of shame. I didn't want to ruin your life!" Emily is now yelling with tears rolling down her cheaks."Reid persuaded me to tell you. To let you be a part of this decision. I trust you! I'm not in a hotel with Reid. I'm with you!"
"Okay. Calm down. Stress isn't good for the baby. I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." Hotch confesses and pulls her close.
She calms down and heads out of the bathroom to get changed and brush her teeth.
When they arrive at the office Emily let's out quick breaths and her heart beat is pounding faster as they find a parking space.
"I don't think I can do this" She let's out in worry.
"Baby, yes you can."
The car comes to a stop and Emily covers her face with her hands and quickly breaths in air through her teeth.
"Ok. I can do this." She says to herself.
They enter the building and go into the elevator. As the lights on the elevator indicating what floor your on rises closer to their floor Emily panicks. She stops breathing for a second when the elevator stops and opens. They head for their office. When they enter, all eyes are on them.
Reid breaks the awkwardness for once by saying "Hotch. Emily. Welcome back."
Then the whole team follows the welcoming. Emily looks at Hotch which isn't saying and anything so she starts with the news. "Guys. We have to tell you something."
"Tell us why you two were gone for two days? Be our guests." JJ says.
Garcia walks in and stops when she sees everybody in a circle around Emily and Hotch.
She slowly heads towards the crowd curious on what they have to say.
"Oh come here Garcia we need the whole team."
Emily says waving her over.
Garcia joins with a worried look on her face.
Emily speaks. " I am pregnant."
The whole team is shocked and makes surprised comments. "Congratulations" The team says at different times.
"Who is the father?" JJ asks.
The room is so sielent you can hear a pin drop.
JJ breaks the silence trying to make it less awkward. "Congratulations!"
JJ hugs them both then the whole team joins in. They all smile and get over the weirdness. JJ immediately wants to be the god mother. That's when Strauss walks in with a scowl on her face.
"What did you say? You are pregnant with Hotches child? You two violated the rules and lost any respect I had for you." She says.
Emily starts tearing up. She's surprised because she's usually not this sensitive. It must be the pregnancy. Hotch sees Emily almost crying and steps forward.
"We love each other. We will still work the same way as usual. It certainly will not affect our work."
"How are you so sure?"
"Because I pushed her away when I wanted her most to keep this job. She thought I hated her. That's how much I need this job."
Strauss straightens her posture and says with an attitude. "I will give you one chance and if you as so much touch hands in this office your both fired."
"Understood." Hotch replies.
Derek raises an eyebrow at her rudeness.
"So when did this happen? Derek asks.
The team gets excited at the question. The room grows sielent again.
Hotch and Emily smile and tells the team about how it happened. They all listen with open ears.
*fades off with them smiling and laughing*

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