Chapter 22

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Emily just stands there motionless, afraid to breathe.
She is cut from her thoughts by Hotch's heavy hand placed on her shoulder.
"It's ok Em." He says quietly.
She shakes her head slightly as she speaks. "I-Im not ready."
"Yes you are."
Emily then remebers she has to. To make them believe she is better.
She nods her head as she opens the door.
The man is tall, in his mid 30s. He is well built but nor too built. He is just right. His hair is blond and his eyes are icy blue. He wears black slacks and a white t-shirt.

He notices the door open and turns his head to the tired Emily in front of him. "Hey. I'm Dr. Rowen. I'm here for Emily Prentiss."
"Yeah. I'm sorry. I totally forgot."
His eyes stare into hers. There is not a hint of judgment appearing in them.
That makes Emily feel more comfortable. "Please come in. Sorry for the mess."  She looks around and Hotch is nowhere to be found. He must've figured she needed privacy.
"Thank you. No problem. You should see my house." He replies as he flashes a smile. His teeth are bright white and straight as teeth can be.
"So where would you like to meet Mrs. Prentiss?"
"Oh. It's Ms. Prentiss. Not married. Yet..."
"Oh, my apologies."
"It's fine. Can we meet in the dining room?"
"Sure. Wherever you feel comfortable."
XXX *20 minutes into meeting.*
"So I understand that your baby died in front of you. That is an overwhelming, traumatizing thing to go through. It can be tough  to endure those type of horrific life altering events."
Emily nods her head. She hasn't been talking much. All she wants is for this meeting to be over. She hates how he recalls what happened. It makes her want to die all over again.
"Hey." The blond man says as he places a friendly hand on her shoulder. "It only helps if you talk."
Emily opens her mouth as If she is going to talk then closes her lips.
"But it's hard." She forces out. Her eyes start to tear. She thought she was going to stay silent the whole time, but surprisingly she spills her emotions out to the younger blond man.
"I was good at compartmentalizing. Now it seems like I am going to break into tears at every mention of my baby Abigail." She moves her hand to her lips and moves her pupils side to side, as if she can see Abigail.
"It's like it is holding me captive. Everything I do is bothered by it. It's feels as if  I keep running up and down the prison cells screaming for someone to help me. I never escape. I never do." She says with a tear slowly running down her cheak. "I don't think I am ever going to get over this. Not ever. I want to. I want to because of my love of my life, Hotch. He doesn't deserve this at all. He deserves someone who isn't as damaged as I am. Also my team. They don't deserve this either."
" All of these are normal thoughts. The truth is, you lost your baby. She was murdured. It's so hard to deal with. Not only you, but everyone around you is affected by this. All they want is for you to get help. They aren't going to give up on you."
Emily looks down, knowing he is right.
XXX*After meeting.*
Emily waits five minutes after Dr.Rowen leaves. She sits on her chair, emotionally exausted. But she feels much better. Almost as if a ton of rocks that has been killing her, finally rolled off of her shoulders. It feels good talking about her feelings to someone else.
"Hey baby." Hotch says as he moves behind her, rubbing her shoulders. "How'd it go?"
"It went well." She responds.
"Do you think it helps?"
"Yeah. I want to-" She stops herself.
"You want to what?"
"I want to finally heal. I think this will really help me. I want to stay in therapy." She says as she rolls her sore neck back.
Hotch smiles at her courage. "I think thats a good idea."
I am so sorry this chapter is kind of bad. I am also sorry I took so long to update.This fanfic is coming to an end guys. Don't worry this isn't the last chapter.

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