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Emily and Hotch moved in together in a new house.

*24 weeks into pregnancy*
Emily wakes up and rubs her round belly. Her stomach had been showing since twelve weeks. She can already hear the pots and pans banging together indicating that Hotch is cooking her breakfast. She smiles being thankful that her lover knows how to cook. She immediately gets up and showers, not wanting morning sex. She knows that she can have sex when she's pregnant and she was at first. But since she really started showing, she noticed the baby more. She felt awkward, feeling as if the baby is involved in the sex with them. She knows they would never do that, but if it's that noticeable, it will come to mind. She hasn't had sex for months. She can tell Hotch is being affected by it. She sometimes hears him masterbating at night. If it's killing her, she can't imagine what it's doing to him. In the shower she scrubs her body, going more gentle on her stomach. She looks down on it and smiles. "My sweetheart, you are the love of my life. You and daddy. When you enter the world in about sixteen weeks, I will love you even more if that's possible. I don't know if your a boy or a girl yet. Daddy wants to wait and have it be a surprise." She whispers to her stomach. She then washes the shampoo out, letting the soapy water drip over her stomach.
She exits the bathroom and wraps a towel around her.
She puts a bra on and pulls on a loose shirt and pants.
"Breakfast is ready!" Hotch sings.
Emily smiles and enters the kitchen desperately wanting the food in her stomach.
"Pancakes, sausage, eggs, and bacon. Hope you like it baby." Hotch says as he kisses her on the cheak.
Emily eats up thanking him again and again.
"Oh that hit the spot." She says.
She reaches for the whipped cream and sneaks behind Hotch. She then pushes the handle down and squirts it all over Him.
"Ahhh!" He screams in a happy voice.
Emily is so thirsty for Hotches sex. Seeing all of that whipped cream on him only makes it more tempting. She leans in for his neck and licks the cream off slowly. He moans in return. She starts taking off his top and he does the same to her. He takes off her underwear and they are ready to go on the kitchen floor.
That's when the phone rings. Hotch looks at it. It's another case. This one is urgent.
"Come on baby. Fuck me." Emily says in desperation.
"Baby as much as I would love to...we have a case. The team wants us to do it. It seems urgent baby." Hotch stands up and puts on his shirt.
"Okay." Emily says in irritation and heads to get dressed.
They head to the car and seat belt in. They start driving to the head quarters. The car ride is turning awkward.
"Baby I'm sorry." Hotch apologizes.
"For what? "
"Not taking you on the kitchen floor."
"Hey. Don't be sorry. I'm the one that held our sex off thinking it's possible to go nine months without your sex."
"It's ok baby. I understand why you did it."
"I'm not mad. Ok maybe I'm sexually frustrated. But I would rather be that then have innocent people die." Emily explains.
"Yeah. I love you baby."
"Hotch! Watch out!" Emily shouts and points at the drunk driver driving their way. Hotch swirves the car in an attempt to get out of the way. He was too late. They crashed.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was short! I'm working on two stories and I'm busy with school. Maybe I will update again tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for reading. It means alot.

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