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The team arrives at the ally.
"Look here" Rossi points out. "The blood. It might be Emily's."
"Can we get a DNA test for this blood please?" Hotch asks the workers. "Sir. It belongs to a woman named Emily Prentiss. The blood type also matches the fingerprints on this brick wall. The way the fingerprints are positioned, shows signs of struggle. Almost as if she can't breath." The worker says.
"The blood trail ends here." JJ points out. It seems like she was dragged. Maybe his car was parked here? So he would just throw her in and drive away? It's an easy escape."
"No. Emily wouldn't have walked back here if she saw it. It's way to obvious." Hotch says.
"Maybe she wasn't paying attention to that. Her child was stolen. If my baby was stolen I wouldn't think of those small details. I would just focus on what the letter said to do and try to follow all of the steps correctly so my baby wouldn't die." JJ suggests.
Hotch just stares at JJ and realizes that his future wife and his baby can die.
"So she walks down the ally and gets hit in the head. He then drags her to his vehicle and drives away? Why didn't Emily fight back? This ally has no turns. It's a staright path. It doesn't add up." Rossi states.
Reid stares at the ground. He squats down and pulls on a glove. He touches the dirt with his index finger. "Guys. I think I figured it out." Reid says.
"What is it kid?" Derek asks in an anxious tone.
"There is this ancient Spanish poison called 'La respiración de la muerte.' It means the breath of death. It originally came from Spain in the early 1800's. It was used on prostitutes who were believed unholy. When you breath it in, it temporarily swells up your lungs, cutting any source of oxygen that would normally pass through the mouth or nasal area. It's easy to mix with dirt. You can tell that this dirt has been tampered with. Look."
Reid points at the dirt with squinted eyes. "See how it shines?"
"No kid. I dont." Derek replies, this time frustersted.
"That's it!" Reid yells. "The baby. Taking Emily. The breath of death. It all adds up."
"Talk to us reid." JJ pushes on.
"This method was used by Spaniards in the early 1800's by a cult named 'El asesino del diablo.' It means the devil slayer. They would capture the prostitutes with this poison then bring them to an underground room. They would isolate them. Deprive them of food and water. They would take whatever means the most to them. Their dignity, any children would be killed. They hope to break them down by doing this. They believed they were slaying the devil out of them. They made sure that whatever they did would emotionally scar them for life. Once they are sure they broke them, they would then commit suicide." Reid says with worried eyes.
"But Emily isn't isn't a prostitute. " Derek says.
"Yeah. Which leads me to thinking he has a family member that looks like Emily or maybe even a close friend." Reid adds.
"Call Garcia and tell her to look for any underground rooms nearby within a 45 mile radius." Hotch damands.
"I'm on it." Derek replies while picking up his phone."
The man stops kicking her and bends down so that he can feel her panting breath on his face. Her breathing is forced. She can barely breath. She flinches and shuts her eyes even tighter. "Please." She whispers. She's holding on to her last breath.
"The devil will be out of you soon enouph, and only pain and regret would be left, whore!"
He pulls out his knife and drags it along her thighs. "You filthy bitch. Your going to be so ugly, your husband won't even be able to look at you."
He cuts into her thigh, dragging the sharp blade downward. Emily attempts to scream but only a weak breath comes out. She wiggles, trying to get away from his clutch. He just grips harder and stabs deeper. Emily openes her eyes slowly and looks at him. She never really looked at his face, she's been to worried about Abigail. He is white with blonde hair. He almost looks Spaniard. He has a pale face with bright pink lips. His eyes are blue, but filled with hatred. His teeth are crooked and rotten. He looks up from Emily's thigh and meets eyes with her. When he looks into them, he seems to have figured something out. His face relaxes, and he pulls out the knife in her leg. "It's time. You are almost broken." He says as he walks out of the room. Emily just lies back, and closes her eyes. She focuses on her heart beat, which is abnormally slow. The ability to breath gets harder and harder each breath she takes. She licks her chapped, blue lips and whispers "Hang on Emily. The team will find you." She opens her eyes and sees Hotch. A rush of relaxation runs over her quivering body. "Hotch! Baby! He's in there! He has Abigail!" Emily says in a panic. Hotch just stands there.
"Do something! Do something!" Emily yells. "Why aren't you fucking doing anything?" She is now crying. Her sobs sound like deep wheezes. Then Hotch slowly fades away. Emily scolds herself for hallucinating him. She closes her eyes and tells herself to get it together. Then the large steel door opens. She can hear Abigail's cries. She convinces herself that she's hallucinating her. Until she opens her eyes. The man has Abby in his arms. Emily stiffens and pulls on the chains with all the force that's left in her body. "Don't you touch her! Don't you dare touch my baby!" He laughs at her useless attempt to stop him. His eyes widen as he enjoys watching Emily suffer. "Hey sarah. You will be the key that breaks our mommy. How does that sound?" Abby only screams louder. Emily's mind empties of all things, and Abby's cries fills the hollowness. She pushes her teeth together. "Please. What your mom did to you was not fair. You didn't deserve that. All those late nights when your mom wouldn't come home for days. How your dad beat her then took Sarah's innocence. It's not fair at all. But that is the past. You have to learn to let go." Emily pleads.
"No. Shut up mother! You know nothing! Your just a whore!"
"You can end it today. Right now. Let the baby go. Look at her. Just look into her eyes. What do you see?"
"I see Sarah. I see your breaking point. I see that she will die. Today." He says with a smile.
"Please don't do it. She's my baby. Her name is Abigail. She was just born a week ago. She's innocent. She did nothing to you."
"Her name is Sarah! Her name is Sarah! Her name is Sarah!" Hey yells.
"No." Emily says as she shakes her head.
"And your your a call-girl." He spits.
"No. I work for the FBI. I am a crime fighter."
"Haha. Mother. Do you think I'm stupid?" He says in disbelief. He tightens his grip on Abby and flips her upside down. She screams and wiggles, trying to get out of his arms. She struggles and yells the most painful cries a baby can make. Emily screams at him. "Please! Just please. Let her down! She's just a baby!" The man spins the baby around, swinging her in circles. Abigail's face is puffy and red. She screams her small lungs out. "Let her down! Kill me instead! Please! It's my fault not sarahs. I'm the one that left you. Come on kill me! Sarah just followed my footsteps she had no choice!" Emily plays a long with his fantasy.
"You really don't get it do you?" He laughs.
"I am killing you. I'm breaking you down. You will be nothing but a broken soul. This hurts you the most. You..." He leans close to Emily's face, making sure to keep the baby away from her.
"You will be broken. Permanently scared."
"There is one twenty miles from you guys, west. It's under an old factory named "geyser furniture." Garcia informs. "Now go catch this mother fucker."
"Thanks baby girl. Your the best." Derek concludes.
The team runs to their cars and are on their way to the factory. JJ shares cars with Hotch.
Hotch takes the driving seat.
"Hotch. I'm so sorry." JJ says in a sincere tone.
"It's not your fault. It's mine. I should've waited 2 more days..."
"No. Don't do that. You couldn't have prevented it."
"Yeah its easier to say that when your not the one that's at fault."
He holds up Abigail to Emily's face. Emily stares into her puffy eyes. "Oh baby." Emily starts balling. She is now losing hope. Her precious, innocent baby will be killed by this monster. "It's ok baby. Mama is here." She cries. She switches her attention to the smiling sick man behind her. "Can I hold her?" She pleads.
"No!" He yells.
He puts Abigail into her hands. Emily sighs. "It's ok baby. I'm here. He can't hurt you. Abigail hang on." Abby keeps screaming but softens her cries once she reaches her mom's eyes. She is naked, and her skin is plastered with feces. Who knows what he did to her in there? She is such a small baby. Who could hurt someone so innocent? Then all of a sudden the man pulls Abby out of Emily's arms. He wraps his hands around Abby's neck and starts choking her. Emily goes ballistic. She starts biting at the chains, as If that can free her. She starts kicking and punching, but he's just out of her reach. She cries and screams for him to stop, but he just laughs. "It's ok Sarah, you are the peice in this that will end our moms life." The baby spits and kicks. She can't do much. All she can do is try to scream. But no sound escapes her lips. His hands are blocking any call for help from the little child. Emily kicks the cement floor in panic. She starts hyperventilating. She locks eyes with Abby, just before she takes her last breath. The man releases his clutch off of Abby's lifeless body. He then looks at Emily who is staring wide eyed at Abby. Her jaw is quivering with a thick string of saliva hanging out of her mouth. She cries and cries. She is truly broken. She is worse then dead, she is scarred for life. All those cute baby laughs are gone. She's gone. And she's taken Emily's chance at happiness with her. Emily thinks back to when she wasn't born yet; how she fell in love with her when she looked in the mirror at her round belly. How just two days ago, she had her in her arms. She stares blankly at the ceiling and manages to say two words; "Kill me."

Let me know what you think! Please vote! Sorry for killing Abby.... and sorry this is a long chapter...

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