"Just kill me"

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The man wickedly smiles and says "Why would I do that? Killing you would only make it easier for you, mother."
Emily's back leans against the wall. Her body feels heavy, even though she hasn't eaten for days. Her eyes are full of water, although she is dehydrated. Her throat is swelled up so badly that she has to inhale as strong as she can in order to get the smallest amount of oxygen through her lungs. She closes her eyes and gives up. She has nothing to live for. Abigail died a tragic death and Emily was two inches from stopping it. She takes short breaths, getting deeper each exhale. She finally breaks down. She starts shaking the chains back and forth, causing her wrists to turn purple and blue. She screams even louder. She drags her legs up and down along the cement floor, making her feet scrape up into torn out flesh. Her blood smears all over the ground. She looks up to the ceiling and wails even louder. The man comes close to her. Emily expects a beating, but he unlocks the chains. She doesn't budge. She has been wanting freedom ever since her capture, but it doesn't seem to matter to her anymore. She just lies there while the man drags her blooded body outside to his truck. The sky is dark, but is illuminated by the constellations. He picks her up and shoves her in his trunk. Emily doesn't try to get away, she just wishes for her suffering to end soon so she can be with Abigail. Maybe then, she will be happy. The car seems to go on for only a couple of minutes, but it seems like hours to Emily. The car comes to a stop. Emily can hear his footsteps coming closer. He opens the trunk and picks Emily up over his shoulders. The rain water soaks the both of them. He throws her almost dead body on the ground covered in mud. She let's out a groan. The man pulls out a gun and loads it. "It has to happen here" he says.
Emily is releived that she will finally be out out of this Never ending misery. She starts to imagine Abby and her laughs. How she would have looked as a toddler. How her first birthday would have been. She imagines Hotch picking Abigail up and tickling her small stomach. She whispers "Sorry Hotch for being so weak." She closes her eyes, waiting for the gun to go off. Ready to die. "Your broken, not fixable. It's time for the final step." He says.
Emily doesn't fight back. "My job is done here." He says as he aims the gun to his head, then pulls the trigger. His lifeless body falls to the ground. Blood splatters onto Emily's dried out face. She let's out a squeal as she curls into a ball. The rain soaks her quivering body, making the dried blood in her hair liquid again. She looks around her. The roads are empty. She can taste the mix of dirt, blood and left over urine fill her mouth.
"The factory should be just a couple miles North." Hotch informs with worried eyes.
"Hey what's that?" JJ asks while pointing to a lump on the side of the road.
She then sees it move, showing it's face. JJ'S eyes fills with pain. "Oh, god. That's Emily!"

Thanks for reading! I will try to update soon! Please vote and tell me what you think.

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