It's a Girl!

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Emily holds onto Hotches arm and leads him into the room with the rest of the team. She stands before them, not yet believing the news herself. The team is eager to hear the news, yet terrified at the chance of hearing bad news. "Guys" Emily says with tears in her eyes.
"It survived." She finally gets out. She Bursts into tears and turns to hug Hotch. She makes a confused face. She usually doesn't cry in front of people.
"Congratulations" Reid says as he rubs her back, trying to comfort her. Emily lifts her head from Hotches shoulder and smiles in return. "Thank you."
Everybody comes up and congratulates her. Morgan is tearing up. "Oh, big guy here is crying? Come here my baby!" Garcia exclaims. She is crying herself.
She reaches to hug him then goes on and on about what she is going to buy for it. "Did they say the gender?" Rossi asks.
"No. They didnt." Hotch says.
(12 hours later)
Emily's eyelids are becoming heavy. She sits at the far corner of the hospital, curled in a ball. She rubs her sweaty hands on her hospital robe. Her thoughts become more worrisome every time she tries to put a puzzle peace together about what could happen to the baby. Hotch walks through the hospital door and sits on the seat right next to Emily. "Cookies or chips?" He says as he smiles at her.
"Cookies!" Emily squeals as she reaches to grab the delicious looking bag of cookies. She slows down and stares blankly at the hospital wall. "Babe. Why can't I feel my stomach?"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know...I can't feel my stomach." Emily's head is still foggy because of the medicine she is on.
"Baby. Do you remember anything about giving birth?"
"No. Just the doctors telling me to push and then it all went black..." Emily's eyes dart back and forth, trying to remember the memories that were never there.
"Baby. You had a C-section."
"What? No."
"Yes. They tried to perform natural birth, but you lost too much blood and you kept going unconscious. "
"Oh." Emily answers as she puts her hand over her stomach.
Hotch reaches over and gently pushes away the tangled hair from her eyes. Emily looks up and smiles. "I love you" He says.
"I love you more." Emily returns. Her eyes grow red and tears threaten to come out at any moment.
"Emily prentiss and Aaron Hotchner?" A doctor says.
Emily and Hotch both turn their heads, almost immediately. They get up and walk towards the doctor dressed in white. "Do you want to see your baby? She's beautiful little thing."
"She?" Emily squeals excitingly.
Hotch hugs Emily while he smiles. They walk into the room. "Right over here"  the doctor says.
Emily stands over the crib, smiling. The baby has brown hair with a pink knitted hat on. She is so tiny. The hospital clothes are too big for her small body. She drags her hand over the baby's arm. "She's beautiful."
Hotch stands by her and smiles. "What should we name her?"
Emily laugh cries and turns to look at him while a tear runs down her cheak. "Umm. Idk. Maybe emma?"
"It's ok if you don't like it."
"Haha. Maybe. Linda?"
"Um...I don't know."
They both give up temporarily and turn their attention to the beautiful child before them. Emily seems to have figured something out. "What about Abigail?" She says with a smile.
"I like it. Yeah. Abigail it is." Hotch smiles and kisses Emily on the forehead.
"Hey Abigail.  I'm your daddy." Hotch says to the underweight child.
"What about the last names? I mean we didn't get married." Emily says.
"Let's put both of our names then. She will have two lasts names. But we will get married.
Emily smiles as she says "Abigail Prentiss Hotchner."
After the team saw Abigail,  they all decided to go home. Emily stopped Reid.
"Hey Reid can I talk to you?"
"Of course."
"I just wanted to say thank you. You made this happen. Without you I would have aborted the baby." Emily says as a tear hits the hospital floor. "Emily. You did this. You wouldn't have been able to kill her. I would do it again anytime."
There is a long silence after.
"Would you be the god father?"
Reid smiles. "Of course. Thank you. It means so much."
"She would love you to do it. Ok im going to see if i can find Hotch.Goodnight." Emily says as she reaches for a hug.
"Goodnight." Reid returns and walks to the door. He stops and turns. "If you need anything, anything at all I'm a phone call away."
"Thank you" Emily smiles.
With that, Reid was gone.
(7 days later) 
Emily wakes up to the cry of Abigail.
She looks at the clock and it's 2 am. "Oh my baby, what's wrong?" She says as she walks to Abigail's nursery.  Emily picks up the baby with loving hands. "It's ok baby. Mama is here." She kisses her forehead. Abigail's cry hushes as she stares into her mom's eyes. Emily rocks her back and forth, so happy to have her daughter. Abigail fades off to sleep. Emily gently places her back down in her crib. She walks over to her empty bed. Hotch has left to work 2 days ago. He is working on a case. Emily is on a break to take care of Abby. She drifts to sleep.
Emily's eyes drift open. It's 11. What? Emily thought. Why didn't Abigail wake me up? Usually she cries again at 5. Did she sleep through her cries? Emily quickly gets up and runs to Abigail's room. She looks over the crib. Nothing is there. A rush of fear runs through Emily's veins. She runs through the house frantically trying to find Abby. "No. No. No. Abby!" She screams. She goes back to Abby's room to look at her crib again. Looking more closely,  she notices that there is a peice of paper folded four times. Emily slowly picks it up, terrified at what might be on the small worn peice of paper. She unfolds it and reads;

I have Abigail.  Oh how pretty she is. I wonder what she will look like with a slit throat. Meet me in the ally of the bar "Train wreck". If you tell a single soul, your cute little child dies. We will all pay. Each and every one of us.
-your worst nightmare

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