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The car smashes into the other, causing Emily to jerk back and forth. Her unborn baby gets pushed against the car. Emily's head hits the dashboard and she's out. The glass from the front window breaks and stabs Hotch in the chest.
*Hotches phone rings*
(Goes to voicmail)
"Hey, it's Garcia, where are you two love birds? Call me back."
Ten minutes later...
Emily slowly opens her eyes. Her vision is doubled. Her head is pounding and her feet are wet. Wait why is her feet wet? She manages to look down and feel her stomach. Oh my goodness! Emily's water broke.
'No.' She thought. 'It's to early.'
"Ahhhhhhh" She yells in pain.
She reaches for Hotch and shakes him. "Oh my god,Hotch! " She yells realizing he's bleeding. He is knocked out and can't wake up.
Hotches phone starts ringing. Emily reaches for it and picks it up in a hurry.
It's Reid "uh. Hotch? Where are you-"
"Reid you gotta help us! " Emily sobs.
"Emily. What's wrong."
"He's....bleeding. Oh...no...he's going to....die!"
"Where are you guys?" Reid asks.
"No!" Emily cries louder. "My baby."
"Whats wrong with your baby?"
"I don't know. The car hit us...and now I'm wet."
"*background* 'I got the adress. They are right on tumbleweed Avenue." Garcia says.
"My baby!"
"Listen to me Emily. Your baby is twenty four weeks old right?"
"That's the shortest development time the baby can be inside you. The baby has a 50/50 chance of living ok? You need to breath. It can still live."
"Hurry!!!" Emily starts to fade off from the loss of blood.
5 minutes later...
(Distorted voice) "Emily. Look at me. Focus on me. Come on. That's it. Good. Your doing great." Reid says.
They lift her into the emergency truck and she's in and out of consciousness.
She wakes up in the emergency room hooked up to an iv.
"She's up" says a nurse.
"Okay. We need you to push." The other nurse says.
"Ahhhhhh." Emily pushes.
17 hours later...
Emily wakes up and looks at her stomach. It's flat. "No!" She yells. She starts balling.
Reid rushes in. "Emily."
"My...baby." She cries as she touches her stomach.
"Emily. It has 50/50 chance to live. It was born breathing. The doctors are doing all they can to keep it alive."
"It's alive?" She cries.
"Yes. Your baby is alive. The doctors are doing all they can to keep it that way."
"Where is Hotch?"
"He is fine. It's ok Emily. Get some rest."
Emily drifts off, exhausted, hoping her baby will live.

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