Happily Ever After

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2 hours into wedding...

"Come on." Hotch whispers as his lips creep to a smile.

"What?" Emily breaths.

"Let's get out of here."

"Where do you want to go? This is our wedding..." Emily gets lost in her words. She is confused by the tall handsome man, yet eager to know more.

"I'll show you, my bride." He takes Emily's hand into his own.

"Okay, lead the way." Emily says.

Hotch pulls a mischievous smile as he turns to walk out, his hand still holding Emily's.

He pulls Emily out the doors of the chapel. She bursts into small laughs.

"It's eleven at night. Where in the world could we be going?" She breaths.

"It's a surprise." Hotch whispers.

"I hate surprises." Emily says with a wink of the eye.

"Well you won't hate this one..." Hotch says as he moves forward.

Emily follows him, into the darkness.

"It's right past these trees." Says Hotch.

Emily stops walking and pulls his hand to make him stop.

"Am I really going to enter the woods with you at eleven at night in a wedding dress?" She asks.

"Please. It's just past these woods."

Emily thinks about it for a second. "Fine." She whispers as she gets gently jerked forward by Hotch.

The tree branches brush against her dress, causing little branches to get caught in the fabric. She tries her best to keep pace with Hotch. Then her heel gets stuck in a hole.

"Ahh. Shit." She yells.

Hotch is quickly at her assistance. "Babe, you okay?" He asks, worry showing all over his posture.

"Yeah. Fine." She groans. She starts to walk forward. It hurts like hell. "Fuck!" She yells again.

"Here, let me carry you."

"Hotch, you don't have to do that."

He lifts her body from the ground, and picks her up bridal style. "But I must, my love." He whispers. "Almost there..."

"Kay babe. I know it's worth it."

He walks forward for a good ten minutes, with Emily snuggled into his arms.

"Here it is." He says as he walks out of the woods.

"Woah...How did you know about this place? It's beautiful." Emily sighs as her eyes wander through her surroundings. It resembles a small beach. The sand is pure white and the ocean water is crystal clear.

"I know things." He says as he plants a kiss on her cold forhead. His lips to her skin feels like a ray of sunshine.

Hotch lays her down on the sand. "How's your foot feeling?" He asks as he trails his fingers down her legs.

"Oh, Hotch. You always make sure to turn me on."

"Oh, you mean like this?" He teases. His hands lifts her wedding dress.

"Yes, Hotch. Just like that." Emily inhales.

He drags his lips across her skin.

Emily's body tenses. "Baby..."

He brushes his lips up her body, stopping at the neck. "Yes?"

"I love you."

"I love you too." He says as he pecks her lips, finishing his tease. "Really though, how's your foot?"

"It's actually feeling better." She says as she lightly pounds her once injured foot on the sand.

"Good. You want to go for a swim?"

"What? Hotch, your crazy." She breaths.

"How's it crazy?"

"Well, first thing first, It is almost twelve in the fucking morning and the water is probably freezing. I have no bathing suit and I'm in a wedding dress."

"Nobody knows where this place is. We can just jump in naked." He suggests.

"Hotch. You're not serious." She stares into his huge brown eyes.

He stares back.

"Fine." She finally says.

Her and Hotch undress to their bare skin.

"It's freezing out here!" Emily squeals.

Hotch quickly tugs her close. She wraps her thin arms around his muscular neck. Their faces are nearly touching. This couldn't be any more perfect.

Hotch quickly swoops Emily into a bridal style manner. She's taken by surprise. "Hotch!"

He starts running towards the cold water.

"No! Hotch!" She screams as she tries to jump back to the sand for saftey.

He jumps into the coldness with her in his arms. Her entire body sinks into the water. She makes her way to the surface and once she's there she gasps for air. Emily immediately breaks into a laugh. "We're crazy, you know that?"

"Yeah." He says as he swims right next to Emily. His hands find her face.

"You're so beautiful, inside and out. You know that right?"

"Oh, Hotch." She says as she kisses his lips. Their naked bodies find contact under water. She leans in to cling onto his chest. Her head rests gently on his shoulder. "I never thought this would happen, us. Yeah, I had fantasies but this...this is very real." Emily shivers.

"I know baby. I thought the same thing when I saw you work the case like magic. I always admired you. How you stayed calm during all of those cases. How you were extra sensitive to the children ones. I always wondered why you didn't have children..." He stops himself. "I'm sorry."

"Hey. It's okay. I will never forget Abigail. Therapy helped me think about her without pain. I will never forget her babe."

Hotch moves his hand down her soaked hair.

"Do you think we will ever have more kids Hotch?" Emily asks.

"Only if you want to."

Emily smiles. "I always imagined me having children. I loved children for as long as I can remember. Yes, I would like that babe."

"Then we better get practicing." He growls as he picks Emily up under water. Her bare legs rap around his torso. His lips find hers. Each lip lock feels more mesmerizing than the last.

"I love you Emily Hotchner." Hotch whispers in her ear.

"I love you more, Aaron Hotchner." She whispers back.

"That my love, is Impossible."

The end

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