Worse Than Death

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JJ pulls the car over in a hurry, the rest of the team right behind her. Hotch exits the car and with a full sprint, runs towards the quivering Emily on the ground. "Baby." Hotch says as he scans Emily's body. She is almost unrecognizable, with her underweight body due to starvation, and her beaten up face. Hotch notices the blood in her hair and the blood on her unbuttoned shirt, exposing her naked breasts. His eyes tear up as he gently careses her bruised face with his hands. She can't tell if it's reality or just another sick illusion her mind is playing on her. She opens her swollen eyes, making the dried mucus coating her eyes split in two. "Hotch...Abby..." Her heart rate speeds up as she remembers what happened. "He killed her!" She yells. Hotch closes his eyes and puts his head down. He puts his free hand on his lips and lets out tear after tear. His eyes grow puffy as he looks back up. He grabs her hand as he sobs. Emily cries, but only uneven breathing takes place with a few squeaks here and there. Her throat is too sore to wail again. Although If she could, she would. JJ squats by her side with big worry eyes. "Emily hang on. Open your eyes." She says with fright in her voice. She moves her hand up to Emilys chest. Her skin is almost paper thin. JJ gently closes her shirt, so her breasts wouldn't show. Emily drowsily opens her eyes again, trying to make out JJ's face. Almost everything is a blur, but she can make out her pale, beautiful skin and her luscious blonde hair. Emily just lies there.
"That's it. See? Your doing great." JJ encourages but inside, she is scared for Emily. It seems like she is better off dead, so she wouldn't have to go through the pain of losing a child.
Emily groans in return. She feels her body being lifted up while she lies flat and JJ's voice slowly fades away. She falls asleep to the frantic sirens driving her to the hospital.
Emily's dream p.o.v-
There is Abigail. She is dancing in the beautiful pink dress I got her for her sixth birthday. It falls just below the knees, exposing her small, slim legs. She flaunts around, swinging her hips as she leaps to the next step of her dance she makes up along the way. I smile, examining her beauty and innocence. Her long, brown curly hair dances in sync with the rest of her body. Her giggle makes me smile and feel all bubbly inside. She spots me with her eager hazel eyes. "Mommy! Come dance with me!" She laughs.
"Ok!" I smile and wipe my hands on the small towel. I grab her tiny, soft hands and dance with her. She spins on her toes, and falls straight into my arms.
"Hey baby." Hotch says as he kisses my cheek.
I don't stop dancing. "Hey sweety!" I look up at him and give him a quick peck on the lips. I look back down at Abby. Oh my goodness... Her once pink beautiful dress is dirty and covered in blood and feces. Her skin is blistered and her face is purple. She stands motionless. The once happy dancing music turned to late 1800's music. The same music where that man kept me and tortured me. I look back up at Hotch and his eyes are red. He cries, but he has hate in his eyes. No sincerity at all. "It's your fault!" He yells. "You killed Abby!"
Real life-
Emily quickly shoots up to a sitting position. She is now awaken from her restless sleep. She breathes frantically. The nurse hurries in. "Oh your awake. It's great to see your eyes open. You've been out for three days." Emily doesn't respond. She is just disappointed she didn't pass away. She stares at the wall, disconnected. "Your food ma'am." The nurse says as she scans her tired eyes. She then exits the room. Emily's stomach is turning. She doesn't feel like eating, her stomach has shrunk due to the deprivation of food. She pushes the tray of milk and saggy vegetables off of her lap. It crashes onto the floor. The nurse tramples back in and looks at the splattered mix of food on the shiny hospital floor. She takes one look at Emily and decides not to question why she did it. She just quickly cleans up the food and exits the room, leaving Emily drowning in her own thoughts. Emily doesn't seem to notice the mess. She didn't want it, so she pushed it away. Her mindset is almost like a baby's, very simple and delicate, not paying much attention to others feelings.
Hotch sits on the far side of the waiting room, with his head down. He hasn't slept since Emily's return. Every time he shuts his eyes, he sees Abby's small dead body in a body bag that's way too big for her.
"Aaron Hotchner." The nurse calls.
Hotch quickly looks up and walks in a hurry to the nurse dressed in a white apron. "Yes?" He asks with worry pouring out of his eyes.
"Emily is awake...physically." The nurse says. "She's in room C-52. It's all the way down the hall to the left---." Hotch didnt let her finish. He was already running down the hallway to see Emily. When he opens the door, he sees Emily sitting up. He slowly walks in. "Baby." Emily just sits there, emotionless. She is physically there but it seems like she is world's away, somewhere lost in time, but she is sitting right in front of him, right now, there but not really there. Hotch reaches for her shoulder and pulls her in for a hug. She doesn't hug him at first. Then her eyes fly open, wider than before. More alive. It's as if she just noticed Hotches presence. Her eyes start to tear. She cries into his chest. "It's my fault isn't it?" She says as she pulls away from his chest.
"What? No." Hotch replies in a shocked tone.
"Baby. You couldn't have prevented this. Okay baby?" He adds.
Emily nods but doesn't truly agree. She thinks it's all her fault. She was just two inches away from stopping him. The chains held her back and she failed. She killed Abby.
JJ walks in. "Hey Em." She says in a sincere voice.
Emily looks up at JJ who seems to be crying. Her icy blue eyes are intense and focused. They dart back and forth, trying to read Emily's pain behind her eyes. JJ reaches and hugs her. Emily returns her embrace. "She's gone." Emily says with a throat full of tears. Then, almost like a switch, Emily turns back to the emotionless Emily. She stands still, releasing her grasp off of JJ. JJ looks down at Emily and stares deeply into her eyes. Emily gets up and walks out. The nurse walks in. "When can she come home?" Hotch asks. "That's what I was going to speak to you about. She can come home tonight." The nurse answers. Hotch nods and exits the room. He tries to make himself believe that he is taking home Emily. His future wife, the smiling one. But he can't seem to believe his lies. He knows that when Abby died, she took the old Emily with her. She took her laughs, her smiles, her long stares that made anyone smile. She took it all, and left behind an empty, walking corpse, waiting to be put out of her misery.
Hope you liked it! Please tell me what you think and vote please. Thanks for reading! I will try to update soon!

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