The crazy night

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Emily's eyes slowly drift open due to the bright sunlight beaming through the window. She looks down and notices she is wrapped in Hotch's arms. They are on their couch, clung onto eachother so tightly they are almost one.
Emily leans into her lovers chest and just rests there for a while, embracing her true feelings for this man. She realizes that she loves him so much. It's a different kind of love that happens ever so often. Their love was built off of tragedy. They have gone through hell together. Each time they are going through the never ending dark tunnel of sadness, the other swoops in and becomes their light at the end of the tunnel. Hope. Love. Another beginning. How she felt that nothing was ever going to be okay after she got pregnant, and Hotch came in and saved her, comforted her, made her feel welcome. How in the hospital, when she was hurt from the car crash and she felt isolated. He made her feel welcomed and not alone. How their baby died and Hotch comforted her. And Emily faked her happiness and is now trying out counseling to make him feel better. To make him believe that maybe she is healing.
Emily bites her lip as she looks up at the tall, muscular man above her head. His lips are perked up. They look so soft and gentle.
Hotch's lips shape into a smile. He opens his eyes and looks down at her.
"We must have fallen asleep."
" come I don't remember anything? All I can remember is crying into your chest and then it's all black." Emily says as her eyes dart back and forth, trying to make out the cloudy memories.
"Well, after you agreed to do counseling, we called a recommended doctor and he said he can fit you in today at two pm. You agreed. Then we all drank a bottle of wine and fell asleep under the stars. You were knocked out so I carried you in." Hotch explains with a soft smile.
"Oh. Well I don't even feel a hangover." Emily says as she lays her head back down into Hotch's shoulder.
Hotch smiles. "Wait. Then where did Reid go?" He says, his smile quickly turning into a frown.
"Hey guys... Why did I wake up in the bathtub?" Reid groans while rubbing his neck.
Emily let's out a laugh. "Oh poor Reid. His neck is all sore." She teases.
Hotch giggles.
Reid's eyes squint in pain as the light hits his eyes. "Ow. Close the- the- blinds." Reid yelps as he fails his hands in the air.
Emily laughs as she gets up and pulls the blinds closed. "I can't believe your the only one with a hangover." Emily jokes.
"Maybe it because he's a light drinker. I mean, Reid never drinks." Hotch says with a playful smile.
Reid just frowns as he makes his way to the opposite couch.
"Do you guys have any coffee?" Reid questions.
"Aha. Yeah. Coffee won't make you feel any better. You have a hangover Reid. That can't just be fixed with coffee." Emily says with an 'obviously' attitude.
Reid just deepens his frown and looks down at his fingers.
"Sorry I got drunk. I didn't mean to stay over and bother you guys..."
"Oh no Reid, you weren't a bother. From what I see, you seem pretty fun to be around."
That causes Reid to loosen his frown.
"I should get going though. I don't want to become a bother. Plus I have some work that needs to be done so I guess I will head out." Reid says with a nod of the head.
"Okay. If you really want to go." Emily responds.
Reid gets up and glides his hands down his crinkled pants. "Okay. Um. I will see you tomorrow?" He says, just before exiting out the door.
"Yeah. See you later." Emily says with a mischievous laugh.
As soon as Reid's eyes hit the sunlight he groans in pain. He enters back in quickly. "Uh. Emily. Do you have-"
"Top shelf in the kitchen." Emily cuts him off.
Reid nods and pulls out the sunglasses Emily told him about. "Thanks." He says as he finally exits.
******twenty minutes later******

*Knock knock knock*

Emily's eyes shoot straight for the door.
"Who's that?" She whispers as she gets up to check the peephole. It's a tall man that has a clipboard in his hand.
"Babe. What time is it?" She asks Hotch.
"Woah. I thought it was around eleven."
"It's my counselor." Emily says as she roles her eyes at the thought of him seeing her like this. It's the first time they are meeting and she looks terrible.
Her eyes are still swollen and her breath smells horrific. She is wearing clothes from yesterday. Her mascara has worn and the clumps fell on her cheak bones.
She is somewhat scared of the counselor. She never shared her feeling to anyone before. Well, not this deep anyways. Her hand slowly turns the nob to open the door, not yet ready to spill her feelings into a man she knows nothing of.
I am sorry. I know I have stretched the limit. It had been forever since I updated. I finally did though! So please leave a vote and a comment. Thanks for reading!

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