The baby

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Emily blows out a quick breath of cold air at the sound of the nurses words. She keeps repeating her words again and again trying to find a hidden meaning to it. "We have some news about the baby..." Emily thinks it over until Hotch awakes her from her daydream.
"What is it?" Hotch asks the nurse in a low but demanding voice. Emily looks up at Hotch who is by her side then looks back at the nurse, waiting for an answer. "The doctor will be here soon to discuss it with you." The nurse informs then looks at the floor. She takes their silence as her cue to go.
"Babe. What do you think it is?" Emily asks.
"I don't know." Hotch answers as he reaches for her shoulder. "But whatever the news, I will always love you, you know?"
"Stop talking like that."
"Like what?"
"Like the baby is the only thing holding our relationship together." Emily shoots. She leans forward as an attempt to get away from Hotches touch. Hotch is shocked at her words.
"Babe. I will always love you, baby or not. My love will never die for you. It's immortal." Hotch says with tears in his eyes.
"I'm sorry." Emily responds while rubbing her neck. "It's just so stressful. I love or loved that baby. Even when it wasn't born yet."
"Now you stop talking like that." Hotch says with an angry expression.
"Like what?"
"Like the baby is dead."
"I just don't want to hang onto false hope."
"How could you say that Emily Prentiss? "
"Ok. You must not understand how much I want that baby to be alive. How much I want to hold it in my arms. How I want to kiss it's small forehead and tell him or her that mommy and daddy loves it. But I am scared. I'm scared that if I believe that our baby is alive and healthy, it won't happen. Then I will turn into something that I can't even imagine. Just someone who is filled with hatred and emptiness. And you don't deserve that person. " Emily cries as she forces the words out.
"Baby. I'm sorry. I love you. It's ok." Hotch says as he hugs her tightly. Emily let's her tears seep into his shirt. She let's out small sobs. That's when the team comes in.
"We came as soon as we found out you were awake." Garcia says.
Emily looks up from Hotches shoulder and sees Garcia's bright pink high heels on the white hospital floor. Her vision blurs at first from her tears. She wipes her eyes trying to get rid of the blurriness. "Hey Garcia" Emily says. She spreads a fake smile on her face, trying to hide her struggle.
Reid, JJ, Morgan, and Rossi step in after her. They all say hello and hug.
"Hey, I'm Doctor Leet. I'm here to discuss the news about your baby."
The whole team turns around in an instance and Emily stands up. Her hospital gown almost tears. "Can I speak to Emily prentiss and Aaron Hotchner?"
They both walk out the door.
"Ok. So at first, your baby was not holding on, it was slowly dying from the lack of development of its lungs. That's when we told the nurse to inform you that we would like to talk to you. Then, all of a sudden, your baby started breathing, taking deep breaths. I never seen anything like it in my years of working here. And trust me, I worked here for a very long time. Your baby is recovered and from the looks of it, can be taken home. But we would at least want to wait 24 hours just be sure of it." Doctor Leet concluded.
Emily was standing there shocked at her words. A few seconds after she smiled so big, her swollen eyes were closed. Her tears rolled down her cheeks. She let out a little scream. Hotch immediately reached for Emily. They just stand there, hugging eachother. Thankful to have eachothers everlasting love. In that moment, they felt like one. They let eachothers tears rub on their faces. Both of their tears were non stop. Emily took his hand in between sobs and said "let's go tell the rest of the family."

(So sorry it took me a week to write another update. It's just hard to fit it in with all the school work.)

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