Turning Point

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Emily wakes up to Hotch gently pressing his lips against her cheak.
"Goodmorning baby." Hotch says in his groggy morning voice. Emily smiles as she stretches out on the bed.
"I was out right after. You put me to sleep!" Emily jokes.
Hotch laughs. "Well did you expect anything less?"
Emily smiles as she sits up and opens her eyes a little wider. "Did you hear that?" She questions, going into her serious mode.
"Hear what?" Hotch asks.
*Knock knock knock.*
"Somebody's at the door. I will get it." Emily says as she gets up, wrapping the thin white sheet around her naked body.
She stares into the peephole, trying to make out who it is. She can't see anything, so she opens the door, only letting half her body show.
"Oh. Hi Reid." Emily says as she grabs tighter onto the sheet, making sure it doesn't fall.
Reid scans her body, realising what he just walked into. "Oh...Uh..." He stammers nervously, shooting his eyes to the ground at the sight of her almost naked body. "I just wanted to check up on you." He finally let's out as he meets her eyes.
Emily looks down, feeling her sadness coming back. "I'm fine Spencer." Emily lies. "You shouldnt be worried about me. You should be at work. They can use your oversized brain." Emily jokes. She then sees the pain in Spencers' eyes. "Spencer..."
"I know your still hurting." Reid says with a stern but comforting voice.
Emily looks down and fiddles with the soft sheet before opening her mouth.
"I should get dressed." She says as she lifts her head up and smiles.
Reid frowns at the fact that she won't let him into her feelings. "Okay, I will wait." Reid pushes on.
Emily looks down. She knows Reid won't give this up. "Okay. Come inside."
She opens the door as he walks in.
Reid scans the house. He can smell last night's sex in the air. He doesn't seem to mind. He's just happy that she is feeling better.
Hotch walks in while pulling a shirt over his head. "Oh. Hey Reid." He says with a blunt tone. He then looks at Emily in her sheet. "You should get dressed." His voice fills with jealousy.
Emily meets his eyes and nods. "Yeah. That's what I was going to do. Uh...can you keep Spencer company?"
"Of course." Hotch says as he sits on the opposite couch from the tall, skinny man.
Emily leaves without another word.
She closes the door behind her and quickly digs into her dresser, searching for a clean pair of everything. She throws some clothes on and takes a quick comb to her hair. Her tounge moves around in her mouth, tasting her morning breath. She enters the bathroom to brush her teeth.
"So what made you come?" Hotch questions.
"Well...uh...I wanted to check on my best friend. She has been through so much. I just want to be there for her. You know?" Reid answers with tears in his eyes.
"Yeah. I know. Your a good friend."
"I try to be." Reid concludes with a smile. "You know Emily really loves you right?"
Hotch looks up to meet Reid's eyes. "Yes. I love her also."
"No,I mean. She would anything for you. Your so lucky to have her."
Hotch smiles as he opens his mouth. "I know. I sometimes question how someone so beautiful and pure can be mine."
Emily stares into the mirror and gives herself a small pep talk. "Emily Prentiss you are going to be ok. You will make it through today. It will all get better. You will find happiness." Emily's voice breaks on the last sentence. She wipes her eyes that are beginning to tear then takes a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom. "Hey Reid." Emily says as she reaches for a hug. Reid hugs her tight, so happy that his best friend is ok. Well, considering what she has been through she's ok. He releases with a smile.
"Would you like anything to drink?" Emily says, almost immediately.
Reid hesitates. He isn't thirsty but he sends her off. "Yeah, water please." He can tell that she is hurt and she wants alone time, so he allows it. Not long after, he followers her in. She shuffles through her fridge with glossy eyes. She stops and leans against the cabinet with her head down.
"Emily. Are you ok?"
Emily is startled by his sudden presence. "Oh, hey Reid I'm getting your water..."
Reid studies her posture and her distant look she sends his way. "I'm glad you didn't take the drugs."
Emily looks up, surprised. "Reid. Don't you dare profile me." She says, raising her voice a little.
Reid looks deep into her eyes.
"I'm only doing this because I love you. I'm not judging you ok? I'm just here to help."
"I don't need your help." Emily shoots back, swinging her arm through the air out of anger.
"Emily, calm down."
"Don't you dare tell me to-" She puts her hand down and bites her lip, trying to keep her anger contained.
Reid steps closer, gripping her shoulder. "I was a drug addict before, as you know. I would hate to see you go through the same thing." He looks down at his tapping foot, then back into Emily's eyes. "The only thing that got me to quit was you guys... I couldn't keep doing that to you guys." He frowns a little.
"I wanted to so bad...I just couldn't-" She breaks down to a sob. Reid pulls her into a hug.
"I know Emily, I know."
"I have to stop, I just don't know how..."
"I have a therapist I went to in my times of need maybe you can-" Emily inturuptes him.
She breaks from their hug, straightning her posture. "I'm not crazy Reid."
"I'm not saying you are-" his eyes dart back and fourth.
She considers this for a second. She knows Reid won't let this go and she needs to convince the team that she's ok. "Ok. I will." She says as she looks at the ground.
"Your so strong Emily. You know that?" Reid says to the puffy eyed Emily.
Emily spreads a fake smile. She doesn't believe him. How am I strong when I cry everynight? She thinks to herself. She doesn't say a word to Reid, she needs him to think she's ok, although he just caught her in a crying scene.
Hotch walks in, hearing her cries. "Is everything ok?" He asks, worry filling his voice.
"Yeah...I just decided to try counseling..."
Hotch pulls her into a hug. "Oh baby I'm so happy. Your so strong."
There are those words again. She thinks to herself. Strong... I'm nothing like that. I'm weak...vulnerable and broken.
Hope you like this chapter! Please leave a vote and a comment. Sorry I took so long to update...I am working on two other fanfics and I am studying for testing so I am super busy.

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