2 years of help

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2 years into therapy...

Emily tiptoes across the carpet see Hotch sleeping peacefully. She can hear his slow, balanced breathing as he dreams.
She lifts her leg up to cradle him. Her hands run down his chest. She kisses all over his upper body. She starts getting more passionate with her kisses, sucking his skin with every lip lock. This causes small, purple marks to appear on his skin.
Hotch slowly opens his eyes then smiles. "Goodmorning baby." He then pulls her head in, kissing her deeply.
Emily's taken away by his kiss. It makes her feel high. High off of love.
Hotch takes this opportunity to flip her over.
"Hotch!" She squeals.
"What? Now you don't like it?"
She laughs. He holds her body in place with his hips. Then, he slowly pulls her arms above her head. He slides her other wrist into his left hand. Now, he hold both of her wrists in just one of his. With his free hand, he feels her body, up and down just before he leans in to kiss her neck.
"No hickies! It's my first day back in the BAU. I don't need to be looking like a hooker."
"But you look so sexy all marked up."
"Haha! No,no,no."
"Yes." He growls.
"I'm serious!" She laughs.
With one last kiss, he finally stops. "Fine. Have it your way." He says as gets off of her. He smiles as he looks down at her.
"I will." She laughs.
Hotch parks his car in the parking lot.
"You ready?" He asks.
"Yeah. I am." She smiles.
They move into the building. Emily is a little nervous. It's her first time here in two years. Everything looks so different. Although, probably nothing changed.
Hotch looks down at her worried face.
"Hey. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Promise."
Emily forces a smile. "I know."
They push open the doors and enter the building.
They stride over to the elevators open doors. "Alright then. Here it comes. I don't think you will survive."
Emily nudges him softly with her elbow.
"Ow!" He yells then breaks into a laugh.
"No, seriously. I'm glad to see your back in the office. It makes me happy seeing your face in here again." Hotch says with a small smile on his face.
"I am glad I'm here. I missed this job. I missed the team. I missed my old life. You know? Before the depression."
"Yes. I understand."
The elevator doors open.
JJ looks above her desk then back at her papers. Her head shoots up when she sees Emily. "Emily!" She yells as she runs over to her.
"JJ!" Emily quickly pulls her into a hug. She hasn't seen her in about six months. JJ has this job, and her own life. As much as they wanted to see eachother, JJ had no time.
Their yells call everybody's attention.
The team quickly swarms around her.
They are all happy she is back.
After about ten minutes they decide to start the case.
"Okay, guys. Let's start." Hotch says to the excited team.
Everybody groans with their eyes. They all walk into the bullpen.

Hotch and EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now