Chapter 28

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*This is not the last chapter.*

Emily stands by the bridge, her hair fluttering in sync with the wind. The cold air only makes her red face even more puffy. She looks out to the ocean. The huge body of water comforts her in a way nothing else can. Something about the knowledge that the sea holds an entire different world brings her peace.


Emily inhales sharply. That voice sounds too familiar to be an illusion.

"Hotch, listen. You can leave. I completely understand. I'm too broken. You deserve someone better."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I'm letting you go." Her voice breaks.

"Please, give me a chance to explain. If you do, and after you still feel like leaving me, fine. I won't stop you. All you have to do is give me time to explain."

"I don't want to hear about the younger woman you had sex with, Hotch. What was it? Was she more beautiful? Was she more fun?"  She stares deeply into the illuminated sea.

"For the last time baby, I didn't cheat on you..."

"Go ahead, explain yourself." She says as she moves the strands of hair from her eyes.

"Gladly. Well, I have been planning to do this for the longest time. I'm sure you plan on not spending another second wrapped in my arms but... I was planning our wedding. I gave the wedding planner, Rachel, my number. Not the home phone because I wanted it to be a surprise. I was going to ask you tonight..."

Emily eyes water. "I'm so sorry. I'm so ignorant. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions... I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay baby." Hotch says as he pulls Emily into a tight embrace. The wind whistles loops around their cold bodies.

"I guess it's not a surprise anymore then, right?" Hotch whispers. His cold breath blows onto her frozen cheak.

"What's that?" She asks.

Hotch's arms pull Emily away from his chest.

He kneels to one knee.

"Oh!" Emily clasps her hands onto her numb face.

The wind is so loud, she can barely hear the cars in the distance.

Hotch raises his voice to a scream. That's the only way she will be able to hear him.

"Will you, Emily Prentiss, marry me?!"

He opens the small, black box. Inside is a golden ring with one huge diomand in the middle. On each side of it, lays five smaller diomands.

This couldn't be more perfect. They are in the place she loves the most, in the presence of the love of her life.

"Yes! Baby! I will!" She yells as tears flow down her puffy cheaks.

Hotch raises off the ground and leaps into his hug. He picks Emily up bridal style and swings her in circles.

Once the spins slow down, their eyes lock. "I love you so much." Hotch whipers.

Emily slowly leans in for a deep kiss. His lips clasped against hers feels like heaven. She finds herself not wanting this to end. Once they are out of oxygen, they release to inhale more. "I love you too, baby."

A/N Who guessed it? I know at least one of you guessed he was going to purpose. ANYWAYS, this is NOT the last chapter.

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