Chapter 5: Caught Up In Friday Nights

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  • Dedicated to Kate and Colleen

--Chapter 5--

*Mel's P.O.V.*

Today is Friday, supposedly the greatest day ever invented. Instead, I'm here at the lunch table, not bothering to touch my egg salad and refusing to say a word to any of my friends.

Was it too much? Maybe not. Tell me how you would feel after knowing your crush loves someone else. I'm sure you would even have thoughts of committing suicide. Not me, I am venting out my feelings by not even venting it. I'm so cray sometimes. I just need time to think.

"You know," Kate began, "I know you have this huge obsession over Joe, but him loving someone else doesn't make it the end of the world."

"I am not obsessed with Joe Edward Sinclair," I stated with utmost conviction.

"Wow," Colleen said as she rolled her eyes, "No wonder you know his full name."

"Oops, I guess I was kinda obsessed," I mused, playing with my fingernails.

"Well, at least someone admitted something," Chloe said with a laugh.

"She hasn't admitted that I'm hot yet!" Angelika whined, making all of us laugh.

"Conceited," Cali muttered.

"Hey! I heard that!" Angelika screeched.

"I know," Cali teased.

"There's going to be a basketball game later, want to watch?" Chloe asked.

"Ok, i'm in!" I replied excitedly. This is just the thing I need to remove my stress, watch a couple of tall hot guys fight it out in a game of basketball.

"Oh my gosh! Brian will be theree!" Colleen exclaimed.

"Who is this Brian kid?" I asked, playing with the locks of my hair.

"The hottest guy in the basketball team," Angelika said with a sigh. "I'm still hotter though."

"No, Nate is the hottest guy in the basketball team!" Colleen and Chloe said at the same time.

"Wait, woah. The both of you like Nate?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes!" They exclaimed at the same time.

"A little friendly competition," Chloe said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"There's no need to compete, I'm already the winner," Colleen argued.

"Woah guys, calm your horses," I told them, chuckling lightly.

I noticed Cali wasn't talking the whole time. "Cali, why are you so quiet?"

"I hate Brian to bits," Cali muttered, anger evident in her voice.

"Brian's not that bad! Stop overreacting!" Angelika said.

"I hate him, ok? That guy who thinks he can get any girl," Cali mumbled.

"He CAN get any girl, he doesn't just think that he can, because he really can!" Angelika protested.

"And when did you start having an interest in Brian?" Cali asked angrily.

"Never! I just got to know him in my Physics class, and he's really not that bad!" Angelika argued once again.

"Guys, why don't we just calm down and when is this basketball game again?" I asked.

"After lunch!" Colleen and Chloe screeched at the same time. Definitely excited to see Nate.

"Ok, why don't we grab a bag of popcorn for the game? Lunch is almost over," I said.

"Ok!" all of them screamed.

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