Chapter 18: Caught Up In Being Reckless

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Dedicated to @colleen0318 for guessing what will happen in this chapter. :)

Also dedicated to @annbostre, and @milesroque for giving me the awesome idea for the following chapters. :)

--Chapter 18--

*Mel's P.O.V.*

I felt my eyes well up with tears when I saw my dad packing some suitcases, and my mom running around frantically. I knew immeadiately, just by that sight, that we were leaving. 

"Mom?" I asked. "What is this? Are we leaving again?"

My mom looked at me with tears in her eyes before nodding. "Yes, Mel. We're leaving tomorrow."

I wailed and wrapped my arms around her, sobbing loudly. "I don-don't want to... leave!" I cried. 

"I'm sorry, Mel." my mom whispered. "We have to, we're going to stay there until you graduate high school."

"What?" I tore away from the hug, and looked at her in disbelief. "That's too long!"

My mom shook her head slowly. "I'm sorry, honey. Your dad and I already talked about this for a long time now. We think the right time to leave is now, because it's December and the holidays are fast approaching, meaning you won't have a hard time in school for awhile. Also, your dad found a really good job that will pay him well."

"Where exactly are we going?"

"London," my mom blurted out.

"What? That's so far! How about Joe? What will I tell him? What, so  I'll just call him and say, 'hey joe i'm breaking up with because we're going to see the big ben in london'? That's stupid! What about all the friends I gained here?" I started to bawl, and my knees dropped on the ground.

My mom picked me up and lay me on the couch. "Go on, call him. Just explain everything to him, ok?"

I took a deep breath and headed to my room, making sure that I locked the door behind me.

I took out my phone and called Joe. After 2 rings, he finally picked it up. "Hello, Mel?"

"Joe?" I stammered. 

"Mel, is something wrong? Are you crying?" his voice was full of concern.

"We're moving to....." I started crying again, and I tried to make my words clear. "asdfjkLONDONhqwop." Was that clear enough? Maybe not, oh well.

I started crying again. I didn't care if Joe could hear all this. "Mel, it's ok. You're moving. We can work this out, right?"

I immediately replied without second thought. "No. We can't work this out! I don't want to remember anything that happened in between us anymore. I don't want to get hurt. Don't bother contacting me, because I will unfollow you on twitter, unfriend you on facebook, never be online on skype, and I will break my phone the moment this call is done. I'm sorry."

"What? Mel, you can't do this to me!" Joe's voice was dribbled from obvious cries.

"Good bye Joe." I hung up, and lied down on my bed, and cried some more. I texted my friends about what happened and I didn't want to see their replies. So... my anger got the best of me.

I threw my phone to the floor angrily and crushed it with my feet. I stared at the pieces left of my phone, and I suddenly regretted what I told Joe. 


*Joe's P.O.V.*

I can't believe it. Mel's leaving. She said she never wants to talk to me again. I decided that it's what's best for her, if she's happy, I'm happy, right? 

The thing is, I'm not happy. I don't want to let her go. I've learned to love her more than anything else in the world. I want to at least say one last good-bye to her, kiss her one more time, and touch her tiny hand once again. 

I can't. I'm scared to say good-bye to her. I'm scared to tell her that I don't want her to leave. She might reject me once more. She might tell me that she hates me. But I have to say good-bye to her somehow.

She said she was going away. I had no idea where. Her voice was all scratchy and I have no clue where she'll be moving. It sounds a lot like Russia, though. Then, it hit me. When she leaves, I will follow her. I will look for her. When I find her, I will confess everything to her, and I will stay wherever she's staying. If that place is Russia, then I'll run after her. She's looking for is a genuine move, right?

But, what if she's actually not in Russia? What if my hearing skills failed me once more? 

Still, I can't base everything on what if's. I will look for her in Russia, no matter how long it'll take me. But then again, what if I never find her? I have to give her a memory from me somehow.

So once again, I ran. I ran to wherever my legs would take me. I went to a store, bought some flowers, and I wrote a note from me. i was just about to leave when something caught my eye.

It was a scarf. It was absolutely beautiful. It was blue with a print that i can't explain. It was so beautiful, just like Melanie. So, I bought the scarf as well and set off running.

I reached mel's apartment. I left the flowers and the scarf outside their door, making sure not to forget the note. I stared at the small gifts and I started crying. My eyes welled up with tears. These gifts would never repay anything at all. But i can't say good-bye, not now.

I exited the building and started walking again. 

It's time to run again.


HAHA CLIFF-HANGER! Is it weird that I got emotional while writing this? Ok that's it, bbye!


*this chapter was brought to you by my friend, Miles Roque*

xx, Bea

P.S. I changed the cover...again hahahaha

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