Chapter 15: Caught Up In Nightmares

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**gonna be putting the a/n at the end because i think what i did last time pissed you off haha**

--Chapter 15--

*Mel's P.O.V.*

I was on my way to the cafeteria, replaying my date with Joe multiple times. It amazed me, and that date was something I would never forget. 

I spotted my friends who were sprawled on the table we usually sit in. I excitedly made my way to them. Even more excitement flooded through my body, thinking of all the things I would tell them about my perfectly perfect date with Joe.

I was so close, and I mean close when once again - happens all the time - I was blocked. I wasn't very happy about who blocked me. Why? Because that someone's name was Camille Leila Summers. 

"What's your problem?" I asked rudely. Maybe it was a bit too rude....oops.

She just smirked and acted like she was a goddess before replying. "You are my stinking problem!"

Ouch. "Excuse me? I never did anything to you!"

"Except steal MY boyfriend!" she squealed, complaining like a little girl. 

"You don't own him! Plus, you're the one who broke up with him!"

She smiled slyly. "Is that really what you think?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you know?" she looked at me with evil lurking in her cobra green eyes. "He broke up with me. I wouldn't break up with him! He did. Those are just rumors to make me look bad."

"I don't believe you," I mumbled.

She just laughed. "You don't believe me? He replaced me! And soon enough, he will replace you."

I threw her my middle finger. "Joe Edward Sinclair is not a player. He is loyal and all you are saying are rubbish."

"Believe in what you want to believe. Bitch." she walked away with a satisfied smirk on her lips, walking away with her hips swaying from side to side.

I swear when I get my hands on her....I will break her in half.


The week has past very quickly, but that incidence with Camille has not slipped out of my mind. I already asked Joe about it, and he said that Camille was lying because that's what she is: a liar. I can't believe I was so gullible to actually almost believe in her filthy little trap. 

It was a Saturday morning, well if you call it morning. It was 4 am, you probably consider that night time. I was wide awake, twiddling with my thumbs and trying to get some sleep. I've been getting these weird silly nightmares ever since Camille said that Joe will replace me one day. And I can't afford thinking of it without crying even a little. 

This nightmare was the worst. 

I am in a cage, my body took the form of a bird, yearning to be set free and flap my wings.

I see my parents and they look at me with the saddest looks in their eyes. "We're moving again, and this time, we're staying there forever," my mom says.

Confusions floods throughout my body. "What about Joe? I can't just leave him!"

My parents don't even bother answering the question as they carry my cage. I know at once that I am trapped. I have to go with them no matter what. 

I start thrashing around in my cage, wanting to just die. I just wanted to be with him again. 

After a century of trying to get out of this cage I did it, I am free. I am able to unlock myself from this  hell hole and I flapping my wings, faster and faster. My wings take me higher and I soar through the air, the wind was like my compass, somehow guiding me to Joe.

I arrive, and I feel my heart beating faster by the minute. I find myself in Joe's room, but I am too late. 

He is with another girl. They are not kissing, they're just looking at each other. Their stares seem like they are so in love. He looks so happy. 

Soon enough, the words I didn't want to hear slips out of his mouth. "I love you."

A blanket of darkness appeared in front of me and I woke up in a flood of tears. 

I was scared. I didn't want to lose Joe. But that dream. It seemed so real. No, it's just a dream. Dreams couldn't happen in reality, right?

I tried to sleep again, but I couldn't. I was scared to witness those nightmares unfold in front of me again, and I just don't want to have any doubts any more.

I waited for hours in my room, trying to think of Harry Styles and unicorns. But they couldn't take away all the pain I was feeling right now. It might have been a nightmare, but it was a pain to see.

Soon enough, I heard my mom's cooking and i heard the sizzle of food on the pan. My dad's grunts were loud and evident from here. I slowly went out to see my mom cooking up some eggs.

"G'mornin," I yawned.

"Good morning honey," my parents greeted. My mom kissed me on the cheek while my dad didn't even bother to look up from the newspaper he's reading.

My mom smiled at me and gave me a hug. Why was she acting all sweet to me? Then it hit me, of course she's going to ask me to do something for her.

Once again, i was right. "Melanie, dear, can you please buy some bread at the bakery near the beach? It'll only take a few minutes."

I let a groan escape my lips before nodding.


I felt the cool wind blow against my skin, and I pulled my jacket tighter around me. the bakery was just a few minutes away, and after awhile, I spotted it.

"Hi," I greeted the cashier lady. "2 loaves of bread please."

"Whole-grain or plain?"

I thought about it for awhile. "Can one of them be whole-grain, while the other one is plain?"

Beca - it says so in her name tag - nodded. "That would be 3 bucks."

I handed her the money and grabbed the freshly-made loaves of bread, which were still steaming hot, by the way.

I was walking cheerfully back home when I spotted Camille with a couple of her friends. She noticed me and her face broke into a mischievous grin. 

She walked over to me, and before you could say 'california', her hand smacked across my face.

That. Does. It.


Hi guys! So basically, I'm putting the a/n back here! Anyway, I forgot to mention it last time, but I changed my user name to xxLondonParisMilanxx. I know, it's so long. I just felt like it, ok? 

Moving on, why the hell is the book not yet in the teen fiction list? Guys, please make sure you voted for every chapter, it would mean a lot to me. And I mean, a lot.. PLEASEEE? :(((

Ok, here's the shout out!

Guys, read "Somewhere Out There!" by @AnotherGurl!! It's a really awesome story, so go ahead and read it!

Ok, that's it for today. And uhmmm, please oh please put my story back in teen fiction list. Pleasee? :(((


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