Chapter 11: Caught Up In Decisions

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A/N: I think this is the chapter all of you have been waiting for. ;;)

--Chapter 11--

*Joe's P.O.V.*

I dragged Melanie out of the school. I don't care if I miss my classes, we just needed to chat. And by chat I mean pretend to be like her mother.

I pulled her to the pier. "Sit," I ordered.

Mel glanced at me for a second before nodding and sitting down. I sat down beside her, and I opened my mouth to speak.

"Mel, why did you even think of hanging out with that guy? C'mon! Seriously, anyone but Brian!"

Mel took a deep breath before tucking in a hair strand behind her ear. "Why do you even care?" she screamed angrily.

"Why do I care? You could've gotten hurt if it wasn't for me! What, after saving you, all you say is 'why do you even care'?" I growled angrily, trying my best to control my urge to jump off the pier and into the ocean.

"I was handling myself just fine," Mel mumbled, staring at the sea, hiding her face dripping with tears.

I tried to make my words come out smooth, especially because Melanie was starting to cry. "You were thrashing around Mel, you looked like you were ready to kill yourself. I wouldn't let any person do that."

"Can you please just stop being nice to me?" she groaned.

"Why? Why, why, why?"

"Because...." her voice trailed away, more tears streaming from her face.

"What? You hate me? Is that it?" I yelled.

"No!" Mel shrieked. "I'll never hate you."

I examined her for awhile. I had no idea what she meant by what she said. I got lost in the beauty of her eyes. And at that moment, I felt like the world just stopped. I felt my heart beat every millisecond, is this even normal? I never felt this amazing just by staring at someone. Just looking at Melanie somehow made me feel - crazy as it may sound - complete. Not even Camille's seductive smile made my heart beat this fast. Then, everything became clear to me.

I involuntarily moved closer to Melanie, holding her chin with my finger. I don't know what made me do it. I felt her lips touch mine, and our lips were moving like they've been begging for this moment for a long time. It wasn't rough like the kisses I had with Camille. This was soft, gentle, genuine. I felt her lips kiss back and I didn't want that moment to end.

We slowly pulled apart from the kiss. Mel's jaw dropped a bit, before staring at me, making my stomach drop. "Joe," she mumbled.

She stood up quickly. "You have a girlfriend Joe," she whimpered. She ran away and I just sat there. I didn't even bother to chase her. I felt like my butt was stuck on the wooden planks.

I do have a girlfriend. Her name is Camille. I thought I loved her. But that kiss with Mel. It was no ordinary kiss. That kiss made it clear that I never loved Camille, and I was somehow pretending, and that Melanie was different. Different in a good way. This may sound corny, but deep down, deep down I know that Mel is the right one. Why have I been so blind?

I have to break up with Camille. But how? It will break her, and I don't want that. Did Camille ever hurt me? Not that I know of. I can't break up with Camille, not now. It won't be right.

What about Melanie? How can I be able to confess these feelings when I'm dating Camille?

What will I do?

Then, I just ran. Yes, I ran. I wanted to run away from my thoughts, from all these things that have been happening to me. I ran past the beach, past my own house, past that small park beside my house, past that church, past Mel's house, past every house I've visited.

Finally, I stopped. I felt that I had a need to stop. I'm guessing it's just my instincts. And once again my instincts were right. I found myself in front of Camille's house. I know she wouldn't be here, since it's still a school day.  I found myself walking into her front yard and going to her backyard.

You shouldn't be here, the angel on my right shoulder whispered. You should be here, you need to know, the devil on my left whispered.

What do I need to know? 

I slowly knocked on the back door. And I remember that Camille always has a spare key under the mat of her back door. I slowly took it from under the mat and clicked the door open. I went it cautiously, hoping that no one was home.

What the hell am I doing?

Without even thinking I grabbed the security camera on the kitchen table and clicked the rewind button. 

Then I saw everything unfold. 

The first video was yesterday, when Mel fainted and she took a quick visit in my house. Camille usually visited me on Sundays, and yesterday she wasn't there. The first video showed Camille's mom welcoming a rather handsome young boy inside the house, welcoming him with a smile:

"Hello there young man!" Mrs. Summers chirped. "And who are you?"

The boy smiled widely. "I'm Tom. I'm Camille's new boyfriend."

"Is that so?" Mrs. Summers asked. "What happened to that other boy.... what's his name? Oh, right Bryce! He's that bald guy who visited last Friday."

"They broke up," Tom said rather slyly, a smirk curving on his lips.

"Oh, well. That's rather odd. Camille always brings new boys almost every week. Hmmm." she thought for awhile, before letting Tom in, raising her eyebrow suspiciously.

Camille entered the room, a smile on her face. "Tom!" she yelped, throwing her arms around the lad.

"Hey baby," Tom greeted. 

"Hey," Camille replied, giving  Tom a light peck on the lips.

I had enough! I stopped the video, clenching my fists together and gritting my teeth. My instincts are the best and they always take me to the right path. And guess what? They did. I turned off the camera and put it back on the kitchen table and I ran out of Camille's house, putting the key back under the mat. 

I was just about to make a run for it when I saw Camille entering the house. This is perfect, I thought. This is just right. 

"Camille, baby!" I greeted, trying my best not to throw her my best middle finger. 

"Hey Joe!" she said, attempting to give me a kiss.

I quickly dodged her lips from connecting with mine. "What's the problem babe?" Camille pouted.

"You cheated on me, that's what," I spat. 

"What are you talking about?" Camille asked innocently.

"Tom, Bryce, who else? C'mon, how many guys have you slept with while we were dating?" I askd angrily.

Camille just smirked and walked away. I ran after her. "Hey, Camille! You don't just walk away from me like that, I'm still your boyfriend!"

"Fine, let's break up!" Camille screeched, turning around and facing me.

"Wha-what?" I asked, shocked how fast she's saying all this.

"Yup, I said it. You are no longer my boyfriend and I can go out with any boy I like," Camille said. "Good-bye," she huffed, walking away from me.

Well, that was fast. 

I slowly walked back to school. 

There's only one thing left to do.


Jomela is ALMOST official. Well, there you go guys! THE KISS. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH MWAH MWAH.


xx, Bea


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