Chapter 1: Sudden Arrival [Remastered]

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As you hear the sound of wind blowing, you slowly open your eyes. You were lying down in a desert. 

As your senses slowly returned to you, you quickly stood up and drew out your weapon as you scanned your surroundings. It was night-time but thanks to your helmet night vision, you had no problem whatsoever.

Your main weapon was the CAR SMG. Short for Combat Advanced Round. Deadly at short to mid-range. Your personal weapon of choice, accompanying you wherever you went.

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As the coast seemed clear, you lowered your weapon as you tried to remember what the hell happened.

You were on a mission with the rest of the 6-4. The task was simple. Blow up an IMC facility on a remote planet. It was all fine and dandy until your group approached the target building. Suddenly, the alarm blared throughout the complex, making your job much harder. You and your team called down your titans to better combat the opposition.

The rest of your memory was a blur as the last thing you remembered was you telling your team to get away from the facility before a blinding white light consumed you.

You snapped out of your memories as you tried to communicate with your team members.

"6-4, do you copy?" You said as you placed your hand on your helmet radio. "6-4, does anybody read? Commander Gates, Davis, anybody?!" You tried once more but only static answered you.

You groaned in response as you began to inspect the rest of your gear. At least your weapons and gears were still intact. You eyed your HUD for any possible enemies, and the answer was negative.

You looked around only to see sand and more sand. Oh, and your titan is lying down some distance away from you.

You jogged to your titan and inspected it. Your partner was a Vanguard-class titan who, unlike the rigid "class" options of IMC's titans, was highly modular, and capable of using many types of equipment. This created a myriad of possibilities and a higher degree of flexibility. Vanguard-Class titans were also outfitted with an AI that was capable of self-learning.

In short, this titan class was more expensive than the other, more rigid class.

You repaired your partner as best as you can, fixing a few wires and giving it a good hit here and there. You smiled beneath your helmet as your partner slowly whirred to life. "Vanguard-class titan, designation FC-5568, codenamed "Falcon"." You hear a deep robotic voice coming from your partner.

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