Chapter 6: Mission Accomplished

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[Password accepted.]

[Welcome to the Shittim Chest, (Y/N) Sensei.]

[Converting to operating system ARONA for biological identification and verification certificate generation.]

The previously light blue screen turned white before lighting up again. You saw that the screen showed a view of a half-destroyed classroom. A good portion of the wall was missing and some desks and chairs were scattered haphazardly, though some of them are lined up neatly. Sat on one of the chairs, you saw... a girl sleeping?

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She muttered something about castella cake and banana milk in her sleep.


You poked her cheeks to wake her up. The girl slowly woke up while still muttering about sweets.

"Hmm, what's going on?", the girl on the screen asked while yawning groggily. She looked at you before she spoke up once more.

"E-Eh? Huh? Sensei?!", the girl in front of you seemed to panic.

"If you're here, does that mean you're (Y/N) Sensei?!"


"So I'm right?! What time is it?! No, wait, calm down!", she was cutely panicking, causing you to quietly chuckle.

"That's right! I need to introduce myself."

"I am Arona. I'm the system manager that lives inside the Shittim Chest. I serve as its main OS. Think of me as your trusty secretary, (Y/N) Sensei!"


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"I'm so glad to meet you. I have been waiting for a long time."

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