Chapter 3: The New Teacher

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A week later and here you are inside the Sanctum Tower. Before heading out, you checked your equipment and told your titan to prepare himself. Your instinct told you that something would happen today.

Considering this is your first job, other than being a pilot, you told yourself to dress up properly. A black business suit, a white shirt, and a red tie combination.

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You were currently in one of the waiting/office rooms of the tower. The woman who was expecting you had told you to wait there as she scrambled to seemingly confirm something. The room was more appropriate for a high-shot from a company, not a gruff soldier like yourself, you thought. But so was your current outfit. A bulletproof vest, a jump kit, and a helmet. Those were more of your taste.

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As you wait, you closed your eyes as you reminisced your time with the Six-Four. After a few months here, you can't help but miss your fellow brothers and sisters in arms. It didn't help that Droz and Davis' antics were too good to pass up. You often joined them on their merry way to mess something up just for the hell of it. Much to the exasperation of Commander Gates and Bear.

Sure life was peaceful here. Though firefights were common in Kivotos (a side effect of having everyone armed), it was child play compared to a battlefield in the Frontier. The gruesome scene of a real battle was something that you were glad the people here did not have to witness. It also helped that the angels here were inexplicably tough. At most, the aftermath of combats here would be some bruises, or in the case of a robot, some broken parts.

'Heh, a literal Angel City.'


A loud female voice caused you to quickly open your eyes. You looked over to the source, only to find the girl that escorted you here from before. She was a black-haired girl with a pair of blue eyes and... elf ears? She wore glasses and had a blue halo above her head. She wore a white uniform, not too dissimilar to what Prez had worn before. She was elegant and beautiful.

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