Chapter 53: Quo Non Ascendam?

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A deathly silence fell when The Pilot in White crushed Ash's head underneath the weight of his foot. The visor on his glowed with a bright, almost ethereal hue, a bright yellow streak in the middle of the battlefield. His slow and silent breath brought fear like a curtain upon the leaderless Arius faction.

"So, who's next?"

He took a step forward, the glare in his vision glowing even stronger like a fire fueled with more gasoline.

"Is it you?"

He pointed at a random Arius trooper, who stood still like a motionless statue.

"Or you?"

He turned his finger toward another, redirecting his mountainous pressure toward her.

"Or... perhaps... you?"

Finally, his stare found its way toward Saori and her squadmates.

The Arius as a faction was now a headless chicken, ready to turn its tail at any moment. The great Pilot that accompanied their invasion had been crushed; slaughtered mercilessly by the Pilot in White. If they fought now, they would surely suffer the same fate or... perhaps... an even worse one.

After all, it is all their fault for bringing Him back into this world.

He who had been buried deep, never to be dug up again.

He who had felled tens of thousands with his bare hands.

He who had shaken the very stars above down to their deepest core.

He who would not stop until he bent the wills of heaven and hell themselves.

Now, all of them stood-

Against the strongest Pilot in history.

But suddenly, the ground rumbled, breaking the deathly and deafening silence that washed throughout the battlefield. "What is this?!" Droz said as he broke his attention off of the White Pilot. "Get ready people!" Davis continued, warning his students while tightening his grip on his weapon.

The ground in the middle of the battlefield exploded upward, sending pieces of pavement and concrete everywhere. "...?" The Pilot in White stood still, unfazed as Falcon moved to protect him. He watched a giant red hand shoot up from the ground and reach for the sky.



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