Chapter 17: The Little Devil

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You were in a warehouse that was made into an impromptu base by the local gang. Crates were placed haphazardly here and there, acting as cover to break the line of sight. Something that your team used to your advantage. Hiding in the shadows, the members of the Six-Four was about to enact an ambush. The clock on your HUD showed that it was approaching midnight.

"Call out your targets. I count... 15."

"Copy, multiple tangos by the catwalk."

"The rest are on the ground level. Heh, they won't know what hit 'em."

"Rog', prepping Electric Smoke." You took your ordnance as Davis prepared his shuriken-shaped ordnance. Meanwhile, Droz was spinning his pulse blade in anticipation. "On my mark."




"Mark!" You threw the ESG to the crowd while Davis lobbed his choice of ordnance, a Gravity Star, though Davis was giggling like a child. "Ahaha! Who's Mark?"

You and Droz groaned in annoyance. The smoke grenade you threw instantly expanded, electrocuting any poor combatants caught in its radius. With the combination of the Gravity Star, a lot of foes were sucked into the blue light of the GravStar and were immediately assaulted by the electricity.

Not relenting on the assault, Droz threw his pulse blade onto a nearby wall, the sonar highlighting the remaining enemies. Your team easily decimated the rest of them before they even had the chance to fire. The Gravity Star exploded, dispersing the smoke and sending unconscious bodies away.


Your team moved in to survey your handiwork. All of the angels were alive but unconscious, as expected. Davis called the local authority while you and Droz tied the gang members up.

"That makes it... what? Our 18th mission this week?"

"Sounds about right."

Over the past week, Schale has been very busy, both in paperwork and fieldwork. Though, thanks to the addition of manpower to Schale's roster, it was barely manageable. When you needed to deploy your students into a mission, you always made sure that at least one of the three pilots was accompanying them.

The Abydos Task Force, Problem Solver, and Gehenna Prefect Team duo regularly visited the building to help you out. It was nice of them, even though you told them it wasn't necessary, but it was much appreciated. And so, the Schale building is usually very lively in the daytime.

Sadly, Yuuka, Hasumi, and Suzumi were very busy. Yuuka was stuck with her Millenium Student Council work, while the Trinity students were busy with their own work. Something about the upcoming treaty between Gehenna and Trinity. Though you still made sure to keep in touch with them, just to make sure they're alright.

Arona was in the hangar or the office most of the time, helping you with your tasks like a dutiful secretary. Despite her gaining a body in the real world, she still had access to the OS of the Shittim Chest and could perform as per usual. How you didn't know.

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