A day in the pub

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Third person P.O.V 

Wionna: haha! and that's how Lucia got her bayonet stolen by a Rat 

Wionna was dying of laughter and Luz let out small chuckles and well Lucia was a bit embarrassed about the whole story. 

Lucia: hey well at least I got it back!

Wionna: yeah but now with out one of the Officers making a song and dance out of it 

Wionna then took a big gulp out of her pint of beer and placing it down with a thud while Lucia was just sipping on hers and well Luz not touching her beer at all.

Lucia: hey Luz why are you not drinking you beer come on just down it

Luz: one I am not 18 and two I just don't like beer

Lucia: hey but we did the bin thing making you 18

Luz: that is not how it works Lucia 

Wionna: well more for me!

Wionna reached over Lucia grasping at her little sisters drink. Before she got to finger tip range of the beet Lucia elbowed Wionna's arm.

Lucia: you have had enough as it is Wionna 

Wionna: HEY! I have only had two pints!- oh I see the problem now

Lucia: exactly

???: yeah you will drink us out of a house and a home  

Lucia's head shot up looking In the direction of where that voice came from and saw well the one and only Eda.

Lucia: EDA! how are you!  

Eda: I really should be asking you that kid!

Lucia chuckled at the old ladies remark placing a warm smile across her face. 

Lucia: ah well I'm fine as fit as a fiddle as they say

Eda: good to hear it and to see you in one piece

Lucia yeah... so how are you and Raine 

Eda lifted her eyes looking more happy giving Lucia the impression that things have been going well, Lucia dove her hand in to her pocket as Eda began to speak pulling out her pipe and putting Tabaco in to it and the setting it alight.

Eda: ohh well the pub is doing well and Raine is in there office doing some business things that I can't get my head around

Lucia: so it good to hear that you all are doing well after these few... years 

the girl mumbled out the last few words of her sentence and then blowing some smoke out of her mouth from her pipe. 

Lucia: oi Eda what day is it again? 

Eda looked a bit confused at the girls remark, lifting her hand to her chin. 

Eda: ohhh I think it is Sunday why

Lucia: ahh shit I have work tomorrow 


Wionna was more than annoyed that her friend was being swept away to work so early and not relaxing and hanging around with her like they us to.

Lucia: it is because of well the war they are short staffed and threatened my job if I did not go eh but it has good pay at least

Wionna: basters I say they did not go through mud and blood so what do they think calling you back, they could of at least let you have some time to relax 

Lucia: well this is how the world works I guess 

Lucia let out another puff of smoke out of her mouth and taking a sip of her beer. she then looked at the clock and realised she has been at the pub of around about 4 hours.

Lucia: oi Luz I think we should head off it is getting late and I have work tomorrow

with out a word Luz hoped down from the stool. She  and walked next to Lucia.

Lucia: right see you guys later

Lucia and Luz walked out of the pub in to the night covered streets. Lucia made sure Luz stayed close to her and not out of sight because well Lucia knows this area pretty well and would never explain what she has seen around here to Luz.

Lucia: right Luz stay close to me and don't wonder off 

Luz: why 

Lucia: just don't we should be home fairly quick

Luz was confused why Lucia was being so protective over her she was 15, she could look after herself. after 5 minutes they were back home Lucia opened the door and walking in. 

Lucia: Mum you home?

no response so well as any over 22 year old and yes she was 22 (she entered the army when she was 18 years old) she jumped on to the sofa and turned on the wireless. Luz on the over hand was rummaging through the recent mail and inspecting each letter with great detail until she found a certain letter.


Luz was jumping up and down in exactment and rushed into the living room sliding onto the floor in front  the fire place. Opining the letter in a blink of an eye 

Lucia: so what is all this commotion all about aye

Luz: she wrote back you know my friend 

Lucia: oh so she is real I owe Wionna 20 shillings 

Luz: HEY! I heard you        

Lucia: so what was her name again like I said yesterday I kind of forgot it 

Luz: oh her name is A -Am

Lucia: is it AMARA

Luz: no it is Am-

Lucia: Amina?

Luz: no Lucia I am trying to tell you it is Am-

Lucia: AH it is Amelia 


Lucia jumped at her little sisters little out rage but pulled herself back to together, well she has been through much worse. 

Luz: her name Is Amity. Amity Blight 

Lucia: that is a posh name I swear I have hear Blight some where before

Luz: eh beats me anyway Amity Is the sweetest person you could ever meet so kind, fancy, polite she is so cool I bet you would like to meet her 

Lucia: she sounds to posh for me 

Luz: you literally have a pipe and say that you like it because it makes you feel upper class

Lucia: oi its fine when I do it ok 

Luz: yeah, yeah sure 

Lucia looked at the clock hanging over the fire place and realising it is very late in the night and well she needs sleep. 

Lucia: Right kiddo I am going to bed don't blow something up ok 

Luz: no promises 

Lucia ruffled her little sister hair and walked up the stairs rather slowly and in to her room looking down at her bed. 

Lucia: Right let's try this again

_________________________________________________________________ Hi it's me the guy so yeah I made this and well this book is gaining some traction and I am over the moon with that fact and well I have another book than probably some of you guys have already seen but if you have not seen it go do it now that's all see you soon bye      

Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now