letters to and from

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Third person P.O.V

Lucia: Blight aye, I swear I have heard that name before 

Lucia took off her trousers and throwing them to the side, getting ready for bed. she dove in to the soft sheets a part of haven compared to well the trenches. she threw the covers over herself and slowly drifted to sleep with the name Blight drifting around in her head.


and BOOM 

there was Lucia back in France, the trenches, but something is odd she is not scared for her life she is relaxing? she is in the support trench.

( the support trench was not in the front line so it was like a holiday to her) 

Lucia got up from where she was lying down from and saw a group of soldiers walking to a Van? no a supply truck! 

With out a second Lucia joined the rest and followed them to the truck where a Man was shouting. 


And well Lucia did what he said she grabbed the funny but fashionable helmet and walked away from the crowd . she than leaned against the trench wall, she dove her hand in to the Helmet taking the neatly folded straps out so she could put it on but she then saw...

Lucia: a letter?

she took the letter out of her newly found Brodie helmet and unfolded it reading.

Dear soldier, 

I hope this helmet gives you good luck as I pray for you back at home and I may hope that you live many happy years to come.

sincerely, Amelia Blight     

That weirdly touched Lucia's soul making her feel .... happy again she wanted to say thanks to this Amelia Blight for this helmet bringing her happiness but how? 

Oh yeah sending her a letter even though she dose not have her post code. 

With out a second Lucia searched around in her pouches trying to find some paper. When she did she took a shabby pencil to hand and started to write. 

dear, Amelie Blight 

Hello so you don't know who I am so I will tell you. you know that helmet yeah the one with the letter that came to me and I just want to say thanks. You know because I really need to stay happy at this time and well that just kept my spirits up and all that so thanks. 

form Lucia Noceda 

She then folded her letter and jogged to well the post man with haste turning corners, pushing past fellow soldiers, flipping some off just a casual run to the postman.

Lucia: oi you

The postman turned around facing Lucia pushing his back more comfortably on to his shoulder making all the letters getting pusher around inside 

Postman: aye what can I do for you today 

the postman had a bit of a Irish ascent and it was a bit refreshing from all the English and welsh. The Scottish one though will never grow old Lucia always thought the Scottish ascent was fun to listen to. 

Lucia: oh yeah could you send this letter to a Amelia Blight 

Postman: hmm Let me see, probably 

He took the letter from her hand with great care placing it in to his bag. 

Postman: ok my lovely is that all 

Lucia: yes thank you 


one week later

Lucia was well walking down the trench slightly crouched because she did not want to become pray to any sniper. 


Lucia: oh the mail I can't wait to become more depress about being away from my family

Lucia dragged herself over to the Mailman standing there waiting to resave her mail. the line became shorter and shorter and then boom she was there in front of the mailman watching the poor guy flip through the the letters. 

postman: AH! here it is you mail Miss 

He handed over the letters. Lucia only thought she would get one letter from Luz or her mum not two who the hell could this be?

Lucia: thanks aging you are doing gods work 

she shook the mail mans hand and walked off 

"if god existed why would he let this bloody war go on"

of course Lucia read Luz's letter first it said stuff about new friend and that she is doing well and mum has got a new job and she can't wait until she gets home. 

As usual that warms her hart but makes her sad as well wishing that she was with her and not here and now for the over letter. Lucia open it and read the name. 

Amelia Blight

Lucia was well surprised that one her letter got to her and two she got a letter back. she the started to read the letter there and then 

Dear, Lucia 

Hello I did not expect you to write back but non the less it made me happy knowing that my note made you happy. how are you these days in France they say you will be back by charismas and I do hope we will be able to meet each over in the near future. And as I keep to my word I do pray for you every night. 

Ps here is my post code the poor postman was walking all around London to find me 

11 11 1918 

pps: look in the envelop I have given you something.

sincerely Amelia Blight 

Lucia was well in whoa she was token away by this Amelia girl and for her to write back It made her even happier. Then Lucia remembered what the letter said she left something In the envelop she then placed her hand in to in and felt something wooden? She grabbed a hold of it and pulled out a Pipe? 

Lucia: huh so a upper class girl I see well better writ back to her 

and well she did.

they spoke to each other all through out the war.

END OF DREAM        

  Lucia was just sitting up from her bed not having a mental brake down just siting there remembering. 

______________________________________________________________ hahah it's mee so did you like it as much as I liked making it so yeah back story and stuff epic right umm that's all bye  

Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now