special little room

432 17 1

Third person P.O.V

Lucia carefully takes the envelope from Amelia's hands then gently tearing it open, sliding out the letter the envelope encased. Lucia blinked a few times letting her eyes adjust to the writing on the piece of paper she held in front of her.     

The letter read:


To lanky wanker ( Lucia noceda) 

Hello so I bet you are wondering why you of all people were given a Letter well I will tell you. so I have some intel on the group that want to murder Amelia Blight also, I know where they are.

So me, you and Gr-  Bree Will go and take them out TODAY so don't be late! go to the owlhouse pub at 1:30 and go in our special little room ok bye.

                                                                                                                            from Officer Wanker (wionna)

Ps. don't bother bringing your bat I have some new toys to play with >: )


Lucia than folds the letter in on its self and shoves it in her pocket. she than Looks up at the wall eventually finding a rather fancy looking clock. she than takes note of what the current time was.

Lucia: huh it's 1:19 ... WAIT!- 

Amelia Jumped as Lucia shouted but she was also confused why she was shouting at the clock of all things. Its not like it will change the time because it was being shouted at.

Amelia: umm are you ok Lucia? 

Lucia: oh god I have roughly 10 minuets shit!

Amelia: what do you have some where to be? 

Lucia: uhh yeah I do in fact! what day is it? 

Amelia: umm it is Saturday    

Lucia: great that means I have no work today so I can go?

Amelia: umm I don't think that is how it works, you don't have Saturday off   

As Amelia is still very confused and wearied out Lucia is nudging her self closer and closer to the exit of the Living room.

Lucia: oh just get a replacement just for today 

Amelia: like who?

Lucia: umm Luz!

Amelia: but she is not even cualified!

Lucia: so am I but you still hired me, ok byeeeee

With that Lucia leaps out of the Living room and dashes out of the front door of Blight manor. with Lucia's hasty escape she did not notes somthing slipping out of her pocked while she was in the living room.  

Amelia is well confused, worried and baffled as she watched Lucia make her speedy escape. as Lucia ran out of the Living room Amelia saw some Paper fall out of Lucia's pocket and on to the floor. 

Amelia: what the? 

Amelia lifted herself up from the sofa and towards the abandoned piece of paper. she picked it up and unfolded it revelling  some writing. Amelia than used her drain connecting the dots and making out that this was the letter that Lucia resaved not so long ago. 

Amelia knows that it was rude to pry in to over peoples things but she could not help herself. other people would of done the same thing if they were in Amelia's position right?

Amelia took a look at the writing and had a little read what she may or may not regret. 

Amelia: oh fuck what what are you going to do Lucia!


Lucia walked up to the Owl house pub patting hooty and making her way inside. It was rather quiet ,probably because there was a football match going on that same day so every one went to watch the match, Lucia walked up to the bar and hit the rather small bell making a dinging sound followed by some sounds of footsteps.

Eda: Hello Kid what brings you here?

Lucia: I think you know 

Eda: yeah I do, so you going back in to bad habits?

Eda reached under the bar searching around for somthing for only a few seconds then popping back up with a key in her hands.       

   Lucia: eh you could say so, I don't plan on doing it as much as I use to though

Eda let out a small chuckle throwing the keys over to Lucia. The Noceda took a look at the keys and clenched it in a fist. 

Lucia: thanks Eda 

Eda: any time kid oh also pleas try and not get yourself killed

Lucia: well I survived four years in the trenched so I can survive anything

Lucia waved Eda off as she made her way to on of the corners of the pub where a dark old wooden door stood. she shoved the key into the key hole giving it a twist and pushed the door open revealing some sears going beeper in to the ground. 

Lucia took a deep breath in and took her first of many steps down. It was not long until Lucia reached the bottom of the stairs. she looked around seeing barrels of what she could tell of alcohol. she than fixed her head looking forward and pressing on past the barrels. 

The further she went the sounds of rat, leaking pipes and chatting became louder and louder until..

"speak of the devil there you are to think that you actually came" 

Lucia: of course I would come  

Wionna: thats the spirit  

Lucia walked over to one of the many barrels jumping up on one taking a seat. as she did she felt like her every move was being watched. 

Bree: heey Lucia what's with the suite  

Lucia's head quickly turned to the direction of the voice and what do you know there was Bree watching Lucia's every move. 

Lucia: ummm hi Bree oh and this suit ummm I was at a party

As stated before Lucia dose not really want them to find out that she was working for Amelia because she would never live it out. Wionna and Bree would make it hell for Lucia constantly making jokes and teasing her. 

Wionna: Lucia me and you both know that you don't get invited to party's also I have a little idea why you are dressed so  formal   

Lucia starts to have a bad felling looking at Wionna. the Girl gave a little smirk signalling to Lucia that there is no point of fighting she was figured out.

Wionna: you work for Amelia Blight don't you 

Bree: ooooooooooooooooo

Lucia: b-but how did you finger that out?

Wionna: that's easy I just followed you two all the way to Blight Manor after you both left the pub ,that is also why the letter ended up at the manor not your house you idiot

Lucia: well you figured me out you both can unlash hell upon me 

Wionna: well as much as I would like to we are burning sun light so we might need to figure out a plan 

Lucia was well relieved that she won't be made fun of well for now. Wionna walked over to the conveniently placed battel and unravel a map over it. Lucia hoped off the barrel and walked towards the map followed by Bree. 

"Right lets start"

______________________________________________________________________________ Hi look a good chapter length I never knew I could do it! anyway how did you like it? anyway I hope you enjoyed is bye.  

Edit: my dyslexic ass made some spelling mistakes to be honest there is probably thousand spelling mistakes in this book by now! agh bloody hell.


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