So this is where you live?

451 20 12

Third Person P.O.V

Amelia finished a chapter of the book and placing it down on the bed. Lucia than sat up stretching a bit, because of how long she was in the same position,  Amelia just got up from the bed and stood up. 

Lucia: ah well that was nice 

Amelia: yeah it was nice 

Lucia pushed herself of from Amelia's bed and walked over to Amelia's bed side table. Lucia took a look at it and of course it had empty tea cups scattered across it.

Lucia: shall I take these tea cups down to the kitchen?

Amelia: hmm do what you want, they don't seem to bother me

Lucia: as you say "ma'am"  heh

Amelia: hey I thought you said that you would not call me those such names

Lucia: oh just loosen up a bit it's a joke I was taking the mick

Amelia just chuckled walking towards one of the many windows in her room as Lucia picked up some tea cups and walked towards the door. as Lucia got closer to the door she heard some foot steps getting closer and closer. she quickly opened the door just enough so her head could slip through so she could looked down the grand hallway as she did she saw "HIM".

As quick as the wind she pulled her head back from the door slamming it shut, immediately grabbing Amelia's attention, Lucia than moved from the door strait up to Amelia with some worry building up.

Amelia: Lucia what is it what did you see? 

Lucia: Hunter he- he is coming

Amelia than turned a round and opening the window behind her. Lucia was confused but had a bad felling of what will come next. Amelia placed one foot on to the window seal. 

Lucia: what are you doing?

Amelia: getting out of here, you use to be a soldier you should be able to survive a jump from this height, anyways this is only the first floor of this building.

(OI don't try this at home. I don't know why I felt like putting this here) 

Amelia than jumped out of the window as she hit the floor she bended her knees so she won't you know die. Amelia than took some steps back looking up and watching Lucia jumping out of the window and then doing a combat roll as she landed. 

Amelia: ohh fancy a combat roll. Show-off

Lucia: hey that was how I was taught

Amelia: heh yeah right

Amelia dusted her self down and looked around. Lucia cleaned off some mud from her knees And took a deep breath in.

Lucia: hmm now what we escaped you "boyfriend" heheh


Lucia: blimey alright then

they both stood in silence not knowing of what to do.   

Amelia: hey I know what to do

Lucia: and that will be?

Amelia: well I haven't really seen around London and well I would love to go around as see where you grew up and where you live

Lucia: so you are asking me to go take you in a tour around the slums? 

Amelia: yes! 

Lucia than looked Amelia up and down. 

Lucia: well if you are seen in those cloths people are going to try and rob you or worse so we need to make you blend in

Finding lower class cloths time skip  

Lucia: ahh look now you look like you spent all of your money on beer and has two unhappy kids

Amelia: WAIT I DO 

Lucia: no of course not you look like yourself in more well un fancy clothing 

Amelia: ok as you say 

Lucia than started to lead the way out of the storage room and sneaked out of Blight manor down towards her house. Amelia followed close behind they chatted and a interesting topic came up.

Lucia: why dose that American they call Hunter thought It would be a good time to finalise you arranged marring?

Amelia: oh umm it was not Hunter per say more his uncle for what I know Hunters parents died in the war so Hunters uncle is pretty much his new dad. Anyway so his uncle thinks that the American stock market will crash so he wants to get Hunter marred to me so they will have a  share my family's fortune.

Lucia: ah so money 

Amelia: yep

Lucia and Amelia than turned a corner and there was the place Lucia calls Home. Amelia looks intrigued that a family could live a normal life in such a small house. Lucia grabbed Amelia's hand walking towards the door. 

Amelia Jumped as Lucia grabbed her hand not in a bad way but in a good and clam way. Her chest felt tight and her body tempter went up eh she could just be sick right? 

Lucia opened the front door to her house walking inside dragging the zoned out Amelia behind her. they walked up in to Lucia's room Lucia took seat on her bed watching Amelia walk around.

Amelia: whoa s-so this is you room huh 

Lucia: heh yep 

Amelia walked over to Lucia's wardrobe placing her hands on to the wooed handle she looked back at Lucia to see if she was fine with her opening it up and well Lucia could not give a flying fuck. 

Amelia opened the wardrobe and she saw was well cloths not a lot but some. At the back of the wardrobe somthing stuck out to Amelia she reached her hand in and grabbed a hold of a khaki uniform. 

Lucia: oh heh yeah I still have that 

Amelia: was this your uniform? 

Lucia: oh yeah it was  

Amelia looked at the uniform front on she could see all the little details like Lucia's regiment and her rank but the thing that she spotted was some letters in the front pocket. Amelia reached in to the pocked and pulled them out. 

Lucia: o-ohhhh I think I know what you found 

Amelia: these letters they were from me, you kept every single one of them wow 

Lucia: heh yeah I always kept them on me It got to a point that I thought they were a good luck charm 

Amelia: aw  that's -sweet 

Lucia blushed a little, she was not really use to getting compliments, she than pulled out the photo of her squad showing it to Amelia.

Amelia: s-so that is what you look like in your uniform huh y-you look very cu-  smart!

Lucia: aww like a girl in uniform huh 

Amelia really did not know what was going on why did she feel this way a few week ago this girl helt a gun to her head but now she is getting flustered? 

Lucia: well If you like that oh boy the war story's I could tell  heh

Amelia than took a seat on to Lucia's bed while Lucia started to tell Amelia about her time in the war.

______________________________________________________ Well that was a chapter heh anyway I hope you guys liked it and well I enjoyed making it. Anyway so as some of you know about the howl Ukraine situation well if any one from the Ukraine is reading this just stay safe I know it is easier said than done but just try you best ok that's all hope to see you all soon.  






Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now