There won't be a second

392 16 26

Third Person P.O.V 

Even thought It is a new year do remember that the worries and fears of last year dose carry over. Lucia still have had Night terrors and day terrors well that is how she likes to call it. But not all is bad because Amelia dose do her part to help and calm Lucia when these do occur. even though Lucia feels like Amelia dose not really under stand what went on unlike Wionna, Bree and even Alador It is still comforting to talk to some one about it and try to wash away the sins of war. 

Lucia chucked a dirty oily cloth down near the entrance to the large workshop walking away from the car that caused her and Alador much trouble. Now this workshop was large and conveniently close to the Blight manor like really close. the placement of this workshop was around the back of the manor so if you were looking through one of the many windows at the back of it you could see the Work shop, even though it would only look the size of a grape from that distance. so if you were to leave the Workshop you would have a pleasant walk back to the manor.         

At this point of time Alador was long gone, he told Lucia that he was going to check up on the Twins. when her left Lucia that she remembered Amelia telling her somthing about one of them but it was quite a while ago now so she could not really remember what Amelia said.

Now thinking of it She has not even met the Twins at all. It did puzzle Lucia but she won't act on it thinking Amelia would introduce them when the time is right. Lucia did a little stretch and decided to pack up her things and do the little walk back to the manor. She Grabbed her revolver of the little table she hid behind and stuffed it in her suite jacket then turning around and walking out of the workshop. 

As she pushed open the heavy meal door beams of sunlight hit her in the face like a barrage of bullets. she squinted her eyes to let them adjust to the sunlight then slowly opening them fully. she took a beep breath of the warm calming air that surrounded her always making her feel joyful. she loved the summer time even more than she did before the war because  well winter in the trenched was not very enjoyable. some people said that "the weather will kill you before the Jerrys!" so when summer rolled around there was a massive sigh of relief knowing that they had survived.    

Lucia had a short look around and then began her little walk over the mostly flat land to the back of the manor. as Lucia was walking she began to feel nerves the large amount of flat land made her feel uneasy, slightly reparenting no mans land. her head began to hurt and images flashed in her head the grass turned in to mud and the trees loosed there leaved. She brought her hands up towards her face seeing them become dirty and her black sleeves be come a khaki like colour. 

Her breathing spiked and screams could be heard, gunshots rang through her mind. the scenery  around her became more and more like no mans land. dead bodies began to be visible. Lucia began thinking that she was turning mad. 

"Lucia, lucia hey!"

All of a sudden a cheery voice could be heard stopping Lucia in her tracks. she Lifted her head up and saw.. Amelia? All then and there her surroundings slowly reverted back to colourful skies and green grass with poppies blooming in-between . Lucia still could feel some chilled crawling up her back but quickly dismissed them, she did not want to look a fool in front of Amelia. 

Amelia was sitting out back of the Manor with a cup of tea at hand waiting for Lucia. Amelia was waving over to Lucia in exactment to see her girlfriend. Lucia sloppily pulled herself together and did a little jog over to the Blight.

Lucia: hello there my lovely 

Amelia: good afternoon  

Lucia then pulled up a seat and sat down across from Amelia with only a glass table separating the two. 

Lucia: it's the afternoon I thought it was still the morning? 

Amelia: nope you spent the whole morning In that workshop with my father instead of me

Amelia made a playful hmm sound acting like she was cross with Lucia. 

Lucia: oh I see are you jealous, HA

Amelia: what no of course  I'm not he's my dad 

Lucia: so what?

Amelia: ew your disgusting

Lucia: Blimey calm down it's a joke 

Amelia: I know that, anyway I like it that you two are getting along  

Lucia: and why is that

Amelia re-arranged herself  on her seat so she was now further up her seat. She than let out a light hummm as she thought of a reason to give to Lucia. 

Amelia: ah well so at least one of my parents like you, heh mother would kill me if she found out 

Lucia: oh yeah? than she would have to get through me!

Lucia slightly flashed her black revolver jokingly but slightly not at the same time. Amelia let out a cute chuckle coursing Lucia to blush a tad. She than leaned back in her chair looking around to see if she could spot someone. 

 Lucia: you know where Luz is? 

Amelia: probably making a ruckus with Amity, why do you ask? 

Lucia: oh I was just thinking that I might get her an Air rifle or a real Rife 

Amelia: But I thought Luz dose not like violence? 

Lucia: well yeah but she is a bloody  sharp shooter     

Amelia: you say so? what you thinking she would go in the Army

Lucia: oh god no! I would not let that happen, anyway I doubt there will be another war there is to much to loose nowadays 

Lucia nervously chuckled slightly looking away from Amelia. Lucia eyebrows drooped in worry. thoughts flooded her mind what she would rather not think about.  

Amelia: I said nothing about a war just her enrolling, are you worried about a second war?  

Lucia: well there might be you never know! the Germans might be angry about this one so they will start another a few years down the line, and then Luz would be old enough to enrolled and then she would be dragged through the hell I was o-r or she would di-

Amelia: Lucia honey, you are thinking way to deep in to this no one wants war and if they do they are a mad man, anyway I think they world has learned its lesson and I don't think it needs another one. 

Lucia slowly looked Amelia back in her golden eyes that quickly reassured her that nothing will go wrong. 

Lucia: well if you say so

___________________________________________________________ WOOOOOW a chapter out on the right day WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. anyway I had a lot of fun with this chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading it. see you guys soon      

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