There here!

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Third person P.O.V

Lucia made her way over to her front door, swinging it open in one single motion. revealing a absolute beautiful  sight standing in front of her also, Bree and Wionna were there. 

Lucia could already feel her face heat up from the sight of Amelia, but she kept her calm because thing 1 and thing 2 were also there. A small smile appeared on Amelia's face as soon as she saw Lucia, she tried her hardest to fight the urge to drop everything and dive in to her arms. 

Wionna and Bree both felt like background characters while Lucia and Amelia ogled at each over. Wionna grew inpatient she just wants to get inside the house not stand outside it. she started to tap her foot on to the ground with it now being a whole minuet since Lucia opened the door. 

Wionnna thought fuck it and said some sarky remark and somthing about Lucia's mother then pushing past Amelia and through Lucia in to the house. 

Wionna: Blimey do remember Lucia when you open the door that dose not mean to just stare at your guests its to let them in. 

Lucia: oi you could of said somthing I just spaced out that's all    

At this point Lucia stood out the way of the door letting the overs in and take a seat. They all sat in the living room with Lucia siring next to Amelia and on the over sofa, that is facing Amelia and Lucia with just a coffee table separating them. Wionna and Bree sat. 

Bree: well nice house I guess 

Lucia: thanks I got it last month 

Bree: oh well how did you afford it? we all know you are as poor as a church mouse.       

Lucia: like you can say much

Bree: ha I'm not being harsh just curious, did you steal it?

Lucia: no I got it legally!

Bree: hmm did you blackmail Amelia to buy it?

Lucia: WHAT no

Bree: than how?

Lucia: that is non of your business

Bree: ugh your boring 

Bree than fell back in to the sofa in defeat while looking quite humorous and animated, Wionna let out a chuckle at the sight while Lucia pours every one a cup of tea. Wionna picked up her cup and bringing it to her lips taking a sip. 

Wionna: so I heard you have been dandling in mechanics 

Lucia perked up as she heard what Wionna said. she than picked up her cup and though of what to say.

Lucia: ah yes indeed I have, a useful skill I say 

Wionna: I see,  you should of joined the royal engineer's heh

Lucia: eh no there heads are filled with nuts and bolts hah

Wionna: HEY my cousin was in the royal engineer's 

Lucia froze up knowing that she might offended  her friend with her remark. she was embarrassed and was worried of what Wionna might do next.

Wionna: eh he's dead anyway heh 

Lucia: ... what would of you been more mad because he is dead?

Wionna: nahh he was annoying, do you guys want to know how he died?

Bree: ohh yeah tell us

Lucia: sure

Amelia: oh god pleas no 

Wionna: ohh two against one sorry love right here is the story. 

Wionna placed down her tea cup back on the tray and positioned herself so that every one can see her. Amelia began to get worried in case that this was going to be a graphic story, she gets enough of those from Lucia. 

Wionna: ok here we go ahem. so he was going to blow up a bridge to slow down the enemies advance right, placing down the bombs and clearing the area. after he had finished he walked over to the detonation lever but her tripped on some wires and whelp the poor lad  hurt his knee ...    two weeks later though he got shot in-between the eyes by a jerry sniper        

  Lucia: what the fuck did the brige have to do with his death?

Wionna: nothing just wanted to spice up the story 

Lucia: your an idiot 

The day went on with them all playing card games and chatting just having a good time. but as always day dose turn to night and they were becoming drowsy so Lucia thought it would be a good idea to call it a day. 

Lucia: right woinna, you and Bree can have the spare room while me and Amelia will sleep in my room ok? 

Wionna: yeah ook, oh also the walls look kind of thin so try to be quiet  ok heh

Lucia: and what is that supposed to mean hmmmmm

Lucia gave Wionna a passive aggressive stare quickly sending a shiver up  Wionna's spine. Lucia than looked away and walked in to her bed room with Amelia and got ready to go to sleep. 


agh sorry for the abrupt end my braid just said" you're on your own"  

anyway I hope you liked this half-arsed chapter and I promise that the next one will be better ok bye  

Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now