The Windowsill

370 17 1

Third person P.O.V

Lucia peered over the windowsill than seeing a rather shocking but saddening sight. The Noceda saw the very woman she was trying to protect curled up in to a ball sobbing. god knows what she saw and Lucia would rather not think about it.

The Blight was indeed curled up crying her hear was a mess, showing signs that she was in a rush, her dress was torn and muddy over all she looked in distress!

Lucia raised her hand towards the sobbing girl wanting to say somthing anything! buy her mind was blank she could not think of the right thing to say or what to do all that she could mutter out was her name.

Lucia: A-Amelia

The girl jumped at the sound of her name being said. Amelia clenched her kneed tighter to her chest and began to move her head upwards towards Lucia. Tears filled the Oldest Blights eyes deepening the dagger of sorrow into Lucia's hart. she could not bear to she her like thins!

Amelia's face was red with some tears going down her cheeks. She looked in shock with her pupils small and slightly shaking along with her hands. Lucia took a step towards Amelia to the Blights dismay. 

Amelia kicked herself away from Lucia's advance falling on her back, with her elbows to support her,  moving away from her.  Lucia just froze watching Amelia push herself away from her. Lucia began to go in to deep thought. What if Amelia was afraid of her? What if she thought that she was going to kill her next! 

Lucia's breathing began to spike and her hard raced inside her chest but she was quickly snaped out of her thoughts when she heard the voice of Amelia. 

Amelia: S-STAY AWAY FROM ME! ... p-pleas

By this point Bree and Wionna took there leave so it was only Amelia and Lucia alone together. Lucia could feel her world fall apart. Amelia was scared of her well no wonder she probably saw her Kill people anyone would be scared! 

Lucia fell backwards catching herself on her shaken feet. She leaned on to the windowsill letting the silence fill the room. she felt like she was drowning in thought and emotion. she was on the edge of tears but even in this situation she did not want to cry or scream or even shout  because what help would that do?  

She can only blame herself. 

"I-I'll see you on Monday"

Lucia whipped her head up looking at the Blight. she still looked scared and sad nothing had changed except that her sobbing calmed down. Lucia did not know how to react was Amelia giving her a second chance? or was she going to so somthing maybe turn her in to the police or send her away! 

Lucia: w-what did you say?

Amelia Looked up to the Nocceda, that at this point looked like she went through hell and back with dry blood on her trench coat and dirty cold hands shaking from emoting. 

Amelia: I-I said I will see you at work on Monday got it a-and don't be late

Lucia: aye 

     Lucia let out a long sigh trying to fix her breathing and calm herself down. she once again looked at Amelia , who had not moved a muscle, also trying to get her breathing back on track. 

Lucia: well d-do you want me to walk you home? 

Amelia: no I'll be fine, I got a gun so I can protect myself 

Lucia was confused why she had a gun but she better not ask because she did not want the make the situation even worse. Lucia than got up from the Windowsill As Amelia began to get up. Lucia did offer her clean hand to help Amelia up but the Blight waved it away. 

Lucia: Night

Amelia: Night 

With that Lucia began the short walk home but to her it felt like the longest walks in her life. all of these thoughts flooding her mind about Amelia. how she might hate her or fear her she just wished that she could turn back time. 

Lucia approached the front door of her house swinging open the door then closing it and locking it. she weekly threw the key in to a dish. Lucia found the house to be silent making the assumption that every one was asleep so she was extra carful walking up the stairs trying not to make a sound. 

Lucia arrived into her room she looked around it checking every possible hiding space just in case. She than found here self in front of her desk looking down at a letter and a note. the note read: 


Hi Lucia I found this letter that was addressed to you so I put it here also, don't worry I did not read it

                                                                                         from: your favourite sister :3       


Lucia: aw Luz, anyway now what is this letter about?

Lucia than took the letter in both of her hands than opening it and sliding out the note that read:


To: A fucking murderer 

Hello you fucking wanker I know what you did! you killed my bloody group and I know you might be having a small victory but I'm here to tell you something. 

there are more of us HA what did you think we would all be in a factory? no they were just some guards looting the place for more guns! 

so you better watch your back because we are now going to come and get you and every one you know and care for and conveniently that includes that Bitch Amelia! 

                                                                              From: I'm not giving you my name


Lucia dropped the letter falling back on to her bed in disbelief and shock. she could feel her old friend sorrow creep up once again as tears filled her eyes. 

Lucia: s-so a-all of that was for nothing

Lucia laid back in to her bed, now being alone she could cry, Lucia felt tears fall down her face as she chocked on the air that she breathed in. 

Lucia cried herself to sleep that night and her dreams were not forgiving. 

_________________________________________________________________ WOW I did that huh well thanks for reading and sorry that my uploading schedule is random. you have heard this before but I am currently doing my GCSES so I have little Time to write. But I will write when I can so don't you worry. anyway I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing it ok bye :)         

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