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Third person P.O.V

Amelia sat up from Lucia's bed as Lucia her self was flipping trough some photos.

Lucia: man you know what, I have not seen Bree for how long 

Amelia: oh Bree umm the machine gunner right 

Lucia: ohh looks like some one was listening, yeah I haven't seen her recently she's a good friend I just wished her Little sister was like her

Amelia: oh what is her Little sister like?

Luca: well she bullied or still bullies Luz 

Amelia: o-oh that's quite awful 

Lucia: eh I think she might of stopped after me and Bree found her beating Luz up in a alleyway, yeah Bree gave her hell

Amelia: oh my umm good?

Lucia: don't worry we did not beat Bosha up

Amelia: anyway this Bree girl, did she get a long with your friends 

Lucia: yeah you could say that heh Bree asked Wionna out before we all went over to France!

Amelia: what was Wionna's response?

Lucia: well Wionna said yes, so of course Bree got special treatment in the trenches

Amelia: ha I would of thought so

Lucia than hoped of the chair she was sitting on walking over to her bed room door as Amelia's eyes followed her across the room  looking her in the face in not the creepy way. Lucia turned her head to face the green haired girl looking her in the eyes.

Lucia: man I need a drink

Time skip 

Amelia: A PUB! 

Amelia and Lucia stood outside the Owl house pub looking at it face on. Of course Lucia was very happy to be there but Amelia was quite the opposite you know her being upper class and all.

Amelia: they cant see me in there I would be ruined also I have heard about horrible stuff about these places!

Lucia: you won't be recognise, there is a reason you are wearing those clothes I gave you also I wont let anything bad happen to you it's kind of my job you know

Amelia: r-right If you say so 

they both walked in to the pub well not with out petting Hooty of course. Lucia swung open the front door of the pub and well it has not changed since the last time she went. To Amelia though it was an experience her eyes darted around the room and taking it all in the cigarette smock, the smell of alcohol, people chatting and lathing It was like no other pace she has ever been. 



Amelia: agh no need to shout 

Lucia and Amelia walked over to where Wionna was sitting and well from what Lucia could gather it looks like Wionna was not alone.

Lucia: Bree? 

A pink haired girl looked up from her drink spotting Lucia a smile grew on her face. Lucia took  a good look at Bree because well she has not seen her for a while. The girl has her dark pink hair tied up in to a pony tail letting the back end droop down to her shoulders she had a clean face except a knife wound slashing across one of her cheeks. 

Bree: oh Lucia how have you been 

Lucia: oh you know not dying hah

Lucia took a seat followed by Amelia as Wionna sat by her girlfriend. Wionna gave a suspicions glance over to Amelia making the green haired girl worry. 

Bree: so who is this lady you brought with you not trying to replace us now are ya HA!

Lucia: noo don't worry I fought through mud and blood with you guys I would never! and  she is a umm friend I met at work! yeah that 

Lucia was not really lying she did meet her at work but she has not tooled they that she now works for her and she plans to keep it that way.

Wionna: oh she looks to what to you call it to clean to be working where you work Lucia

Lucia: ohh umm she knows basic hygiene haha

Bree: huh I buy it well hello miss??

Amelia: oh its Amelia 


Wionna: ....

Lucia: aww shit 

Amelia: what did I do


Lucia: oh god here we go 

Wiona and Bree: why did you start sending letters, how did Lucia get your letters?, did you have a crush on her?, have you meet before?, were you in the army? 

Amelia: u-ummm sure?

Wionna: ha anyway its nice to finely see the face behind those letters

Bree: you guys want any drinks? 

lucia, wionna, amelia: yeah sure 

Lucia: hey Amelia could you go and help Bree get the drinks?

Amelia: sure 

Amelia and Bree stood up and went over to the Bar where Eda was making drinks. Lucia felt strange telling Amelia what to do she was so use to being the one tolled to do things. Wionna looked at Lucia giving her a face saying Hey I got information

Wionna: so you know that whole riot/ strike think you caused well I heard that a group of people are plotting to murder one of the Blights and well I think you little friend in in danger 

Lucia: whhhhaaaattt Amelia is not in danger 

Wionna: Lucia you are fooling no one I know who that girl is "Amelia Blight" just changing her cloths dose not hide her identity. Anyway she is a good fella so I want to try and put a stop to the whole murder thing but I need help. So shall we go back to the good old days and tend to these scum?       

soon after Amelia and Bree came back with the drinks they had a good time Lucia loved seeing Amelia getting to know her friends a few hours later Amelia and Lucia went on a walk back to Blight manor. the daunting thing was at the back of Lucia's mind was that she needs to meet up with Wionna and sort those so called scum of people out.   

      _____________________________________________________ The gang is back together well except Greg R.I.P but yeah I hope you liked this chapter. 

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