Another haunting memory

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Oi it mentions dead people and all of that just warning you 

Third person P.O.V

Foot steps echoed down the dark streets of London the only bit of light came from the occasionally working street lamps. foot after foot hitting the cold hard street at a steady pace.

Lucia was looking up in to the night sky staring at the stars that dangled above her, she threw her armed up behind her head stretching after an eventful day.

she had a skip in her step filled to the brim with happiness well who wouldn't be? she met the girl that sent letters to her for years and well got a new job even though she did not choose to. 

Lucia looked down and up at the street ahead of her taking a deep breath in closing her eyes annnnd.


As she opened her eyes she was back not in the streets of London oh no back in the Trenches well that is what she could see and only her. 

Lucia looked side to side seeing misery, suffering and pain the all but familiar anxiety built up inside her stomach. she looked down at her hands that were shaking once again as if they never stopped. 

Lucia was scared.

she closed her eyes and took a step forward taking a deep breath she than opened up her tightly clenched eyes and well she was back in London as if nothing ever happened.

Lucia: wh- what I swear I was just I-In the trenches h-have I gone mad? nahh I'm probably just tired right?      

Lucia than shook her head and continued to walk home. 

A homely walk skip

Lucia opened the front door of the place she calls home, with a creek of the door she was immediately tackled by a well Little Luz. 


Lucia: well good evening Luz

Luz giggled letting the giant  that is also known as her sister go. Luz followed Lucia in to the living room and jumped on to the sofa. 

Luz: why were you gone for so long?

Lucia: eh met a girl got a job thinking and  I am becoming insane you know the usual 

Luz just stared blankly at her sister letting all the words she said proses in her head as Lucia took out the news paper. 

Lucia: oh a fire at ..... oh my old factory. It says the factory Blight industries burnt to the ground by rioters and a guy called Mike planed it all   

Luz: oh that's not good 

Lucia: what HA they deserve it the bloody sods- umm I mean all of them except one heh y-yeah 

Lucia jumped up from the sofa throwing the news paper on the the coffee table letting out a yawn.

Lucia: right I'm going to bed night 

Luz: oh yeah night sweet dreams 

Lucia mumbled

Lucia: they never are 

Lucia got upstairs in to her room and got ready for bed and in no time she was under the covers attempting to fall asleep. 

Dream    start 

There was Lucia back in the trenches in line with over solders, shoulder to shoulder she had her rifle in her arms. she felt a nervous scared even and she knew what was going to happen next. 

A officer with brown hair and well wearing goggles over his cap took a step forward preparing to speak. 

" right you all know what we are about to do and if you don't I will run you through it again, you all are about to do a bayonet charge to the enemy trench you will all attach your bayonets on my command and you will go over the top in to no mans land on the blow of my whistle. Ahem some of you may die but do know that you will die not in vain you will die for your country and for your family and friends at home that's all get ready"

the drown haired officer reached in to his leaver holster pulling out his black revolver getting ready for what hell they all are about to walk or run into. 


And well they all did so Lucia reached to her bayonet that was on the back of her belt and took it out and quickly attaching it on the end of her rifle. 

she hated this the silent waiting for the whistle anxiety was building up inside her she did not know if she will live or die her palms became sweaty her legs felt week she thought she was about to faint until she heard it the whistle, the whistle of death.

solders started going over the top of there trench shouting and screaming and well Lucia followed and before she knew it she was running just running. 

she ran across no mans land people falling down beside her screams of Paine echoed around her but she did not do a thing but run.

In seconds a golden hell rained upon them more people fell more people died more people in Paine and Lucia did not bat and eye she clenched on to her rifle with her bayonet out in front of her. 



Artillery rained on them  some got cached in the explosion some got buried alive some just got shot and Lucia just kept running, charging in to hell in to the unknown. 


an artillery shell landed near Lucia blasting her to the ground she hit the muddy grimy dirt and shakily crawled in to the crater the artillery shell made Lucia sat there panting just breathing watching people running and falling dying and living fear and Paine. 

"Oi Oi Lucia"

Lucia looked at the in the direction of the voice and saw Wionna and well she has never neem as happy to see her.

Lucia: it's a bloody masker we all are going to die"

Wionna looked down at her scared friend letting out a sigh reloading her revolver.

Wionna: don't worry Lucia we will look out for each over all three of us 

Lucia saw another person dive in to the crater and then-

End of dream


She jumped out of bed and scanned her surroundings and it hit her like a brick wall.

" another haunting memory"     

___________________________________________________Well that was fun to write and I hope it was fun to read so did you like it? I hope you did anyway that's all bye

Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now