Rough and tumble

400 18 5

Third Person P.O.V

Lucia walked down the large hallway, away from Amelia's room, towards the room she has been assigned to spend the night. On her way down she saw a rather familiar room with a name hung on to the door reading Amity. 

Lucia: huh I wonder if Luz is still with Amity

So, she walked over to the door and pushed it open the door and low and behold there was a little Noceda next to the youngest Blight. 

Luz: oh hi Lucia 

Lucia: hey I'm surprised that you are still here Luz mum must be worried sick 

Luz: oh I just tolled her that I was at Willows 

Lucia: ohh when did you start Lying to Mum

Luz: when you left 

Lucia: hey what is that supposed to mean?

Luz: don't worry about it   

Lucia walked in to Amity's room and took another look around being watched carefully by Amity.

Lucia: hey Princess no need to worry I won't steal anything 

Amity: no I'm not worried about that, it just amazed me that My oldest sister has you as her servant.

Lucia: annnd?

Amity: well I would of though she would of gotten one with better posture

Lucia: hey, if you kids spent four years in the trenches you would understand  

Luz and Amity began chuckling to them selves comparing Lucia to an old woman or a sloth also sprinkling in some insults about the her appearance.

Lucia: bloody hell do you kids got anything better to do you know when I was your age I was working in a factory.

Luz: aright Grandma.

Lucia: Oi 

As Lucia and Luz threw hurtful words at on another Amity stood up and started searching through her draws.

Lucia: alright smart arse at leas-


Lucia and Luz: huh?

Amity than walked over to Lucia holding a what Lucia could tell as some sort of wallet. Amity than passed the wallet over to Lucia.

Amity: hey could you pleas give that to Amelia it's her pocket change.

Lucia: um alright then

Lucia walked over to the door saying her goodbyes and stepped out side Amity's room.

Lucia: Right lets just have a peek in this wallet 

Lucia than opened Amelia's wallet full of pocket change and well she nearly passed out.

Lucia:150 pounds no way that is 'pocket change' 

Lucia closed the wallet and made her way to Amelia's room


Amelia opened her bedroom door and wobbly stepped inside as she did so she saw somthing that immediately doped her mood.

Hunter: where have you been?

Amelia: I was out having fun as if you would know what that is

Hunter: I know how to have plenty of fun thank you

Amelia: I doubt that anyway, you can leave I'm going to sleep 

Amelia walked over to her bed and sat down at the end of it. a smile grew on to Hunters face than made Amelia feel uncomfortable.

Hunter: ohh I think you forgot somthing I am not leaving

Amelia: what no go somewhere else 

Hunter than quickly makes  his way over to Amelia with every step he made anxiety filled up inside Amelia. Hunter than grabbed both of Amelia's wrists and pined her down on to the bed making a lowed thud!

Hunter: you are going to sleep with me no matter what you say you got me!

Amelia: y-your hurting me stop it



Lucia chucked  the wallet in to the air and catching as she walked down the hall towards Amelia's room. 

Lucia: damn should I really wonder In to her room, she might be asleep and I don't really want to wake her

Lucia stood there pondering on that thought for a while be for she heard a loud THUD coming from Amelia's room in that moment Lucia ran probably the fastest in her life  over to Amelia's room. as Lucia got over to Amelia's door she could hear some voices In side the room.

Lucia reached in to her jacket and grabbed her revolver cocking back her hammer and placing one hand on to the door knob. she took some beep breaths as she swung open the door and what she saw was horrifying. she quickly raised her revolver and pointed it at Hunters head.


Hunter than let go of Amelia she than crawled further up the bed away from Hunter and turned to look at Lucia. even with a gun pointed at him he still had a awful grin on his face.

Hunter: I know you won't shoot me because you will loose your job and get arrested so I am seared of you.

Lucia: oh yeah?

Lucia than takes a step closer to Hunter and she used the grip of her revolver hitting him in the nose braking it in the proses. he fell back on to his knees grovelling in pain as Lucia walked over to him bending down and whispering in to his ear.

Lucia: now fuck off

soon enough she scrabbled to his feet and ran out of the room down the hallway leaving Amelia and Lucia alone. Lucia quickly made her way to Amelia's side the girl still is shock about the whole ordeal.

Amelia: T-thank you 

Lucia: no problem I am happy that you are safe 

Amelia soon enough found herself in Lucia's arms comforting her. Amelia enjoys being with Lucia it makes her weird and safe and she also feels like she might have a small crush on Lucia.

Amelia: Lucia?

Lucia: hey

Amelia: would of you shot Hunter?

Lucia: if he cared on than yes I would of 

Amelia: you would risk going to jail for my wellbeing?

Lucia: well of course I would, it's also comfiting to know that I have not loosed my humanity

Amelia: your the best 

Lucia: heh I know right 

Amelia: heh shut uppp you silly fellow

Amelia and Lucia than start to have a somewhat normal conversation with Amelia still in Lucia's arms.

a few hours later

Lucia's and Amelia's chat was going well until they heard some concerning sounds. 



Lucia and Amelia than spring up from the sounds of Banging a screaming. Lucia hopped of the bed recognizing  the screaming voice  

Lucia: LUZ!  

___________________________________________________________________ Hi I don't know I f this is good I'm tired and all the other things people say as an excuse of poor writing anyway, I hope you liked it yay bye

Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now