The conversation

374 17 1

Third Person P.O.V

Lucia dragged herself of from her bed and on to her feet, her head still filled of the ringing of gun fire and the banging of artillery. She stumbled over to her desk placing her arms out on to the dark wooden desk. Lucia eventually caught her breath and the sounds in her head faded away.

The Noceda's eyes drew back to the letter she read last night and like a crashing wave all of the events of the previous day dawned upon her. images flashed in her mind including the distraught face of Amelia after seeing what she did. 

Lucia stood still reminiscing and beating her self up about what happened with Amelia. at points Lucia did wonder why she did not feel that bad about killing the scum that wanted to Murder Amelia but it seems that four years at war dose make Killing a normal thing to her. 

Lucia was now thinking why she did it. why did she have to go out of her way to kill those people and make herself look like a monster! after all Amelia did say her dad had his own privet army so if the scum did attack the privet army would of whipped them out. why did she have to take it in to her own hand!

The Image of Amelia burned in to her mind but why? Lucia has made a lot of people cry in her time so why was Amelia any different. Why did Lucia feel so terribly awful about it? yeah she holds Amelia dear to her and yeah Lucia likes hanging out with her and the face she makes when she gets flustered is the cutest thing in her opinion. wait a damn second!

Lucia could feel her hart rate speed up with just the thought of Amelia like some sort of curs. her voice and her face and every thing about Amelia makes Lucia's face heat up. It all makes sense now! why Lucia wanted to protect Amelia and deal with that group and why seeing her cry tore Lucia's hart in two.

Lucia has likes Amelia

Lucia stood up strait and took a beep breath taking in her discovery.

Lucia: I like A-Amelia 

Lucia closed her eyes with that realisation turning away from her desk now facing her bedroom door. she than opened her eyes annnnnnd there stood Luz. 

Luz: ah well ummm good morning Lucia

Lucia: a- good morning Luz aha, pleas tell me you did not hear what I said 

Luz: oh about you liking Amelia? yeah I heard it 

Lucia: shit well you can keep a secret right? 

Luz: well with all of the other secrets you tolled me to keep yeah one more wont hurt

Lucia great!

Luz: anyway you slept for a long time

Lucia: umm yeah no surprise there I always sleep in on Sunday I have no work 

Luz: wellllll you slept through Sunday Its Monday 

Lucia: ... shit          

Lucia slammed her bedroom door closed, the door almost hitting Luz on the nose, shutting Luz out of her room. She quickly threw off the dirty cloths that she slept in then getting dressed in some casual cloths because she left her suit at Eda's pub. Lucia did up her tie and folds down the collar of her shirt then quickly barging through her bedroom door and down the stairs. 

Lucia made a strait dart to the front door not acknowledging her mum and sister. She than swung the front door open and started the walk to Blight manor.

Lucia was about half way through her travel and anxiety started to build up. she got more and more worried that Amelia wants nothing to do with her or that she may be afraid of her. Lucia could not think what she would do if Amelia jut shut her self out of her life. 

Lucia thought about just running and not show up but she would just be digging herself in to a bigger hole. She continued walking and before she knew it she was standing out side of the grand Gaits of Blight Manor. 

The Noceda took a long deep breath in and pushed the gates open. The short walk down to the front door were hellish for Lucia. She could feel her hands become sweaty and her legs become jelly every instinct was telling her to run away and flee but Lucia did nor cave in. 

As Lucia approached the Front door of the manor there was a little note on tied to the door handle reminiscent to her first day working for Amelia. Lucia saw that the note was addressed to her so she gave it a quick read. the note tolled Lucia to meet Amelia in her room. 

Lucia immediately thought of the worst. she clenched her hands in to a fist and once again took a deep breath and Pushed open the front door and made her way up the large stairs and down the long hall way with every step more and more anxiety built up.

And then boom she was standing out side of Amelia's room. 

Lucia: ah r-right I better get this over with 

Lucia grabbed a hold of then doorknob and gave it a twist. Lucia pushed the door open revealing Amelia looking out of her window facing away from the door where Lucia was standing. Lucia gave Amelia a good look and figured out that even from behind Lucia could not help but blush just a little.  

Obviously Amelia heard her bedroom door open so she swiftly turned around. when she saw that it was Lucia her eyes lit up for a second but only for a second because knows what she is going to do next is not quite nice. 

Amelia: ah Lucia how nice to see you 

Amelia than approaches Lucia becoming face to face. Lucia was shocked about Amelia coming this close to her because she thought that Amelia would try to stay as fare as she can away from her so it was a second of relief. 

Lucia: o-oh hi Amelia why are you so clo- 


  Amelia struck her hand across Lucia's face slapping her. not so hard but not so light a good in-between. Lucia brought her hand to her cheek, where Amelia slapped her. All that Lucia muttered was.

Lucia: y-yeah I deserved that   

Amelia: yeah you bloody did! Why did you have to get involved? You could of called the police or you know tell me what was going on! y-you scared me Lucia I don't know what I would do if you d-died. And I just don't like that you went killing people yes I know that they wanted to murder me but I don't want to look at you and think that you are a m-murderer. 

Lucia was fixt to Amelia's face and saw that she was beginning to cry but Lucia dared to mutter a word she stayed silent and let Amelia say what she had to say.      

Amelia: look Lucia I j-just don't want to see your life go down the drain. I care for you NO I-I LOVE YOU LUCIA! I do and if I like it or not and it h-Hurts me to watch you do these things it tears up my very soul!  S-so pleas don't do somthing like that again f-for me pleas.

At this point Amelia's hands were on Lucia's shoulders and her head was under Lucia's chin. Lucia had her arm around Amelia's back and her hand slowly rubbing her back as she sobbed in to Lucia's chest. 

While Lucia is comforting Amelia she was just clocking what she said and realising what Amelia said in the last part.

Lucia: o-oh I don't know If my ears were playing games on me but did you say that you l-loved me? 

Amelia began to blush and Pulled her head away from Lucia's chest looking her in the eyes.

Amelia: oh heh yeah I d-did say that, I know it was sudden and unprofessional

Lucia: oh don't worry 

She than pulled Amelia back in to a hug and whispered somthing in Amelia's ear.

Lucia: I love you too 

__________________________________________________________ BOOM there is your Lumity! 

so look I did a thing sorry I have not been updating on my normal schedule and you have heard it before. I am doing exams and they really have fucked it all up so yeah anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter bye  

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