Today is not your day

434 18 5

Third person P.O.V  

Lucia looked down at her tea, that Amelia kindly made for her, feeling the steam hit her face as she just watched the hot liquid. Lucia placed her hand around the mug to warm up her hand from being outside she stead  blankly at the tea no emotion could be seen but some times no emotion says more than a lot of emotion. 

Gun fire 


Artillery fire  

only three things were going on inside of Lucia's brain sounds that she may never forget. Images flashed through her head fire, blood, mud, burning, screams, horses?. Lucia snapped out of her trans as well a memory came back to her and well it dose include a  horse and it's rider. she tried to see if she can remember any more about the newly found memory but all she can recall about the rider was that his hair was green? 

Lucia was about to go back in to beep thought but she was interrupted by some footsteps coming closer and closer to the kitchen. the person gave the doorknob a good wiggle until the door found itself open and there stood a slightly concerned Amelia.  

Amelia: oh you look better? 

Lucia: eh you can say that

Amelia approached a chair sitting across from Lucia and planting herself onto it. she noticed that Lucia has beardly touched her tea. 

Amelia: not thirsty?

Lucia: yeah, I was using it for warmth

Amelia: so how are you? have you had some rest o-or eaten or ummm 

Lucia: Amelia! calm down I'm fine there is no need to worry

Amelia's eyes drifted away from Lucia and on to the floor. her hands clenched the table separating her and Lucia. she took a deep breath in. Lucia quickly took note that something was off.

Lucia: h-hey Amelia are you ok?

Amelia: my brother- he has something like you he is beardly recognisable anymore

Lucia: whoa umm .. was he in the war?

Amelia: y-yes he was along with his twin sister she came out unscaved  fit as a fiddle but Ed well he was broken like hid brain was left in the mud!

Amelia started to tear up just thinking about her younger brother. her chest felt tight and her vision wend blurry from the tears. 

Amelia: t-the worst thing i-is that our mum j-just shut him out h-his own mother! s-she wanted no one to see him because that could damage her status b-because o-one of her kids was in her words "insane" s-she told every on than he w-was DEAD! 

There and then Amelia just broke down the memory just hurts her to much. Lucia of course jumped out of her seat and ran over to Amelia's aid. she put her arm around her shoulders embracing her as she cried in to her chest. 

Amelia: i-i just d-don't want you t-to g-get as bad as him

Time skip to home wait this is not fast travel 

There time in the country side came to a close and they arrived back to Blight manor. the car Lucia and Amelia were in pulled in to there driveway and parked. they both hopped out and Lucia stretched her legs.

Lucia: man that car dose a number on my legs ey

Amelia just stood there silent searing at another car. Lucia did not really think much of the car but Amelia looked horrified.

Amelia: oh god he is here. 

a shadowy figure emerged from the car and looked back at Amelia.

???: hello milady

eventually they all got inside. Lucia still confused of why Amelia hated this guy so much probably just something that won't bug Lucia.. hopefully.

They all walked in to the dining room and Lucia saw Amelia's mum speaking to a older man with a ugly green scar across his face. they both stood up and shook hands. 

Odalin: oh just the people I needed to see come along Amelia and Hunter 

Amelia and the guy named Hunter walked over to the woman. they started to speak and not even a minuet went by until Amelia started to shout. she turned away from the others storming out of the room , grabbing on to Lucia's arm as she walked past.

Amelia led Lucia out of the giant room and in to of what Lucia could tell is Amelia's room. the green haired girl looked angry, sad and annoyed at the same time. 

Lucia: hey Amelia what wrong? 

Amelia: you know that Hunter well my mum has arranged marriage between me and him for a while and It has just been finalised!   

A few minuets  went by and Lucia and Amelia were just chatting ,and Lucia trying to get Amelia's spites up, It was all going lovely until HE entered Amelia's room.

Hunter: hey your mom tolled me you would be here 

Lucia: an American?

Amelia: go away Hunter 

Hunter walked in to Amelia's room to Amelia's disapproval. Lucia just sat there watching the tension grow thick. 

Lucia: soo your mum wants  you to marry the yankee 

Lucia gestured over to Hunter.

Hunter: shut up you Tommy   

Lucia: rude 

Hunter: anyway Amelia, your mom said that I will be sleeping in your room so we can 'get to know each other' so can you get you house pet out of here so I can unpack

Amelia: pardon but there are many things that you said wrong firstly I would rather die than sleep in the same room as you and secondly YOU DON'T CALL LUCIA A HOUSE PET!   

Hunter: wow you do have some fire to you

Hunter than turned to Lucia giving her that look as if he was saying ' if you get in my way of Amelia I will kill you' 

Amelia: Hunter just leave and unpack you things   

The American did what Amelia said and walked out of her room leaving Amelia and Lucia. Amelia looked frustrated and Lucia felt useless she has no idea on how to help. Amelia than looked up at Lucia asking her for a favour.

Amelia: hey Lucia could you stay over for the night it might make me feel better is you are here 

Lucia: yeah sure anything you want

____________________________________________________________ hey so I have some things to unpack one so the reason Hunter is an American is that well his name is more you gusset it American and secondly in the chapter Lucia and Hunter call one another Tommy and Yankee. Tommy is a nickname given to the British and Yankee is one for the Americans. Ok I hope you liked this chapter bye. 


  so as some of you picked up I normally update this book on a Wednesday and I will still do but I might sometimes make extra chapters across the week.   


Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now