An odd day

470 18 4

Third Person P.O.V

Amelia had her arm around her weeping Friend, as Lucia had her head buried in to Amelia's shoulder. Who wouldn't be crying after telling someone a story of how one of there friend's died?

Through out the few days that Lucia had been with Amelia she has been getting very fond of her it was the highlight of her day spending time with Lucia. Amelia gained a tighter grip around Lucia's shoulder hugging her tighter. She has well some experience with comfiting some one with haunting memories of the war but she did not want to think about him right now.

Amelia: Its getting late I think we should go to sleep

Lucia just mumbled in agreement and removing herself from Amelia.

Time skip Ha no war story for you to night

The Sun found its self upon Lucia's face slowly edging her to wake up, as she slowly opened her eyes. the bed was weirdly warm and Lucia dose not remember lighting a fire so she ignored the warmth and stretched.

Lucia looked down at herself and realised that she was still wearing her suit and well she thought that strange. she was about to hop out of bed but she then felt movement next to her.

Lucia than looked to see what it was and well she saw a half awake Amelia.


The girl than jumped out of the bed and onto the hard wooden floor as Amelia began to sit up on the bed.

Amelia: umm good morning to you too I guess?

Lucia: you seem awfully calm you just slept in my bed .... WITH ME

Amelia joked : well yeah it seems so I swear I went to my own room

Lucia: umm pleas tell me that you are wearing cloths

Amelia: umm yeah why??

Lucia: oh thank god that means nothing happened last night

Amelia: what do you mean by nothing happed and what dose that have to do with me wearing cloths?

Lucia joked: you will get it when you are older

Amelia: we are the same age!

a minuet or so went by and well Lucia and Amelia did there morning routine and wend down stairs. Amelia's dad was no where to be seen all he left was a note saying that he was out side testing some rifles.

Lucia walked in to the kitchen and saw something that she would never see.

Lucia: what you cook Amelia? don't you just get you servants to cook for you?

Amelia: now tell me have you seen a single servant in this house minus yourself?

Lucia: no I have not

Amelia: so there is your answers, I also enjoy cooking my little sister on the other hand well lets just say that she needs some help heh

Lucia: ah I see ha oh one time in the war Luz sent me some biscuits and well she gave almost every soldier food poisoning

Amelia: oh my that sound awful but he funny

Lucia and Amelia chucked for a bit about there siblings misfortunes. a few more minuets passed and Amelia than pleased two plates of a full English on the table along with a cup of tea ready for the both of them. they both sat down at the table, Lucia was about to start eating but then Amelia asked her a question.

Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now