Bring them Hell

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Third person P.O.V

Wionna: right so that's the plan!

Wionna takes a step back from the battel feeling extremely proud of herself, the same could not be said for Lucia and Bree.

Lucia: what plan? all you said is shoot them before they shoot you

Wionna: I feel offended did you just question my ability to make fool proof plans 

Wionna jokingly places the back of her hand on to her forehead and pretends to act shocked. Bree lets out a small giggle from the situation and makes her way over to 4 lockers up agenised the wall.  

These Lockers where used by Lucia and her friends before the war when they were younger. They use to be trouble makers trough out the city robbing people, getting in to fights and many other things. If they ever got any loot or if they needed to store weapons they would chuck it in there own locker.

Out of the 4 lockers only one of them had scrapes and scratched but among they there was some numbers and a name. It read out 1896-1916 Greg Porter. Bree stared at it for a few seconds letting her mind remember what type of person Greg was and how mush she misses him, they all do.

Lucia makes her way over to her locker, also taking note of Greg's locker but she did not want to dwell on that, she swung her locker open seeing a rifle leaning up against the back of the locker with ammo pouches to either side of it. 

Wionna: ahh! you found the Rifle you will be using, the Short Magazine Lee Enfield to be exact!

Lucia: yeah yeah umm why is there so much ammunition, it's quite unnerving  

Wionna: hah ohh I see you are worried that there will be a lot of people we are going to have to kill, so you are worried of being out numbered

Lucia: yeah you hit the nail on the head 

Wionna: well don't worry we are extremely out numbered

Lucia: ... well that did not help

Wionna: aww don't worry I did a background check on them all and non of them fought in the war so they all probably can't aim

Bree: hey hon how did you find out all of this information on the enemy?

Wionna: ahh great question my dear! I just kindly asked around and found some documents

Bree hummed in response and reached in to her locker and pulling out her weapon a sub machine gun!

Lucia: WHAT how come she gets that gun 

Wionna: 'that gun' is the Lanchester sub machine gun also, Bree gets to use it because I said so 

Lucia: no It's because she's you Girlfriend inset it

Wionna: yeah you are correct 

Lucia scoffed at Wionna swinging the rifle on to her back and picking up the ammo pouches. she than turns around facing Wionna once again.

Wionna: hmmm you probably want to keep that suit of yours clean I think I have some spare cloths that you can put on.

Lucia: what ever you say boss

And with that Wionna makes a quick clime up the stairs and thought the door that separated the basement and the main part of the pub.

 A fashionable time skip  

Lucia: are you sure this looks good on me? 

Lucia than steps out of the poorly made curtain door, that Lucia and Bree made because Lucia  did not fancy getting changed in front of Wionna and Bree, Lucia is wearing a brown trench coat with black trousers and shoos and a white shirt underneath the trench coat.

Wionna: see you look fine, you will blend in with every one else 

Bree: yeah!

Lucia than walks back over to where she left her rifle and Ammo, stuffing the Ammunition in to one of the pockets on the trench coat, she picked up the rifle and put the rifles sling over her shoulder.

Wionna: right we all ready?

Lucia and Bree: yeah!

"Right lets bring them hell"

________________________________________________________ I'm sorry that this is also a short chapter I just want the fight in one single chapter heh yeah any way to make up for it I will show you the guns that they are using     


  Lucia uses the Short Magazine Lee Enfield Rifle Mk III the common Rifle for the British in ww1  

  Lucia uses the Short Magazine Lee Enfield Rifle Mk III the common Rifle for the British in ww1  

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 Bree uses the Lanchester sub machine gun

     Wionna uses the Webley Revolver (Also  Luca has one)

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     Wionna uses the Webley Revolver (Also  Luca has one)

     Wionna uses the Webley Revolver (Also  Luca has one)

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