A very big house in the country

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Third person P.O.V

Lucia put down her cup of tea on the circular wooden table then looking up at Amelia, that still was holding her tea in her hands, Amelia was looking out through a large window looking upon the grand city. she traced her index finger around the rim of her tea cup deep in thought.

She was wondering why Lucia seemed so sad after she played the piano? she would not dare to ask why, she dose not want to upset her in anyway or bring back unpleasant memories.

Lucia: deep In though hmm?

Amelia: AGH! bloody hell you frightened the devil out of me 

Amelia quickly turned her head towards Lucia pleasing her cup of tea on to the table. Lucia drank what was left of hers and then looking at the time. 

Lucia: oh I only have 5 minuets until I am off work.

Amelia felt a bit sad hearing that she has really enjoyed Lucia's company well at least she will see her tomorrow.

Amelia: oh that reminds me um My dad wants me to go over to the shooting range in the country side  I'm hoping that you will come along?        

Lucia: isn't it is my job to follow you around? so yeah I think I'll HAVE to go with you 

Amelia's face lit up with happiness hearing that Lucia will come along she was so happy.

Amelia: oh splendid that will be great!

Amelia than went to grab her tea. But the Amelia and Lucia heard some shuffling around and running about. Amelia saw a mint green haired girl run pass the door way Lucia turned around on her seat to try to see what was making all of that noise but she saw nothing.

Lucia: who the hell was that? 

Amelia: oh well that was my younger sister, probably spying on us but to shy to Introduce herself. 

Lucia: oh isn't that aghh what's her name I keep on forgetting ah Amity that's it

Amelia: ummm how do you know my younger sisters name I never tolled you?

Lucia: oh my little sister is friends with her she won't shut up about her 

Amelia: but how did you know she was my sister 

Lucia: well Luz tolled me that her friend was called Amity Blight and well you are Amelia Blight so you both have the same last name and similar first names, so basically I connected the dots.

Amelia: huh I see

Time skip  

Lucia opened the front door of her house waling in and going strait up to bed. The house was quiet probably because every one was asleep.

Lucia got out of her suit folded it up neatly and pleasing her revolver on top just so she won't forget it. 

Lucia hopped in to bed and fell asleep and well you know what happens

Nightmare/ haunting memory 

Waking up in a cold sweat 

Last  not least her thinking that she is back in the trenches and scared for her life. you know the normal thing some ex solder's do. 

Lucia than snapped out of her own mined and the trench walls turned back in to her bedroom walls the sounds of bombs and screams went back in to the sounds of life and laughs. 

Lucia got up from her bedrooms wooden floor and grabbed some  cloths and dumped them in to a bag to take with her to the country side. 

Lucia than put on her suit grabbed her revolver and slid it in her suit's inside pocket. She left her room and went down stairs in to the kitchen to see her mum and Luz eating breakfast. 

Camila: oh morning Lucia, ohh you look smart what's the occasion?   

Lucia: new job, going to the country side with my boss/ friend blah blah blah 

Camila: I did not know you had a new job what is it? 

Lucia: eh personal butler... OH would you look at the time I better be going bye 

Lucia than swung her bag full of clothe over her shoulder  and ran out the door slamming it closed behind her. 

a walking Time skip

Amelia: isn't it cool wow motor vehicle

Lucia: If you find that cool you should see a tank 

Amelia: a what. water tank?

Lucia: no you know a vehicle with a giant gun on the front

Amelia: umm yeah I probably will ne to see a photo of one of those 'tanks'

A few seconds pass until they both get in the car of course Lucia holds the door open for Amelia because she is just such a gentleman. the both took there seats and the driver than started up the car and off they went. 

VOOM! time skip because what will they do in a car talk ha ew   

The car went to a halt after a two hour car ride. Lucia's legs felt numb when her feet touched the grounds it felt like she was floating Amelia on the other hand looked well fine.

Amelia: ah look the country house 

Lucia turned around and saw what some one might call a fortress a giant stone building surrounded by trees and land till the eye can see.

Lucia: bloody hell and I thought you house In London was big 

Amelia: yeah but I do sometimes think it is to big eh what can you do ey 

Lucia and Amelia walked inside the gigantic house and unpacked. Lucia and Amelia went upstairs where Amelia showed Luca where she will be sleeping.

Amelia: well this is where you will spend the night oh and if you need me my room is just over there. 

Amelia pointed to her room that was just next door from Lucia's room. they both went down stairs to well just relax and have a good old cup of tea. 

Lucia started to play some card games and Amelia was reading a book the whole atmosphere of the moment was well pensful and clam.  things that Lucia almost forgotten. 

Lucia than looked at Amelia reading her book she was wearing glasses and in one hand was the book and the over her tea she looked so innocent and cu-


The creak from the door drew Amelia's and Lucia's attention and well a tall finger with brown hair wearing goggles walked through the door.

Amelia: oh hi da-

Lucia quickly stood up and saluted the man with goggles and well he just looked back at her and said.

"we are not in the trenches anymore not need to salute me"    

Lucia: sorry old habits 

___________________________________________________________ Hi hello there so I hoped you liked this chapter and well if you did say so or vote idk anyway bye 

what tanks looked like in world war one 

the first tanks name was little willie made by the British  

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the first tanks name was little willie made by the British  

Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now