My mind is scrambled!

341 16 4

Third Person P.O.V

Warning mentions of ahem , blood, death, fighting, PTSD

"I'm on fucking fire HELP ME"


"Augh this fucking Hurst"




"no no no I DON'T WANT TO DIE"



Lucia sprung up from her bed, panting and sweeting from the dream she just had. a voice of a man screaming in pain is all that she has dreamt of for the past few weeks. but for a strange reason she feels like she had meet this man before.

Lucia sat up in her bed trying not to disturb the her girlfriends sleep. Lucia carefully looked around her bedroom finding that something's are out of place, looking over to her desk there were stray bullet shells laying there and to her knowledge she dose not remember placing them there.

She than quietly slid out of her bed taking a closer look at her desk, tiptoeing along the wooden floor, as she arrived at her desk there were strangely more things to surprise her. not only were there bullet shells but now a map and a gas lamp. Along the map there were two lines going parallel to each over. one of the lines were blue and the other red and a large span of empty land inbetweener them.

Lucia confused betided to inspect the map even more, looking along the outskirts to see if she could find anything that hints to that it was all about. along the rough sides of the map there was a name at the top but this was no name of a human but more of a place it read:


Lucia stumbled backwards with images running through her head, the guns, the dead, the fire. the smell of blood filled the room and the guns played there song in her head. her hands became sweaty and her breaths spiked up.

She looked around her room as the walls turned in to planks of wood and dirt coming out of the cracks. Lucia stumbled her way to her bedroom door barging it open and stumbling down the stairs. she stood by her display and watched her helmet gain cracks and the photo frames smash while the poppies die.

sounds of whistles and marching joined the band of gunfire in her head. the pictures on her walls turned in to propaganda telling people to fight for king and country! while silhouettes of soldiers formed charging on the windows.

The floor had pools of dried blood splattered along it accompanied with the smell of the dead. Lucia took some steps forward overflowing with fear feeling the weight of uniform being placed on her with every step. her eyes followed the floor her being to afraid to look up until she got to the end of the hallway leading in to the living room.

She could hear foot steps going up and down the room. quickly sending fear up Lucia's spine, she slowly lifted up her head revelling what was standing in front of her. she felt sick to the stomach and on the erg of tears looking at the person with a different uniform on.

Without a second to loose Lucia immediately brought up her fists and swung at the Enemy soldier like it was second nature, Her fist met with the surprised face of the soldier knocking them back.

Lucia: stay back you JERRY

Lucia shouted burying her fear with aggression. The soldier did not speak back they just helt there cheek in shock. with this window of chance Lucia ran up to them kicking them in the stomach pushing them in to the wall with a THUD!

The soldier than slid down the wall and looked up at Lucia speaking in a language that she did not understand, she than walked towards them and properad to kick them in the head as she did the soldier caught her leg and pushed her back with it.

Lucia: what a sorry story of a soldier you are you haven't even damaged me yet!

Then the soldier brought themselves to there feet. Lucia got ready for combat bringing her arms up and in to fists. while the soldier had a different plan and began to shout.

Lucia: shouting for help are we how cute.

Lucia than ran towards the soldier to tackle them. as she charged to wards them the soldier brought up there arms and when Lucia got in range slammed both of there arms down on to her head causing Lucia to hit the ground.

As Lucia was on the floor the soldier rolled her around so she was on her back and holding her down so that she couldn't escape. The solider shouted again and soon enough another one entered the room.

The fist soldier pointed at a petrol can on the other side of the room gesturing for the second soldier to go get it. Lucia began to squirm knowing what they were going to do, she tried to brake out of the solders arms but to no prevail.


The second soldier arrived with the petrol can and the other pulled out a lighter, Lucia couldn't believe what was going to happen to her she didn't want to die.

as the solider opened the can Lucia began to scream in fear, Lucia closed her eyes and then petrol was thrown on to her.


"Lucia you fucking wanker"

Lucia opened her eyes and she was back in her living room, she was still pined to the ground by Wionna, who looked like she just got out of a fight. In front of Lucia stood Bree with a empty bucked of water that she threw over Lucia.

Lucia: w-where the hell am it

Wionna: in your living room no where else

Lucia: w-what happened?

Wionna: you started to attacking me and calling me a jerry

Lucia: o-oh did it happened again

Wionna: yes it did

Wionna let go of Lucia letting her get to bearings of the room, Lucia was still shaking and looked as white as a sheet. Bree and Wionna just watched Lucia both not knowing on what to say.

Lucia sat down on to her sofa letting herself clock what just happened. she looked around the room to make sure everything was back to normal, as her eyes glided around the room they then stopped at the sight of a whimpering Amelia.

__________________________________________________________________________ WOW boom i just did that huh. so did you guys like what I just did because i hope so heh. anyway you might see that this has been published on a Monday not a Wednesday and that is because I am doing somthing on Wednesday so I made this chapter today instead :D ok thats all bye.

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