Barb wire duty

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Third person P.O.V

The man ,who Lucia has pieced together was Amelia's dad, sat down on the sofa near to the door and started to chat with Lucia bonging over there experiences in the war. Lucia has not really spoken to people about the war because they just won't understand  the only people that she knew would was the people that fought beside her. 

They went over stories and roomers and well anything they could think on, occasionally grabbing Amelia's attention, Amelia's father reminded Lucia of the time when a rat stole her bayonet and how 3 people helped her get it back. 

MR. Blight: oh yes what was the names of those people that helped you there was Wionna ummm Bree and what's his name the tall chap 

Lucia: h- his name was G-Greg older brother of Augustus   

Lucia lowered her head , some hair covering her eyes, she started bonusing her leg with thoughts of Greg going though her mind that she wanted to oppress. 

MR.Blight: good fellow he was ahh I do wonder what he is doing now 

Lucia than stood up with out a word looking hurt and full of sadness images rushing through her head she marched to the door and out of the room Leaving the Blights confused. 

Lucia violently opened her bed room door and crawling in to bed with streams of tears rolling down her cheeks. 

Lucia: I'm sorry Greg it's all my fault 

???: what's your fault? 

Lucia rolled over facing the door seeing Amelia standing in her door way with one hand on the wall. 

Lucia: you don't want to know 

Lucia than rolled over facing the wall again as Amelia slowly approached her. 

Amelia: did my dad say something wrong?           

Lucia: n-no he did not 

Amelia: than why  are you so upset 

Lucia then sat up with her knees up to her chin and her arms around her legs. she wiped the tears from under her eyes looking at Amelia.

Lucia: j-just some unpleasant memories t-that's all 

Amelia: oh-  I see y-you want to talk about it?

Lucia: you would not understand 

Amelia: well I will try It's better to tell people what is wrong than just to bottle it up 

Lucia: ok ok fine, Greg was well a friend a good one in facet and well something happened

Start of flash back  

Officer: Lucia!  for losing you bayonet and sending panic through out the trench you and you so called friends are on barb wire duty  and heh there is some in the middle of no mans land needing some repair.

Lucia: what no fair you are just putting us in because all the rest died    

Officer: well yes that is what I am doing anyway grab your rifles and gather up your mates 

Lucia huffed picking up her rifle and walking down the trench tracking down her friends. in a minuet or so she found them all.

Lucia: ok so we all have barb wire duty sorry

all three of them: uuuuuuuuuuuugggh

Greg: ok lets just do this quick I don't fancy dying  

Bree: yeah same here 

Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now