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Third Person P.O.V

Lucia and Amelia chatted for a bit knowing that It will take Hunter a while to unpack, Lucia felt calm but unnerved having a odd feeling that this is the calm before the storm Lucia just has a feeling that something bad  might happen, Amelia got of from her bed and started to search for something. she looked under her desk, bed and even moved some things from counter tops but with no prevail. 

Amelia: ughh I bet she took it 

Lucia: took what?

Amelia: My youngest sister Amity, she probably taken my book!

Amelia then plops herself on to her bed again sitting up next to Lucia, slightly turning her self in Lucia's general direction.

Amelia: heeeey Lucia 

Lucia: what is it

Amelia: could you pleas go get my book from Amity's room pleasssss

Lucia: and what if I don't?

Amelia: you will get fired 

Lucia: ah good point, what dose it look like? 

Amelia: you will know it when you see it 

Lucia: umm ok be right back

Lucia stood up from Amelia's bed and walked out of the door. She continued down the large hallway passing some maids and butlers that gave her some looks of discus, probably because Lucia was lower class and the rest of the maids and butlers were middle class, Lucia than arrived to Amity's bedroom door.

Lucia reached for the door Handel but then she heard movement and chatting inside the youngest Blight's room and it was obvious that there was more than one person inside. Lucia started to panic a bit  what if it is a intruder or kidnaper! The girl reached into her suite jackets pocket Pulling out her trusty Revolver.

She took deep breaths while pulling back the hammer of her Revolver. her left hand slowly inched closer to the door Handel before grabbing a hold of it and swinging the door open. she raised up her revolver ready to fire it but she than recognised the person who was with Amity.

Lucia: Luz?            


Lucia did what her younger sister asked as she took a step in to Amity's bedroom, fitting her revolver back in to her suite jacket, 

Lucia: anyway Luz how did you get in?

Luz: oh Amity sneaked me in isn't that right Amity 

Amity: y-yeah 

Lucia dose not know why but Amity looked on edge or as Amelia put it "shy" while Luz was the complete opposite she was filled with energy and could probably talk to anyone until they die. Lucia took  a look around Amity's room and well it is the normal rich girl room big bed, chandelier, nice bookcase and a lot more. 

Lucia walked over to Amity's bookcase and started to look through it to see if she can find the book Amelia wanted. she skimmed over some books while Amity and Luz took a step towards Lucia. 

Amity: u-umm w-what are you looking for? 

Lucia: oh umm a book your older sister Amelia wants

Amity: oh is it this? 

Amity pulled out a book from the wide selection and handed it to Lucia. Lucia read the title and it said ' from the battlefield to love' it was on of the gushy war love story's that Lucia dose not know if she want to hate or love. she flipped the book and read the blurb saying ' a Yonge soldier has to deal with the battel of trauma and love' well Lucia felt slightly weirded out about the book and started to question Amelia's reading choices.

Lucia: yeah I think this is the one thanks

Lucia ruffled Amity's hair, like she normally does to Luz, Amity dose not really know how to react to this so she just stands there like a statue. 

Lucia: right I will be making my leave, oh and Luz if you see a opportunity to steal Somthing take it!

luz: umm you are joking right?

Lucia: only partly, have a nice date byyeeee


With that said Lucia shut the door and walked back to Amelia's room. Lucia opened Amelia's bed room door and walked inside finding a sleeping Amelia.

Lucia: aw cute, did I really take that long? 

Lucia placed the book on Amelia's bed side table next to an empty tea cup. Lucia than looked over the sleeping girl having two options one wake her up or watch her sleep like a creep. of course Lucia though it would be best to wake her up. 

Lucia walked over to the Blight and gently shaking her side to side and slowly the girl woke up making some mumbling notices as she did so. 

Lucia: wakey wakey 

Amelia: huugh wha- 

Lucia: I got your weird book

Amelia: it's not weird its art 

Lucia: yeah yeah what ever you say 

Lucia sat down on to a chair that Amelia had in her room while Amelia reached for her book. they both stayed in silence just minding there own business until Amelia felt like to brake the silence. 

Amelia: hey want me to read this to you? 

Lucia: why you want to read me a bed time story hah 

Amelia: oh shut up and get over here! 

Lucia claimed on to Amelia's bed as she started to read the story. page after page the book felt more and more relatable to Lucia.  a soldier coming back to a place that they have almost forgotten seeing there parents and friends once again and struggling with the past but along the way they meet a nice and kind person than helps them and comforts them and eventually they fall in love. eh again not all of it was relatable but Lucia would one day like to settle down with some one. 

A hour pass and the both of them are surprised and happy that they have not seen Hunter yet but that feeling still stayed with Lucia that something bad is going to happen and is dose not help that here sister is here because if anything happens to her she would not know what to do.  

_________________________________________________________________________ hahah it was my birthday on the 18 of February and by the time I publish this it has just wend past midnight so damn I could not publish this on my birthday   


Beta Siblings Lumity AU ( after the trenches edition)Where stories live. Discover now